12-13-2012 PACMPublic Arts Commissions Meeting minutes December 13, 2012 Present: Dan Jochum, Dolph Moon, Mary Christensen, Lena Mowlem, Buzz Burich, Joshua Schroeder Mary thanked Josh and Lena for attending the city council workshop on November 27 2012 to discuss the art walk concept. December 112012 city council meeting: council voted to give $15000 to the Hutchinson Center for the arts annually, starting with a December 2012 donation and $15000 to be given January 15 2013, the next $15000 will be donated in January 2014. In addition, an additional $5000 could be available in 2013 and 2014 as a math to other non -grant fund raising contributions or new memberships in each year, provided supporting documents can be obtained. Art walk concept was also discussed and council voted to grant $22000, half from the capital funds designated for Public Arts Commissions projects and half from the public sites fund. Lena and Josh will work on applying for a grant from SMAHC to pay for artist stipend. Lena will contact Forecast Public Arts for more information about the call for artists, with regard to stipends, jurors for pieces, etc. Develop a calendar to determine when things need to be done. Goal is to install art by May 1, 2013. Issue of marketing: marketing machine needs to fine tuned, we feel everything is moving in the right direction. PAC needs to work on publicity for the art walk, brochures, generate excitement in the community. Josh will research cost of brochure production. Work with photography club to produce pictures, include a map. John Olson, Public works Manager, approached the PAC about placing a piece of art in the baby section of Oakland Cemetery. PAC will invite him to a meeting to get more information and help them through the process. Next meeting: January 10th