10-28-2013 TBMCITY OF HUTCHINSON TREE BOARD Monday, October 28, 2013 5:15 p.m. City Center Meeting Notes Members present: Newton Potter, Laura Poser, Dale Redetzke, Corey Stearns, Steve Cook (Council) Members absent: none Others Present: Mike Bahe, Natural Resource Specialist; John Olson, Public Works Manager; Others: Kirstin Taggart, Green Corps Member Meeting called to order at 5:15 p.m. There was a quorum of members present. 1. Tree Board Meetine Notes Reviewed Tree Board meeting notes of July 29, 2013. No comments on meeting notes. 2. Tree Board Members Newton Potter (to 04/13 *, 2' full -term) Dale Redetzke (to 04/13 *, 2' full -term) Corey Stearns (to 04/14 *, 2' full -term) Laura Poser (to 04/13 *, 2' full -term) Steve Cook (Council representative) Mike Bahe (PRCE representative) John Olson (Public Works representative) QuarterlY Meeting schedules: 10128113, 01127114, 04128114, 07128114. For meeting schedides & interest forms for seri,ing on the Tree Board, see www. ci.hutchinson.nni.us 3. Standine Renorts a) Presentation by Mike Bahe a. Trees removed — 73 (Ash trees = 47 or 64 %) b. Tagged trees remaining — 14 c. Energy Tree Applications — 28 d. Trees planted — 467 i. 228 - DNR Grant ii. 112 - Energy Trees iii. 127 — Other (boulevards, parks, etc.) e. Service calls YTD — 282 b) Bur Oak Blight study update (Iowa State University). 15 trees in the study group (5 control; 5 full dosage of fungicide; 5 '/Z dosage twice 7 days apart). a. Preliminary results indicate a significant difference between treated and untreated trees, but little difference between trees getting a full dose and those getting two ' /Z doses. b. With equipment and chemicals, initial costs were around $750 c. Estimated treatment cost per tree about $100 d. Dam Penke will present to the Tree Board when she is home on winter break. 4. Onerational Issues and Onen Proiects a) Presentation by Kirstin Taggart, Green Corps Member a. Kirstin highlighted the Green Corps program. There are 28 Green Corps members serving local governments, education institutions, and non -profit organizations in MN. Green Corps members serve for I I months. b. Her focus will be on urban forestry. Specifically for Hutchinson, she will be focusing on species diversification and community involvement in forestry by engaging in education/outreach, a diversification project, and using the i -tree software program available from USDA. c. Her outcome goals are to gain an increased knowledge of urban forestry initiatives, increase public awareness of sustainable urban forestry, and to create organized work orders to serve as tools to use in species diversification. b) Airport trees a. Olson briefly identified the project at the airport to remove trees that are obstructing airspace. The property owner has been very good to work with. c) Dormant pruning operations a. Olson reported that this year's pruning goal will be to complete the area between Main St & Adams St (Downtown area). Once that area is done, crews will move to the area between Dale St & Lynn Rd (Rec. Center area). b. PRCE staff will be concentrating on smaller trees this year. This is done to increase pruning counts and to `train' the trees early in life to reduce future maintenance. d) Memorial tree decoration. a. Commissioners reviewed the memorial tree that is located in North Park. Based on historical activity at the tree, there does not seem to be a chance for significant damage to the tree. Provided there is no apparent activity that could damage the tree, the Tree Board agreed that any issues related to the memorial be addressed to the City. 5. Other Discussions/ New Business a) Other items: a. Potential ordinance update i. There were two incidents this year (herbicide damage along Edmonton Ave SE and unauthorized pruning on School Rd NW) that prompted staff to begin considering additional ordinance language to enforce what can/can't be done to boulevard trees by private parties. Staff encouraged Tree Board members to do research to see if they could find good ordinance language examples. Staff will be working on this, too, but any assistance would be greatly appreciated. b. Infrastructure maintenance needs worksheet — Forestry i. Olson will be sending out the infrastructure maintenance needs worksheet relative to Forestry along with the next report. If there are any questions related to the document, they can be forwarded to Olson, or be discussed at an upcoming meeting. NEXT MEETING: Regularly scheduled ineeting: C'ti urged to 12/30/2013 5:15PM W, Council Ch,,unbers