10-28-2013 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes October 28, 2013 Present: Julie Jensen, Warren Schuft, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Rick Reiner, Barb Peterson City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: Bruce Bjerkelund I. The meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. IL Secretary's Report: The September minutes were examined. Harriet made a motion to approve the minutes and Rick seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that we recorded $187.50 in card sales this last last month. Another $17 was brought in through the sale of dish cloths. The button craft was the big winner with a total of $175. The last dance lost $38 with 31 people in attendance. After hosting the Shadows concert last month the Center has raised $6946.56 in dances this year to go over their fundraising goal.. Rick made a motion to accept the report with a second from Barb. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- Julie Jensen reported that the October 8th cranberry tour to Wisconsin went off without any problems. The weather was great and they got to see the operation at a prime harvest time. Julie expressed concern about some participants that may be a little too frail to go on a long tour like this that requires more walking than the average trip. The next event on the menu is a November 12th tour to the American Swedish Institute and is sold out. The Crown College Christmas concert scheduled for December is also filled to the brim. The first trip to be offered in the new year is a January 28th visit to the winter carnival to tour the ice sculptures and visit the Landmark Center. Julie has a February trip lined up to check out the Cooks on Crocus Hill which features cooking skills on display along with a visit to a candy factory. On March 14th a group will head to the Paramount Theater to see an Irish concert in honor of St. Patrick's Day which will include a dinner at the Coyote Moon restaurant. April will probably involve a flower show and May will bring a visit to Hudson, Wisconsin to see a musical biography of the Righteous Brothers. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the next Fellowship dinner will feature homestyle hamburger hotdish. A fishing tackle program was held where they learned to make lures. This will probably be held in the spring again. The board spent some time discussing dances and the low attendance that is plaguing the program. After some discussion Judy made a motion to discontinue the monthly dances and Warren seconded the motion. The motion passed. The Center may look at putting on a dinner dance in the spring as an alternative. Terry Davis talked about Mackinac Island for the Travel at a Glance program. Last month's movie was "Music of the Heart" and got very good reviews. November will feature "The Emperor." A fashion show featuring clothing from Christopher Banks will be held on November 14th. Seniors can learn how to crochet on November 13th. The November fellowship dinner will feature turkey commercials. The next music fundraiser for the Senior Center is scheduled for February and will feature "Sirens of the Sixties." V. Business A. Mall Community Day- The Senior Center had a table at the Hutchinson Mall on Saturday, October 19th and spent the day selling button crafts and promoting various Center activities. B. Other- Rick mentioned that we need to begin checking the terms for our current board members and determine if any will need to be replaced in January. Two current members are on their first term so they can decide before the November meeting whether they would like to remain on the board for another term. VI. Adjournment: Rick made a motion to adjourn at 11:14 am with a second from Warren. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 25th at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary