08-26-2013 SAMSenior Advisory Board Minutes August 26, 2013 Present: Julie Jensen, Warren Schuft, Don Schroeder, Judy Klawitter, Harriet Sturges, Bruce Bjerkelund, Rick Reiner, Barb Peterson City Staff. September Jacobsen, John McRaith Absent: None I. The meeting was called to order at 10:05 a.m. by Don Schroeder, chairperson. IL Secretary's Report: The July minutes were examined. Harriet made a motion to approve the minutes and Bruce seconded the motion. The motion was approved. III. Treasurer's Report: Warren reported that we recorded $205 in card sales this last month. Another $32 was brought in through the sale of dish cloths, while button and coaster crafts delivered $95 in revenue. The last dance lost a few dollars with 29 people in attendance. Rick made a motion to accept the report with a second from Judy. The motion passed. IV. Old Business A. Tours- The August 29th state fair trip is still scheduled for this Thursday even though it will be quite warm. The September 12th trip to the Plymouth Playhouse for another episode of the "Church Basement Ladies" is sold out. The October 8th trip to the Wisconsin cranberry bogs is sold out as is the November 12th tour to the American Swedish Institute. The next trip to be offered will be a December 6th tour to Crown College for their Christmas concert. Julie is in the process of putting together a list of tours for 2014. The board recommended that the registration start time for tours be moved to 10:00 am so that the doors would be open for those waiting in line to register on the first day. B. Update on Programs- September reported that the movie "Parental Guidance" was shown on August 21st and 22nd and was very well received. Next month will feature "The Great Gatsby ". The movie is presented every third Wednesday and Thursday of the month at I :00pm. Kayaking didn't go over so well with only one person in attendance. There were several others who were interested but the timing just did not work out well. The book clubs are sailing along with no problems at this time. The Fellowship Dinner will be provided by Hutch Cafe this month and will feature barbecue riblets. September 3rd will be the first day to purchase tickets for the Shadows concert on September 27th. A potential new club involving sharing recipes is being considered. Travel at a Glance will travel to Guatemala for its next presentation. Some board members recommended that September consider a comedian, Myrtle Nerdstrom, for an upcoming fundraiser for the Center. V. Business A. Mall Community Day- The Senior Center will have a table at the Hutchinson Mall on Saturday, October 19th. The goal is to promote organizations within the City and help citizens to become aware of all that Hutchinson has to offer. B. Other- Don brought up some issues from past board meetings that still may need to be addressed in the future including improving the sound system at the Center. He also reported that a bus will be a possibility for the Jackpot Junction fundraiser if there are at least 15 people who are interested at a cost of $20 each. The board recognized Don for doing a nice job of handling his new duties as chairperson for the Advisory Board. VI. Adjournment: Rick made a motion to adjourn at 11:32 am with a second from Warren. The motion passed. Our next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 23rd at 10:00 a.m. John McRaith, Secretary