10-15-1993 HUCMSpecial Meeting October 15, 1993 Commissioners Cornell, Ward, Beatty and Carls were present; Commissioner Gilmer was absent; also present were Mgr. Kadrmas and Counsel Prochnow. President Cornell called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. Mgr. Kadrmas presented recommendation on bids for Water Treatment System for Unit #1 (bid tabulation attached). After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Ward to award the bid for water treatment system to Coster Engineering in the amount of $243,107.60. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented two amendments to service agreements between Northern Natural Gas Company and Hutchinson Utilities Commission. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Carls to accept and properly execute amendment no. 2 to firm throughput service agreement no. 21279 and amendment no. 2 to firm throughput service agreement no. 21225. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented quotations for Sidestream Filtration System for unit ff1 (quotations attached). After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Carls, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to award the quote for sidestream filtration system to J. C. Patz Company in the amount of $21,227. Motion was unanimously carried. Commissioner Ward updated Commission on labor union negotiations. A meeting was held with State mediator but labor negotiations were not settled. More labor negotation meetings with State mediator will be scheduled. Mgr. Kadrmas presented a proposal for an electrical generator (proposal attached) to replace Hutchinson Utilities' unit #3 generator. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Ward to accept the proposal for material and labor from Farabee Construction, Inc. in the amount of $104,000. Motion was unanimously carried. Counsel Prochnow discussed the Renner case (landlord who filed claim in the amount of $3,200 for water damage to rental property) which was held in District Court on October 8, 1993. The judge ruled that Hutchinson Utilities pay the Renners $1,600. 9/ There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Ward to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 a.m. Motion was unanimously carried. A T T E S T P Q 9-Q- G. P. Cornell, President Theodore Beatty, Secretary ....................................................................................................................................................... ............................... CRC,T - 1 3 -93 W E:D 1 3: 43 ASS O C I AT EDCONSUL P_ 0 1 �ASSOCIATI =D CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC. REQISTEAED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 3131 FERNOMMLANE NORTH MINNEAPOIid, MNNFOOTA SS447 -6323 412!555 -3511 FAX iIMN -5614 October 13, 1993 Hutchinson Municipal Utilities 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attn: Mr, Clarence Kadrmas, Manager Re: Project No. 91522, Hutchinson Dear Mr. Kedrmas: am enclosing the bid tabulation for the water treatment systems for the above project. On the basis of capital costs only, Floeept Inc. is the low bidder on the HRSG (10 GPM) system and Coster Engineering is the low bidder on the TC (40 GPM) system. However, when operating costs are evaluated, Coster Engineering is the low bidder on both systems. The Specifications require award of both systems to a single bidder. I recommend award of both systems to Caster Engineering. Very truly yours, ASSOCIATED CONSULTA TS ENGINEERS, INC. Noel W. Vogen, P.E. NWVIda Fnclosure 1. Operation 24 Hr. /Day 270 Days/Yr. 2. Salt: $.05 /Lb. 3. 15,552 MGal./Yr. 4. Electricity: $.02 /KWH 5. Sewer and Water: $2.90 /MGal. 6. GAC ' BID TABULATION WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM TC 40 GPM PROJECT #91522 HUTCHINSON Coster U.S. Filter Flocent ARpl. Mem Unsoft. SQft eft 19-Qf# Unsoft, S-Q$ Equipment (3 Yr.) $52,909 $56,353 $99,736 $57,360 $78,395 $81,947 Filters 324 324 436 Lease 135 135 Chemical Conditioning -- -- -_ __ -_ _ Sodium Bisulfite 389 343 140 -- (6) 5,138 (6) 5,138 Antiscalant 1,115 467 162 -- 1,463 - Acid 1,513 -- -- -- 15,411 -- Softening -- -_ -_ __ -_ Salt -- 7,371 7,763 -- -- 4,050 Water & Waste -- 5,794 1,122 164 -- 822 Reverse Osmosis -- -- -- Lease -- -- Pump Electricity 1,480 1,480 1,297 1,361 1,515 1,515 Membrane Cost 2,760 2,760 6,296 - -- 4,500 4,500 Membrane Cleaning 3,510 3,510 2,250 -- 10,125 10,125 Flush and Rinse 438 438 4,510 18,972 3,132 3,132 Water & Waste 14,996 8,005 15,034 29,541 19,281 19,281 Demineralizers -- -- -- Lease -- -- Acid 3,294 3,294 722 - -- 1,847 1,847 Caustic 1,760 1,760 435 -- 1,728 1,728 Water & Waste 63 63 7 13 492 492 High Service Pump 5,443 5,443 5,443 4,536 5,443 5,443 Total 89,994 97,405 145,353 111,947 148,605 140,155 Cost/MGal. 5.79 6.26 9.35 7.20 9.56 9.01 Water & Waste, MGal. 5,344 4931 7128 16,790 7,931 8,215 Cost/MGal. Oper. Only 2.39 2.64 2.93 4.52 3.74 Capital Cost 158,727.60 169,058.10 299,209.00 Lease 235,186.00 245,842.00 1. Operation 24 Hr. /Day 270 Days/Yr. 2. Salt: $.05 /Lb. 3. 15,552 MGal./Yr. 4. Electricity: $.02 /KWH 5. Sewer and Water: $2.90 /MGal. 6. GAC 1. Operation 24 Hr. /Day 270 Days/Yr. 2. Salt: $.05 /Lb. 3. 3,888 MGal./Yr. 4. Electricity: $.02 /KWH 5. Sewer and Water: $2.90 /MGaI. 6. GAC BID TABULATION HRSG 10 GPM PROJECT #91522 HUTCHINSON Coster Unsoft, soft U.S. Filter soft Floceot soft APol. Unsoft. Mem soft Equipment (20 Yr.) $4,219 $4,427 $19,930 $2,554 $3,248 $3,571 Filter Replacement 252 252 870 126 68 68 Chemical Conditioning -- -- -- -- -- -- Sodium Bisulfite 119 119 54 108 (6) 931 (6) 931 Anti Scalant 340 116 62 -- 513 -- Acid 267 --- -- -- 5,357 -- Softening -- -- -- -- -- -- Salt -- 1,620 1,516 162 -- 1,620 Water and Waste -- 1,175 254 188 -- 352 Reverse Osmosis -- -- -- -- -- Pump Electricity 480 481 680 680 127 127 Membrane Cost 1,261 1,261 2,099 1,355 1,000 1,000 Membrane Cleaning 2,214 2,214 2,250 600 2,250 2,250 Flush and Rinse 75 75 1,503 7,517 1,253 1,253 Water & Waste 3,721 2,030 3,721 7,554 11,275 11,275 Demineralizers -- -- -- 1,466 -- -- Acid 432 432 162 185 185 Caustic 621 621 92 Exchange 346 346 Water & Waste 20 20 1 44 44 Total 14,021 14,843 33,194 22,310 26,597 23,022 Cost/MGal. 3.61 3.82 8.54 5.74 6.84 5.92 Water & Waste /MGaI. 1,316 1,138 1,889 5,262 4,335 4,474 Cost/MGal. Oper. Only 2.52 2.68 3.41 5.08 6.01 5.00 Capital Cost 84,380.00 88,533.50 198,599.00 51,088.05 64,967.00 71,417.00 1. Operation 24 Hr. /Day 270 Days/Yr. 2. Salt: $.05 /Lb. 3. 3,888 MGal./Yr. 4. Electricity: $.02 /KWH 5. Sewer and Water: $2.90 /MGaI. 6. GAC 1 ......>.. �� ........................................................................................ ............................... O T— 1:2—S:3 T U E 1 _ '4'9 A S S O C I A T E D C O N S U L ASSOCIATED A%M�M� CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 3131 FERNBROOK LANE NORTH MINNEAPOUI$, MINNEBarn Ss"7 5333 021555.6b11 FAX etWs"4614 October 12, 1993 Mr. Clarence Kadrmas, P.E. General Manager Hutchinson Municipal utilities 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Re: GE LM 6000 Gas Turbine ACEI No, 91522 Dear Clarence: ..................... ............................... P _ 0 1 Enclosed Is a copy of a quotation from J.C. Patz Company, for the sidestream filtration system. I recommend you authorize us to purchase the following: One Lakos Separator One Automatic Purge One PADS 30 HP pump $10,634.00 $1,365.00 TOTAL: $21,227.00 The 30 HP pump is more efficient than the 40 HP pump, resulting in the lower HP required, Please advise. Thank you. Very truly yours, ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC. Robert E. Palmquist, P.E. REPIda .................................................................................................................................. ............................... OtCT- 1.2-19:3 TUE 1 2 : SO ASSOC I ATE DCO NSUL P _ 02 QCl ►9 October 7, 1993 Associated Conzultants, Inc. 3131 Fernbeook Lane North Minneapoliu, MN 55447 Attention: Mir, Bob Palmquist Subject: Hutchinson Municipal. Utilities Dear Bob, REPRESENTING }ACSFIO ltlMMN6 OOMPADfY We are pleased to offer for your consideration the following equipment for the cooling tower water filtration system: One (1) Lakos Model LTS-- 1202 -8 Centrifugal Vortex Separator (2700 GPM - 5,6 PSI pressure drop) . . . . . . Net $_10,634.00 One (1) Lakos Model LR- 20 -MBV Auto Purge including motorized valve with controller . . . . . . . . . . . . Net $_ 1,365.00 One (1) PACO Model 29- 8012 -5 Horizontal Split Case Pump - frame mounted with 40 HP, 1750 RPM, high efficiency motor to pump 2700 GPM @ 40' TDH . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net $ 6,064.00 One (1) PACO Model 29- 1012 -9 Horizontal Split Case Pump - frame mounted with 30 HP, 1150 RPM, high efficiency motor to pump 2700 GPM @ 37' TDH . . . . . . . . . . . . . Net $ 9,228.00 Terms: FOB factory, freight allowed, net 30 days. Prices will be valid for 30 days from date of quotat•ivn. Very truly yours, J.C. PATZ COMPANY h Thomas C. Davison TCD /ash SUITE S -176 a 1821 UNI VERSI TY A VENUE, ST. PAUL, MINN. 55104 • (612) 646 -0975 FACSIMILE NUMBER (612) 646 -7606 I , ............................. ............................... ..................................................................................................... ............................... OCT-14-93 T PRECISION -SALES pF s O 1 C a N S U L P_ 0 t m Preclslon Cooling Towers, Inc PI'aCiotl 920 2na Steel Henderson, KY 42420 5021926 -5028 OCTOBER 24, 1993 Pregision Proposal PP -443 -A ASSOCIArrrD CONsuLTANrS ENGINEERS 3131 FruanOOK LANE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55416 Arm MR. Ban PAL.MQuisr DEAR MR. PALMQUIST: PER YOUR REQUEST, WE ARE PROVIDING PRICING FOR THE FOLLOWING EQUIPMENT: 1, LAKOS MODEL LTS- 1202-B CENTRIFUGAL VORTEX SEPARATOR(2700 6PM- 5,6 Pst PRESSURE DROP). PRICE INCLUDING FREIGHT: $9,548.00 UNIT IN STOCK AND CAN SHIP 1-2 MEEKS AFTER APPROVAL. 2. LANOS MODEL LR- 20 -MBV AUTO PURUE, INCLUDING HORIZONTAL VALVE WITH CONTROLLER. PRICE INCLUDING FREIGHT; $1,237.00 UNIT IN STOCK AND CAN SHIP 1 -2 XfCKS AFTER APPROVAL. 3. P,ACO tfomL 29- 1012 -9 NouzomTAL SPLIT CASE PUMP -FRAME MOUNTED wlrH 30 HP, 1150 RPM, NIGH EFFICIENCY PUMP MOTOR, MINIMUM 91x MOTOR EFFICIENCY, 2700 GPM AT 37 FEET TDH. PRICE INCLUDING FREIGHT: $11,955.00 PLEASE ALLOW 9-10 WEEKS FOR SHIPMENT AFTER APPROVAL, PLEASE NOTE: THE ABOVE PUMP UTILIZES AN OPEN, DRIPPROOF MOTOR HOUSING, ADD FOR to TALL Y ENCLOSED FAN COOtEP HOUSING: $565.00 T I tit mvFt. ............... ............................... I . - ....rte.........{ .. .. .............. ............ .... ..................................................................... ............................... . 0cT -14 -93 T �'t�'t,GI IWV+ 7� t qQ'f- g�Tgnc0"sUL ■ AL rERNATE: IN LIEU OF THE PACO PUMP, WE COULD OFFER A CONSrDERABLE SAYINGS WITH THE FOLLOWING PUAP WEINMAN MODEL 1013, 1g'' X 10' X 12" HORIzovTAL SPLIT CASE PUIIPi CAST IRON, BRONZE FITTED WITH MECHANICAL SEAL, 50 HP, 1150 RPM, 46013160 OPEN DRIPPROOF HIGH EFFICIENCY (MIN. 912) MOTOR, ALL MOUNTED ON A STEEL BASE WITH FLEXIBLE COUPLING AND OSHA APPROYED GUARDING DES16NED FOR 2,700 GPM a 37 FEET MR. PRICE rNCLUUING FREIGHt: $9,752,00 PLEASE ALLOW 8-10 WEEK$ FOR SHIPMENT AFTER APPROVAL ADD COR TEFC moron: $583.00 THANK YOU FOR rHC OPPORTUNITY TO QUOTE THIS EQUIPMENT, AND AS ALWAYS IF YOU REQUIRE FURTHER ASSISYANCE, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE rO CONTACT US, SINCERELY, PRFCIVON COOLING TOWSS, INC. �� r'-� il,-% - paj�7Q- Dam M. PATE, SALES MANAGER '. ... ................................................................................................................................................... ............................... OPT,— 1.4-19:3 THU 1 6 =I 8 ASSOC I ATE:DCONSU L P_ 64 ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS $131 FEMBROM UWE NORTH UWAPOLb. 1041141MM SM47 -Sala GTAISW5511 FAX SiVs5v -sm October 13, 1993 Mr, Don M. Pate, Sales Manager Precision Cooling Towers, Ina 920 2nd Street Henderson, KY 42420 Dear Don: Ewe7sl You gave us a quote on a number of different Griswold and Lakos separatprs, in April of this year. The Owner is now ready to make a purchase, on this equipment. Please provide u$ a prig on the following equipment. 1. One Lakos Model LTS- 1202 -B Centrifugal Vortex Separator (2700 GPM - 5.6 psi pressure drop). 2. One Lakos Model LR- 20-MBV Auto Purge, including horizontal valve with controller. 3. One PACO Model 29- 1012 -9 Horizontal Spilt Case Pump - Frame mounted wlth 30 HP, 1150 RPM, high efficiency pump motor, minimum 91% motor efficiency, 2700 GPM at 37 feet TDH. Please allow freight to Hutchinson, Minnesota. No sales taxes need be included. Please list the dellvery time, after receipt of order, The Hutchinson Utilities Commission will be meeting on October 15, to consider your proposal. Therefore, please FAX us your prices by sometime on October 14. Thank you. Very truly yours, ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC. Robert E. Palmquist, P.E. ................................................................................................................................................................ ................I.............. OCT -14 -93 THU 2 0:58 p,e17 2" + i N 161V lJ Hutchinson Utilities commission 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Gentlemen: Farabee Construction, Inc. Box 15$, Hickman, NE 68372 Telephone: 4021192 -2900 Tho undersigned is the owner of an electrical generator at Fake Providence, LA that was furnished for a generating set that Is nearly identical to Hutchinson Utilitles' Unit Number 3. The present generator on Unit 3 Is badly damaged and we propose to replace it with our generator and will perform the following: I. Remove our generator from its present location. 2. Have the shaft out down to match HUG's Unit No. 3. 3. Take generator to electrical shop for cleaning, testing, revamping and painting. 4, Remove RUC's generator. 5. 'lace our generator on the generator foundation & mechanically connect to diesel. (Electrical connections to be provided by HUC). 6. Guarantee material and labor. 7. Unit No. 3's present generator will become FCI's property. We understand award of this contract by HUG will be dependent upon executlon of a perfornlanre contract. and agreement between HUG and FCl to be drafted later. This Contract and Agreement shall be approved by HUG's General Manager. We propose to fumish the above material and labor for the amount of one Hundred Four Thousand Dollars ($104, 000.00 1. Submitted this 14th day of October, 1993, Farabee Construction, Inc. ,0 Title President -