09-25-1989 HUCMI 1 1 93 Regular Meeting September 25, 1989 Commissioners Daggett, Lyke, Cornell and Richards were present; also present were Mgr. Kadrmas and Counsel Prochnow. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The minute of August 28, 1989 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion w s made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Richards t accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. President Daggett appointed Mgr. Kadrmas as acting chairman to conduct the election of officers. Nomination were requested for President. Commissioner Lyke nominated ommissioner Daggett for President, nomination was seconded b Commissioner Richards. There being no further nomination , a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Cornell to close nominations. Motion was unanimous) carried. Commissioner Daggett was duly elected and declared President of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. President Daggett dismissed Mgr. Kadrmas and resumed the chair. Nomination were requested for Vice President. Commissioner Cornell no inated Commissioner Lyke for Vice President, nomination was seconded by Commissioner Richards. There being no further nominations, a motion was made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Cornell to close nominations. Motion was unanimously carried. Commissioner Lyke was duly elected and declared Vice President of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission President aggett appointed Commissioner Cornell to be Secretary f the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. A motion w s made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commission r Lyke to retain Bradford and Prochnow as legal counsel fo the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Motion was unanimousl carried. President Secretary At this ti: aggett appointed Sue Winter to be Recording /Assistant f the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. Commissioner Beatty arrived. -*#9y The August payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the electric payables in the amount of $1,233,063.96 and gas payables in the amount of $425,322.35 (detailed listing in payables book). Motion was unanimously carried. The 1989 year -to -date (thru August) financial and budget reports were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the financial and budget reports. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented his recommendations on bids (bid tabulation attached) for parking lot improvements. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to award the bid for service center parking lot to Mueller & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $54,196. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented his recommendations on bids (bid tabulation attached) for substation conductor. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Richards to award the bid for substation conductor to Petersen - Wisdorf in the amount of $73,505. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented his recommendations on bids (bid tabulation attached) for SCADA system. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to award the bid for SCADA system to ILEX Inc. in the amount of $58,050. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas presented quotations (attached) for hand held meter reading devices. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to purchase two hand held meter reading devices from Radix Corporation in the amount of $9,340 each. Motion was unanimously carried. Ivan Larson was welcomed to the meeting. He discussed the PSI contract for firm transportation and interruptible gas. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to sign the contracts with PSI. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Kadrmas and Ivan Larson discussed gas inspections and leak survey. 1 1 1 1 9' 5-- G Manager's Report: 1. Reported on signed documents since the last Commission meeting. Commissioners Daggett and Lyke executed a gas contract with Northern Natural Gas Company removing Circle Pines and releasing the existing Circle -Hutch contract. Commissioner Daggett signed requisitions for gas pipe from Apollo Piping Supply Inc. for 3M and for carpeting for the office. Requisitions amounts between $5,000- $10,000. 2. Presented quotations for pre -fab insulated building for the 3M substation. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to purchase a pre -fab building from Electrical Jobbers Equipment Inc. in the amount of $14,800. Motion was u animously carried. 3. Recei ed correspondence from the Lions Club asking for a don tion for a Halloween party. It was decided we couldlnot make a donation. 4. Received correspondence from Dick Kirkham of Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association regarding a petition requesting the Public Utilities Commission to hold a hearing on the right to govern cold weather rule to municipalities. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatt , seconded by Commissioner Richards to execute reque t to the Public Utilities Commission to hold a heari g. Motion was unanimously carried. Old Business: Tony Rude of United Power Association will meet with the Commission some time in October. New Business: Commissio # er Cornell discussed late penalty charge versus discount for payment on utility statements. No action taken at this time. There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Cornell to adjourn the meeting at 3:15 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST E. aggett, sident G. P. Cornell, Secretary P� BID TABULATION SERVICE.CENTER PARKING LOT DUININCK BROS., INC PRINSBURG, MN BASE ALT BID #1 UNIT ALT #1 NO. ITEM UNIT QTY QTY PRICE DEDUCT TOTAL 1 Common Excavation (EV) C.Y. 1348 374 $4.00 $1,496 $ 6,888 2 Remove Curb L.F. 42 0 2.00 84 3 Geotextile - Inplace S.Y. 2842 833 1.50 1,249 5,512 4 CL 5 Aggregate Base - Placed (CV) C.Y. 800 100 12.00 1,200 10,800 5 Subgrade Preparation S.Y. 3655 1021 .50 510 2,338 6 B618 Concrete Curb & Gutter L.F. 512 0 7.50 3,840 7 Bituminous t. 2331 Base Course TON 604 168 29.75 4,998 22,967 8 Bitum. Mat 2 31 Binder Course TON 302 84 29.75 2,499 11,483 9 Asphaltic Co c. Surf. Spec 2361 TON 151 42 44.75 1,875 8,636 10 Adjust Frame Casting EACH 1 0 150 11 Manhole EACH 1 0 850 12 10" PVC Drai line L.F. 120 0 16.00 1,920 TOTAL $13,828 $75,519 $75,519.75 TOTAL - 13,828.50 ALT #1 B SE BID $61,691.25 ---- - - - - -- ----------------------------------------------------------- MUELLER & ONS, INC. ' HAMBURG, BASE ALT BID #1 UNIT ALT #1 NO. ITEM UNIT QTY QTY PRICE DEDUCT TOTAL 1 Common Excav tion (EV) L.S. $ $3,000 $10,700 2 Remove Curb L.F. 42 0 3.00 126 3 Geotextile - Inplace S.Y. 2842 833 1.50 1,249 5,512 4 CL 5 Aggregate Base - Placed (CV) C.Y. 800 100 14.95 1,495 13,455 5 Subgrade Preparation S.Y. 3655 1021 .30 306 1,.402 6 B618 Concrete Curb & Gutter L.F. 512 0 9.00 4,608 7 Bituminous Mat. 2331 Base Course TON 604 168 20.00 3,360 15,440 8 Bitum. Mat 2331 Binder Course TON 302 84 20.00 1,680 7,720 9 Asphaltic Co c. Surf. Spec 2361 TON 151 42 27.15 1,140 5,239 10 Adjust Frame Casting EACH 1 0 250 11 Manhole EACH 1 0 525 12 10" PVC Drai line L.F. 120 0 19.00 2,280 TOTAL $12,231 $67,259 $67,259.25 TOTAL - 12,231.10 ALT #1 BASE BID $55,028.15 z 0 H U1 U) H W4 � o u z u o Q U1 H A w E4 z E o H D H O H H H A E-4 A O CC U) cn a4 z a H UI x u H O x W�W L� A z H O t1q GQ Ezz-4 A D H W �j 1- v Q z x �4 v a v 3 0 0 M � O W N N 0 O n 0 ON ri N 0 M U1 O Ul M W 11 b N .,-1 3 1 a v N a) v P4 r-i A � ae a v vo 3 O M U) N 1P 1 H 4 • N M dP U) �r Uti IV O O 0 U :1 aJ U a) H w N b b f'+ 0 r-i A �4 x a v v o 3 0 oo 0 M U1 I H �0 • M M dP U) 0 x M r 1 • O 0 U —4 S4 4.1 U v W b ,1 O N v r~ t~ a 0 0 1 0 O rl I M O O O O 0 x Li U) U1 U1 • O x U 4J U v W u x w a 0 0 1 � O N 1 M dP in x 10 �D C' • N x O u U) 9 Q H c0 O z f4 v ,1 N W Q H O z U) Q) J.i t4 Q) N m A b Q) N N v 4) 3 A ,d v q NAME: ILEX ITEM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION BID TABULATION SCADA SYSTEM Master Station Submast r Hardware Submast r Software RTU #1 RTU #2 RTU #3 Field S vport Warranty) Extension Note: Delivery Item #3 Opened by Witnessed by UNIT TOTAL PRICE QTY PRICE $ 31,158 lot $ 31,158 2,468 lot 2,468 10,760 lot 10,760 8,844 lot 8,844 3,320 lot 3,320 1,500 lot 1,500 $720. /day $58,050 + Travel & Living Expenses At Cost 0.5% of Contract Value per 3 months all items except #3 is 90 to 120 days ARO. ld be sent at a later date to be determined. To: Commissioners From: Clarence Kadrmas Date: September 25, 1989 Subject: Quot�s on Hand Held Meter Reading Devices Quotes have been received from the following companies on hand held metering devices: SYSCON CORPORATION Each VersaTerm (Mod 1 VT3200), including leather carrying case and shoul der strap, external auxiliary power supply, internal memory backup, and the meter reading program $2,550 ChargerLink - odel CM4200 (4 pocket) (including cables and connectors 1,900 RouteManager PC Compatible Software 3,300 Shipping and Insurance N/C TOTAL RADIX CORPORATION Total $5,100 1,900 3,300 N/C $10,300 128KB Memory PASSPORT WO /E /L (4MHZ) Model #52010 $2,200 $4,400 CRADLE with Power Supply Model #45150 400 800 Route Management Supply License Fee Model #1001 4,000 4,000 PC to CRADLE Cable Model #75001 90 90 Freight and Handling 50 50 $9,340. TOTAL