04-25-1988 HUCMDMI Regular Meeting April 25, 1988 All Commissioners were present; also present were Mgr. Hakel, Counsel Peterson and Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson Leader staff writer. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The minutes of March 28, 1988 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Cornell to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The March payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the payables as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. Dave Schmidt of Associated Consultants was welcomed to the meeting. He presented his recommendation on bids (bid tabulation attached) for the installation of underground ducts and precast manholes. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Richards to award the bid for the installation of underground ducts and precast manholes to Lake Area Utility Contracting, Inc. in the amount of $117,000. Motion was unanimously carried. Dave Schmidt discussed immediate improvements to electrical distribution system (letter attached). A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to instruct Associated Consultants to proceed with the detailed engineering for immediate improvements. Motion was unanimously carried. Preliminary design will be submitted to the Commission at a future meeting. Steve Hamborg of Hamborg & Associates and Verne Meyer of Delacore personnel were welcomed to the meeting. Steve Hamborg presented his proposal to perform the search for a general manager. President Daggett signed a letter to Northern Natural ENRON for the purpose of dissolving the Circle -Hutch Utility Board. Bob Weida of Commercial Union was welcomed to the meeting. He discussed changing coverage on Rolls Royce gas turbine generator unit from combined coverage to breakdown coverage. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to add coverage to unit 9 in the additional amount of $6,365. Motion was unanimously carried. A" Aol Wally Hombach presented a change order for refacing the Utility Center. A motion was made by Commissioner Cornell, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the change order in the amount of $2,270 - for additional brick and labor for northwest portion of the Utility Center. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Hakel presented the March financial statements. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the financial statements as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Hakel reviewed the first quarter electric and gas budgets. Manager's Report: 1. Tony Rude of United Power Association will discuss hydro power at the May 31 meeting. 2. Employee handbook will be discussed at next month's meeting. 3. Return envelopes for statements have been ordered. 4. John Kelly of American Public Power Association will send Hutchinson Utilities a report regarding corporate key indicators. Commissioner Lyke expressed a desire to attend a pre- conference seminar on June 24 at American Public Power Association's 1988 national conference in Seattle, Washington. A motion was made by Commissioner Richards, seconded by Commissioner Beatty authorizing Commissioner Lyke to attend the pre- conference seminar. Motion was unanimously carried. Old Business: None New Business: None Discussion continued regarding executive search consultant. No decision was made. The following are March payables: 1 r ADVERTISE*NT FQR'BIDS ." FOR THE IN;9TAI?l,,1� iONiOF ,, UNDERGROIJNi L?tLCTS_E.ND' _ PRECAST MANHOLES*OR,THE , HUTC,HINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION ­CITY,' OF HUTCHINSON,''-MINNESOTA > `PROJECTtN0�8.71'98 -- 46&' Notice is hereby given. that the Hutchin son- Utilities Commission "of'the, ,City of Hutchinson,, Minnesota, h'ereinafterrefer- ,ed to as the Owner;: hereinafter. 'sealed Bids•at,Jhe Hutchinson ;Utilities O.ffices:� vntil'9'06 o "clock AM!,on the •25th "day of April, 1,988, and wilL:,publicly open and read aloud such Bids on the following Im- provement. Installation of Underground .Ducts and Precast-Manholes. . 7fie; Hutchinson` Utilities' Commission' Will acct' on bids received, at their regular ,,meeting, at,:1:.QQ;P.M..on the °same,,iay.pnd,,i plaGe.or at a.,later,'time;and,place;as then; "may be,.flxed . Proposals' shall. lie;properly' endorsed, and delivered in an ,envelope ;•raarked,, !,BIDS -FOR THE INSTALLATION OF UNDERGROUND' DUCT&AND PRECAST,: MANHOLES FOR THE.. HUTCHINSON 'UTILITIES COMMISSION, CITY OF HUT - ,tHINSON•,,WINNESOTA�; PROJECT NO, 87.'1'98, 198$ and.shaW'be addressed t'o:.' ,Hutchinson.; Utilities °:Commission,' 225' Michigan'Sireet, .Hutchinson, Minnesota `55350: All "'Proposals shall be submitted in triplipate'on.the Bidder's own letterhead in facsimile of the Proposal Form en b. ed in the Specifications", or by utilizing the Proposal, form enclosed with. the Specifications by typing the official name of the Bidder at the.top:of.the form.l Each Proposal shall -. be, accompanied by a Bid Bond, niade.pay,.able to the Hut -. chinson Utilities ComhNssion in 'the "' amount of five�per cent;(5 %) of the Bid, as a guarantee .that.the• Bidder, will enter into the proposed Contract and provide a', Performance and Maihtenarice Borid• after fiis' Bid "shall'•h'ave!bieh�ab'oeptedtsffi a ,; No Bidder may .withdraw; his aid.,or,Pro =. posat•for.a Period of. thirty (301) days after. date of opening of Bids.,' At ahe -,afdrementioned, time and, place; or at ' such: later.'time' .,and Place, as the Owner then may :fix, the .Owner, will, act" upon Proposals, received" and .within its . - sple_disoretion -grsj� award.;CiQntrect(s)�ior: -. the furnishing /construction ''of "said" Im -. provement(s). f.. Payment for said Improvements will be made in cash -to be derived,from available cash on hand and /or °'from the` proceeds of the sale of. - yevenue bonds, which, said Ib bl 1 1 d I t - ponds wd a pays a so e. y .an ,on. y .ou of the, future net earnings Of the'municipal electric utility of said City. The „City ,shall not .incur any general obligation for ;said Improvements;. and neither ° the Contract - for- ° said Im- provements -nor said- revenue. bonds shall, constitute a general.obligation of said "City`; or, be,'payabo le in, any manner. by taxation,. and under n circumstances shall'the'Chy, be in any: manner; liable by reason of 'the failure of said net earnings to be sufficient for the payment thereof. The'successful bidder will be required, to furolsh..a bond in an amount equal to 100 %0 of.the contract pricei said bond to ,.be issued 'by a responsible surety,approv- ed by the.Owner, and'shall- guarantee the faithful performance o' the ,contract and the terms and..". iffons therein contain_ ed, and save:; harmless the "Owrier� from claims "and damages ".of,any kind ;caused `by the; operation-'o'f the- contractor "and" ” shall. also guarantee'the maintenance' f the Improvement for a period of one year. from ,and`after`final.:acceptance by the Owner:: °'Work -shall be started within-ten (10) days after award of Contract(s) and shall be completed within the, time stated inthe ,Specifications /Contractor's Proposal. Specifications: and Plans are on file .at the,'Office of Director of.Utilities 225 Michigan Street, Hutchinson, MN '55350, and Associated Consultants lnc., 3131 Fernbrook' Lane, North, Min- neapolis, Minnesota 554.41, where they,,, are.• available for examination. Copies` thereof may be obtained from Associated Consultants Inc., upon receipt of�Fifteen, Dollar s.($15.00) per set (non - refundable) Jo cover handling -'and mailing /shipping charges. The. Hutchinson:' Utilities - Commission reseryes, the right to reject any and all bids. 'By /s /3homas.Lyke Secretary Date: 3/22/88 25, 27, AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION STATE OF MINNESOTA) COUNTY OF MCLEOD)ss. W. L. Kasich, being duly sworn, on oath says he is and during all the times herein stated has been the publisher and printer of the newspaper known as the Hutchinson Leader and has full knowledge of the facts herein stated as follows: (1) Said newspaper is printed in the English language in newspaper format and in column and sheet form equivalent in printed space to at least 1,200 square inches; (2) Said newspaper is a semi-weekly and is distributed at least twice each week; (3) Said newspaper has 25% of its news columns devoted to news of local interest to the community which it pur- ports to serve and does not wholely duplicate any other publication and is not made up entirely of patents, plate matter and advertisements; (4) Said newspaper is circulated in and near the municipality which it purports to serve, has at least 500 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers, has an average of at least 75% of its total circulation currently paid or no more than three months in arrears and has entry as second class matter in its local post office. (5) Said newspaper purports to serve the City of Hutchinson in the County of McLeod and it has its known office of issue in the City of Hut- chinson in said county, established and opened during its regular business hours for the gathering of news, sale of adver- tisements and sale of subscriptions and maintained by managing officer of said newspaper or persons in its employ and subject to his direction and control during all such regular business hours and devoted exclusively during such business hours to the business of the newspaper and business related thereto. (6) Said newspaper files a copy of each issue im- mediately with the State Historical Society. (7) Said newspaper is made available at single or subscription prices to any person, corporation, partnership or other unincorporated association requesting a newspaper and making the applicable payment. (8) Said newspaper has complied with all the foregoing conditions for at least one year preceding the day or dates of publication mentioned before. (9) Said newspaper has filed with the Secretary of State of- Minnesota prior to Januaary 1, 1966, and each January 1 thereafter an affidavit in the form prescribed by the Secretary of State and signed by the managing officer of said newspaper and sworn to before a notary public stating that the newspaper is a legal newspaper. Advertisement for Bids He further states on oath that the printed hereto attached as a part hereof was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language once each week, for two successive weeks, that it was first so published on Tuesday the 29 day of March 19 $ $ , and was thereafter printed and published on every Tue Sday to and including the 5 day otAAril 19 $ $ , and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z both inclusive and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to wit: Subscribed and sworn to before me this �" day of LN OUISEJESSEN (Not or ..,1a Y PUBLIC - MWNE50TA &EOD COUNTY obsion 6xns,Im 0. 104 MW 19 V r� 1 c,nrnm IV °- m a B £ P .i cwt r• r ���---yyy > Fj H (D ri) cct " n :x 0-+ = BC D r• 4 l o rt z J. 0) .:. 'S (t a ti N c+ = N C+ O O C `Sa H n a' X rA n O -� O� S p • -. D J. CJ o z a a (N D -O m a n a N v, rr r z rt r Cf O Y Fj rt z 0 CD 'S 1== rt C) i pop c+ O Oo N - LQ � H H N (D J. . ` K n S =3 H n I-�T�+ / Y c. y CD Ct c+ (D N C] r• n Z J. =(D O LQ O O -h (D N r- 0 a (D Od to Gtl cn dtl cn cn (D (D �i C C7 N C P- w a o\o ¢ o\o Fl r• 0\0 n CC1 o qd U7 Cd �+. �J•N `:1 O J p Q ^ (A C Q D n 2 C: O -1' -ca VI c+ C+ Z .'C n O 0 Cl 00 ~ ko p N J N N m Z 1-4 cn o o o Gi d r+ co V - . r 0 —I O Z "'I N o O 0 p o CZ) J. J. Z Y 1+ � O d CO Y O t7D 0 0 0 0 N-3 OD -rn� c+= O C.'" OD ) OZ 3 Q' O D C � 0-5 roc V) a m a v '♦ 1-- O a a r. C o < m o -5 C+ - = (D N Y C3 A 300 m m (D Zrc o, a a A C fZ 'V 2 e+ ¢ ¢ O in m m 7o c rt m a a a tw J, 3 CD ~ ~ D N Y �y • iA- SOCIATEO C NBULTANTS E GINEEAS, , INC. REGISTERED PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERS 3131 FERNB OOK LANE NORTH MINNEAPOLIS MINNESOTA 55441 612/559-5511 Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson 225 Michigan Street Hutchinson, MN 55350 Attn: Ruth Hakel Ladies & GeInt1emen: April 12, 1988 Sbj: Proposed Improvements to Electrical Distribution System for 1988 and 1989 During your meeting on March 28th we were asked for our recommendations for improvements in 1988. We would like you to refer to our "Report on the Hutchinson Electrical Utility's facilities" Project No. 87151. At the time that we presented this report, we recommended 'Immediate Improvements' and 'Future Improvements'. The commission authorized the immediate improvements. These are p ogressinq and should be accomplished by this summer. We ar recommending, at this time, the more urgent future improvements which are n w recommended immediate improvements. Hutchi son's electrical loads have grown faster than our projection tables, in the report, indicated. The 1987 peak was 42.3 MVA and our report's tables, whi h were projected, based on two past growth rates of 1 % /yr. for 3- M and 3 % /Yr for the rest of the city. The total growth rate for the city last year was 9.6% over 1986. The total installed capacity of Interconnections transformer is 45.4 MVA. Our report expected the City's demand to reach this figure in he summer of 1992. If the loads continue to grow as they did in 1987, the ity will reach a demand exceeding the installed interconnection capacity th summer of 1988 or 1989. We the efore recommend a new larger interconnection transformer and a new circuit breaker rated at 2000A be purchased and installed immediately. A new C.B. is required because the existing one is rated at 1200A and the largest transformer that can be connected to it is 28.7 MVA and that would not give any capacity to grow. A 2000A circuit breaker will allow a 48 MVA transformer so a base rated transformer of 25 MVA up gradeable to 46.66 MVA can be utilized. Estimated cost of transformer and circuit breakers $500,000 to $550,000. A trun line should be installed between P1 1 and P1 2, utilizing over- hears constr ction so one plant bus can back up the other plant bus. Estimated cost of line $125,000 to $175,000 Estima ed cost of new interplant tie circus braker at plant #2 $40,000to $50,000 We hope this gives you the information for budgeting future projects. Let us kno if you need more information. DPS /da r Yours truly, ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC. David P. imidt, P.E. This should be built while the city waits for the delivery of the transforme and switchgear, so it can back up the bus at Pl. 1 when the transforme Plann is changed out and the C.B. is installed. ng and Engineering for a third interconnection substation for utilizatio of the existing 20 MVA interconnection transformer, when it is available, should begin immediately because there is a long delay to obtain easements, for a 69 KV line and property for a substation. This substation might not a operational for 5 to 10 ,years. Study 'and engineering costs, including surveys for easements, hearings for lines if outside of the city limits, etc. will cost from $50,000 to $100,000 over a three or four year period. We hope this gives you the information for budgeting future projects. Let us kno if you need more information. DPS /da r Yours truly, ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS ENGINEERS, INC. David P. imidt, P.E. 1 1 Sue AzurE Gary Lehr Daniel Fc Scott & I American U.S. Post Charles Security - Citizens PERA Firstate Citizens First Nat Lincoln I Continent Woodmen I ICMA Ret.j Putnam FL Hutchins( American American Barry L. Citizens Colonial Four Sea; Natural ( Richard I PERA PERA Commiss i( Citizens First Nat Firstate Citizens Northern UPS Putnam FL ICMA Retj IBM Corp. Pettv Cac City of E UPA Citizens C NA MN Benefj quill Co.1 Allen Ofi American Amer. We- Commissi( MARCH PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Koff lsom arla Smith Family Life al Service Kroeger Connecticut Life Bank & Trust Co. Federal Savings Bank & Trust Co. ional Bank at.ional Corp. al Assurance Co. ccident & Life rement Corp. nd Dist. n Utilities Business Forms Payment Centers Anderson Bank & Trust Co. Life & Accident ons Services as Division eterson ner of Revenue Bank & Trust Co. ional Bank Federal Savings Bank & Trust Co. States Supply Dist. ent Corp. tchinson Bank & Trust Co. t Assn. ice Products Linen Supply iding Supplies ner of Revenue Meter deposit & interest Meter deposit & interest Meter deposit & interest Refund - overpayment final bill Employee insurance withheld Stamps Medical insurance expense Life insurance Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp. PERA withheld & exp. Payroll deposit plan Payyoll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Employee insurance withheld Life insurance Medical insurance Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee utility bills withheld Office supplies Rent Newspaper subscription Deposit to Bond & Int Pay't Acct Employee insurance withheld Cup inserts Due to Natural Gas Division Accounts Receivable Legal retainer Employee insurance withheld PERA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Supplies Freight charges Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld. Maint. agreement Postage Contribution ITA Agreement FICA expense Life insurance Employee insurance withheld Office supplies Office supplies Laundry Plant supplies, supplies Sales tax 3 59.55 34.10 19.06 75.00 106.30 110.00 230.00 149.25 9,222.37 3,912.30 7,153.72 6,949.39 674.20 26.00 32.50 5,183.28 1,217.00 25.00 340.00 1,042.56 66.00 30.40 50,559.38 156..10 47.80 633,079.02 400.00 18.00 3,713.28 4,586.86 8,921.51 '720.45 7,373.50 6,987.92 27.21 41.09 25.00 906.00 315.50 875.50 75,000.00 8,431.76 159.24 173.86 10.00 248.22 40.15 57.31 258.03 18,282.37 MARCH - ELECTRIC (cont) County Market Cookies, coffee 212.58 Culligan Water Cond. Plant supplies 12.60 Ed Davis Business Machines Office supplies 191.65 The Drawing Board Office supplies 111.52 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 61.50 Family Rexall Drug Office supplies 5.07 Farm & Home Dist. Supplies, power operated equip maint 201.52 Fitzloff Hardware Supplies 3.95 Forbes Auto Store Truck & power operated equip maint 98.69 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Plant supplies 206.60 Hutchinson Co -op Supplies 5.00 Hutchinson Leader Adv - bids, help wanted, financial 573.14 statement Hutchinson Utilities Employee fund withheld 120.00 Hutchinson Utilities Plant & utility center usage 3,751.19 Hutchinson Wholesale Plant supplies, power operated equip 348.14 maint, .bldg maint, tools IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 505.30 Junker Sanitation Refuse service 84.40 Kemske Paper Co. Office supplies 19.95 Lakes Gas Co. Gas, plant supplies 93.14 Lystads, Inc. Plant supplies 33.00 Marco Business Products Office supplies 31.95 Simonson Lumber Supplies, meter maint. 80.39 Dale Sturges Snow plowing 60.00 Welders Supply Plant supplies 14.26 Wigen Chevrolet Truck maint 815.85 Cash Wise Rolls 64.80 Coast to Coast Plant supplies, supplies, meter maint 36.75 H & C Electric Supply Mdse. 18.78 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Plant supplies 44.90 Ink Spots, Inc. Office supplies 77.90 Leef Bros., Inc. Laundry 31.52 Plaza Hardware Plant supplies, supplies, meter maint 140.05 UPS Freight charges 29.69 UPA Purchased Power 404,442.09 Darren Anderson Meter deposit & interest 159.75 Harry Blake 8.98 Danny Dineen 21.30 Kevin Hemann 106.00 Michael Newcomb 106.00 Dan Olinger 112.50 Mark Rossow 106.00 Petty Cash 729.04 Hutchinson Utilities Due to Natural Gas Division 1,729.99 March Labor AMEX Life Assurance Employee insurance withheld 72.08 General Trading Co. Tools 47.96 Ca.rquest Auto Parts Supplies, truck exp, transformer 118.01 maint. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Telephone 1,495.73 L 1 i MARCH - ELECTRIC (cont) Petty Ca Medical Ilnsurance Schmelin Oil Co. League of MN Cities WESCO Central Contractors Supply MN Environment quality Bd Nathan S utka Seattle .I.P. Services Redman Travel John Henry Foster Flo -Cove y Systems, Inc. Anderson Chemical Co. Border States Electric E.J. Brooks Co. The Satt rlee Co. H & C Electric Lakeland Engineering Equip Omega En ineering, Inc. Barco Bearing Co. Northlan Electric Supply Graybar Electric Co. Myron Wi en Chevrolet Co. Scientific Columbus Graybar Electric Co. Motor Ve icle Dept. Northlan Electric Supply Warner Industrial Supply Barco Bearing Co. Sterling Electric Co. Graybar Electric Co. MMUA MN Electric Supply Co. Arrow Star Associated Consultants Charles Bailly & Co. Best Locking Systems Borchert Ingersoll Border States Electric Burmeister Electric Central Contractors Supply Connie's Custom Paint Electronic Center, Inc. Elliott Company Gopher Oil Co. Industrial Engineer & Equip L & P Supply a -s Office supplies, tools, gas, meeting 236.09 expense Expense 1,186.48 Gasoline inv. Office supplies Meter inv., plant supplies Tools Assessment - Power Plant Siting MMUA - Meter school expense Meeting exp - APPA Conference Meeting exp - APPA Conference Plant Supplies Water treatment expense Chemical inv Dist. inv. Meter expense Tools Plant supplies, mdse, supplies Accessory plant equip maint Dist. inv. Truck Meters 13.8 KV loop line Excise tax Bldg maint, accessory plant equip maint. Office supplies Mdse. Plant supplies, mdse 13.8 KV loop line Workshop Dist inv, mdse, tools, supplies Cabinet - safety 13.8 KV loop - engineering Audit Bldg. maint. Power operated equipment Supplies, 13.8 KV loop, trans inv Meter inv. Tools Power operated equipment maint. Accessory plant equip maint Tools Transformer maint. Engine maint #9 Equipment maint 6,582.32 80.00 3,288.54 179.95 554.40 430.43 70.00 1,072.00 19.89 2,191.88 592.20 13,968.64 346.81 89.02 1,272.36 60.66 57.90 9.55 136.13 1,852.20 12,998.21 6,173.48 735.00 779.90 40.18 71.35 27.50 239.91 41,580.76 75.00 832..31 534.69 8,000.00 5,100.00 148.89 3,880.00 8,779.84 989.70 409.00 55.00 94.53 43.00 144.80 1,094.00 78.47 A- TZ-Lu MARCH - ELECTRIC (cont) MMUA MN Pollution Control Agency Petersen - Wisdorf Vulcan Binder & Cover WESCO L. Wilson Power Corp. Zahl Equipment Co. Border States Electric Electric Motor Co. Joan Limvere National Electric, Inc. Road Machinery & Supplies Rutz Plumbing & Heating Star Tribune Raymark Office Products Ditch Witch of MN Apollo Piping Supply Reflections Arch. Studio Fronteer Directory Co. Crow River Glass Co. Safety instructions Annual fee Dist inv, URD maint Office supplies Dist inv, supplies Transformer maint. Supplies 13.8 KV loop Bldg maint, acc. plant equip maint Consulting fee Transformer maint. Truck maint Bldg maint Ad - lineman Office supplies Power operated equip maint Acc, plant equip maint Consulting fees Advertising Bldg maint, truck maint MARCH PAYABLES - GAS American Family Life Citizens Bank & Trust Co. PERA Hutchinson Utilities ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist. Hutch Utilities Colonial Life & Accident Firstate Federal Savings PERA CNA Hutch Utilities PERA Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Crop. ENRON Gas Marketing First National Bank Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Utilities Circle Hutch Utility ENRON Gas Marketing Hutch Util - Emp Fund Hutch Utilities IBEW Local 949 Medical Insurance Employee insurance withheld. Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp PERA withheld & expense Payroll deposit plan Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee utility bills withheld Employee insurance withheld Deposit to C/D account Employee insurance withheld Life insurance Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp wihtheld Purchased gas Deposit to savings account Due to Municipal Electric Plant March labor Due to Municipal Electric Plant March expenses Purchased gas Purchased gas Employee fund withheld Usage peak shaving plant Union dues withheld 390.00 1,040.00 537.60 355.61 2,397.97 92.45 424.47 276.00 467.00 1,154.40 30.00 80.29 1,300.00 78.24 77.97 198.70 243.65 150.00 131.10 251.26 22.10 1,956.07 833.33 3,670.19 100.00 250.00 415.00 36.50 500.00 9.00 51.14 3,748.79 807.34 957.00 1,849.83 250.00 100.00 18,135.00 100,000.00 1,605.43 19,045.13 7.76,467.94 95,977.20 24.00 215.69 131.50 309.51 1 1 1 C 1 Tapecoat Company American Gas Assn. Apollo Piping Supply Plexco - Fairfield North Star Gas Products Wigen Chevrolet Co. Motor Vehicle Dept. MN Electric Supply North Star Gas Products Heath Co sultants Central Contractors Supply Charles Eailly & Co. American Meter Co. R. G. Re d & Co. Quade El ctric Twin Cit Testing MARCH - GAS (cont) Mains & services 1,422.78 Supplies 21.54 Fittings inv., supplies 816.55 Fittings inv. 901.63 Fittings iriv., supplies 189.64 New truck 10,987.34 Excise tax & license 684.99 Fittings inv., services 760.68 Supplies 97.90 Supplies 246.30 Supplies 26.50 Audit 3,250.00 Meter inv. 3,263.50 Supplies 41.14 Power operated equipment maint 13.18 Weld test 430.50 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. ATTEST E. Daggett, Pr ent