12-21-1987 HUCM1�/5 Regular Meeting December 21, 1987 Commissioner Daggett and Commissioner Lyke were present; also present were Mgr. Hakel, Counsel Peterson, Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson Leader staff writer, Lon Roach from KDUZ and Sue Winter. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The minutes of November 30, 1987 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The November payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Daggett to accept the payables as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. At this time Commissioner Beatty arrived. Dave Schmidt of Associated Consultants and "Butch" Wentworth submitted a material list for the distribution extension. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to prepare for bid letting for material for two 13.8 feeder lines. Motion was unanimously carried. "Butch" Wentworth presented specifications for a small bucket truck. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to advertise for bids for a small bucket truck. Motion was unanimously carried. Tony Rude of United Power Association and Ivan Larson discussed hydro power (Manitoba project). A target date of 1998 has been tentatively set to be on line. Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association 1987 Service Territory Task Force Assessment was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to vote against resolution due to conflict of interest on part of United Power Association. Motion was unanimously carried. (Copy attached) Mgr. Hakel presented specifications for intermediate truck for the natural gas division. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to advertise for bids for a 4 -wheel intermediate pickup. Motion was unanimously carried. Specifications for refacing the Utility Center were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to amend the specifications to delete cashiers check and allow only bid bond. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to advertise for bids with amended specifications. Motion was unanimously carried. Advertisements for Bids will be printed in the January 5, 1988 and January 12, 1988 publications of the Hutchinson Leader. Mgr. Hakel presented the November financial statements. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the financial statements as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. Reviewing master agreement for Manitoba project was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing staff to obtain legal and engineering services needed to review the documents. Motion was unanimously carried. Establishing a catastrophic restricted account was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to establish a catastrophic restricted account in the amount of $300,000. Moton was unanimously carried. Future expansion and development account was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to transfer available funds to future expansion and development account. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager's Report: 1. In regard to Contract for Deed, title question is still pending. Monthly payment was made. 2. Presented a list of uncollectible accounts. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke authorizing management to charge -off electric in the amount of $292.27 and gas in the amount of $244.86, totaling $537.13, detailed listing on pages 1381E and 608G of the December general journal. Motion was unanimously carried. 3. Presented the following smoke free policy. Hutchinson Utilities Smoke Free Plan Due to the fact that smoking is hazardous to your health, the Hutchinson Utilities is implementing a smoke free plan for the health of our employees. 1'� 7 Effective April 1, 1988, smoking will be allowed by employees, customers or visitors only in the following areas: Lunchrooms at Utilities Center and Plant Shop areas at Utilities Center and Plant Company vehicles Effective January 1, 1989, smoking will be allowed by employees, customers or visitors only in the following areas: Lunchrooms at Utilities Center and Plant Effective September 1, 1989, Hutchinson Utilities will be smoke free. Smoking will be prohibited on all property and job sites of Hutchinson Utilities. For those employees who wish to stop smoking, help is available. Reading material can be found in the Utilities library or contact you doctor. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adopt the above policy. Motion was unanimously carried. 4. In regard to writing a policy stating persons who want to be notified about Commission meetings, the Minnesota statutes state anyone who wants to be notified should make a written request annually. Old Business: None New Business: Having an organizational meeting after two new Commissioners are appointed wag discussed. A special meeting to be held on January 4, 1988 at 7:00 a.m. was scheduled. President Daggett was approached about having Hutch Utilities contribute a boom truck and driver for a week or longer to help build an ice palace in Hutchinson. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to deny request to contribute boom truck and driver. Motion was unanimously carried. The following are November payables: e7i- IPV LmaL municipal P.O. Box 459, 401 East Hwy. 55, utilities association Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 Phone: 612/682 -4104 December 15, 1987 M E M O R A N D U M TO: MMUA General Membership FROM: Dick Kirkham, Executive Director SUBJECT: 1987 Service Territory Task Force Assessment Subsequent to the City of Olivia vs. Renville - Sibley Rural Electric Cooperative service territory intervention, which the Association intervened in before the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), the City of Buffalo and other municipals, find their efforts to acquire service territory from cooperatives operating within municipal city limits again being challenged. In these cases the power suppliers of the distribution cooperatives, the Gener- ation and Transmission Cooperatives (G &T), have made claims for damages due to the lost load and have filed with the PUC for status to pursue those claims. Despite efforts to negotiate those claims for G &T damages, the cooperatives have refused to negotiate at levels that would economically permit the acquisi- tions to go forward as provided by the intent of Minnesota statutes. The MMUA Service Territory Task Force and the Board of Directors are recommend- ing that the Association support legal proceedings to clarify the status and standing of the G &T before the PUC, and the G &T entitlement to damages. The Association has invested approximately $135,000 in this issue over the past 5 years. This investment by the municipals has preserved and enhanced the posi- tion of the municipal utilities under current state law and makes it possible to acquire customers, either previously existing or new customers, within the city service territory from the distribution cooperative at a reasonable and just cost to both the cooperative and the municipal. The cooperatives have taken the position that the municipals should not be entitled to acquire those customers at any price or under any circumstance not approved by the cooperative board of directors. The G &T damages issue is simply another method that the cooperatives are using to forestall municipal acquisition of service territory. Reading of the WHEREAS clauses of the tvo resolutions will fully explain the project. Enclosed you will find the assessment list which indicates the approximate amounts that would be assessed assuming member approval. This assessment will raise the 30,000_ that would be authorized by a positive vote by the membership. It was initially estimated, when this issue was first discussed and authorized at the 1984 annual meeting of the Association, that it could cost as much as $300,000 to see this matter through to completion. AS THE ASSESSMENT AUTHORIZED WILL BE A MANDATORY ASSESSMENT, IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ALL MEMBERS VOTE ON THIS MATTER. IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS PLEASE CALL THE MMUA OFFICE OR A MEMBER OF THE 'TASK FORCE OR BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND EVERY EFFORT WILL BE MADE TO PROVLDE THE INFORMATION REQUIRED TO MAKE AN INFORMED VOTE. Affiliated with American Public Power Association and American Public Gas Association RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION A NON - PROFIT CORPORATION ORGANIZED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 317 OF MINNESOTA STATUTES (the "Association ") WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the Association has determined that it is in the best interests of the Association, of the municipal utilities which are its regular members (the "Members ") and of the customers and residents of the Members to assist in certain legal proceedings related to the Members' acquisition of electric utility service territory located within the corporate limits of the Members; and WHEREAS, the City of Buffalo ( "City "), a Member of the Association, has initiated proceedings at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (the "PUC Proceedings ") to determine its rights and obligations under Minnesota law to initiate service to a portion of the City's incorporated area currently located in the service territory of Wright- Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association ( "Wright- Hennepin ") and to determine the appropriate standards for determining the value of the territory to be acquired by the City and the price to be paid to Wright- Hennepin for said acquisition; and WHEREAS, United Power Association, a generating and trans- mission cooperative supplying wholesale power and energy to Wright- Hennepin ( "UPA "), has made demands for compensation arising from City's proposed acquisition from Wright- Hennepin and City has denied that UPA has any basis for its claim, seeking a confirmation of City's position by an action for declaratory judgement pending in the District Court, Tenth Judicial District of Minnesota ( "UPA Court Proceedings "); and WHEREAS, the UPA Court Proceedings present a case of first impression and the outcome of the UPA Court Proceedings will affect the Members in future proceedings involving their acqui- sition of electric utility service territory pursuant to the exercise of their rights of acquisition provided for in Minnesota Statutes, §§ 216B.37 through 216B.47 and therefore the support of the Association and its Members in the UPA Court Proceedings is critical to the preservation and protection of the Members' statutory rights; and WHEREAS, the participation of the Association in the UPA Court Proceedings will require a special assessment of the Members to pay for the costs and expenses thereof and, pursuant to the ByLaws of the Association, the levy of a special assess- ment requires the approval of two - thirds of the Members voting upon said issue; and WHEREAS, the pendency of the UPA Court Proceedings requires a prompt determination of the Members which can most economi- cally and efficiently be obtained by the utilization of a mail ballot of the Members; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the ByLaws of the Association, Article II, Section 3 and Article VIII, Section 2 and Minnesota Statutes §§ 317.021 Subd. 6 and 317.22, Subd. 7: BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board does recommend to the Members their support and affirmative vote on the ballot hereinafter set forth in these resolutions; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers and staff of the Association are hereby autho- rized and directed to mail the written ballot attached hereto as Exhibit A (the "Ballot ") to each of the Members not later than December 28, 1987 and advise each of the Members that their Ballots must be received in the offices of the Association by not later than February 91 1988; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if (a) not less than twenty (20 %) percent of all Members' Ballots are received in the offices of the Association by February 9, 1988, and (b) if not less than two - thirds (2/3) of the Members voting, vote in favor of the resolution set forth in the Ballot, then the resolution shall be deemed approved and shall be effec- tive in the same manner as if such vote had been taken at a regular or special meeting of the Members held on February 9, 1988. RESOLUTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION, A NON- PROFIT CORPORATION ORGANIZED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 317 OF MINNESOTA STATUTES (the "Association ") WHEREAS, the Association has determined that it is in the best interest of the Association, of the municipal utilities which are its regular members (the "Members ") and the customers and residents of the Members to assist in certain legal proceed- ings related to the Members' acquisition of electric utility service territory located within the corporate limits of the Members; and WHEREAS, the City of Buffalo ( "City "), a Member of the Association, has initiated proceedings at the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (the "PUC Proceedings ") to determine its rights and obligations under Minnesota law to initiate service to a portion of the City's incorporated area currently located in the service territory of Wright- Hennepin Cooperative Electric Association ( "Wright- Hennepin ") and to determine the appropriate standards for determining the value of the territory to be acquired by the City and the price to be paid to Wright- Hennepin for said acquisition; and WHEREAS, United Power Association, a generating and trans- mission cooperative supplying wholesale power and energy to Wright- Hennepin ( "UPA "), has made demands for compensation arising from City's proposed acquisition from Wright- Hennepin and City has denied that UPA has any basis for its claim, seek- ing a confirmation of City's position by an action for declara- tory judgement pending in the District Court, Tenth Judicial District of Minnesota ( "UPA Court Proceedings "); and WHEREAS, Other Members are currently or likely to be in a position similar to City with respect to service territory issues and potential claims similar to those to be determined in the UPA Court Proceedings; and WHEREAS, the UPA Court Proceedings present a case of first impression and the outcome of the UPA Court Proceedings will affect the Members in future proceedings involving their acqui- sition of electric utility service territory pursuant to the exercise of their rights of acquisition provided for in Minnesota Statutes §§ 216B.37 through 216B.47 and therefore the support of the Association and its Members in the PUC Proceed- ings is critical to the preservation and protection of the Members' statutory rights; and WHEREAS, the support of the Association in the UPA Court Proceedings will require a special assessment of the Members to pay for costs and expenses thereof and, pursuant to the ByLaws CJ of the Association, the levy of a special assessment requires the approval of two - thirds of the Members voting upon said issue; NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the ByLaws of the Association, Article II, Section 3 and Article VIII, Section 2 and Minnesota Statutes §§ 317.02, Subd. 6 and 317.22, Subd. 7: BE IT RESOLVED, that the officers and staff of the Association be and hereby are author- ized and directed to actively support the City in the UPA Court Proceedings, including but not limited to providing direct finan- cial support to the City solely with respect to the UPA Court Proceedings and to the extent deemed desirable or necessary, to seek to intervene as a party in the UPA Court Proceedings, the preparation and submission of written and oral testimony and legal briefs, the attendance upon and participation in hearings and in the appeals of determinations and orders made and entered by the Court in the name of the Association in its own right or jointly with, on behalf of or in support of other Members of the Association, including the City of Buffalo; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers and staff of the Association be and hereby are authorized and directed to engage such legal, engineering and financial consultants as they may determine necessary and appro- priate to assist the Association in its participation in the UPA Court Proceedings; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the costs and expenses of the Association to be incurred in its participation in the UPA Court Proceedings shall not exceed the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00); BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said costs and expenses in the sum of thirty thousand dollars ($30,000.00) shall be paid by the Association from a special assessment of the Members, allocated to each Member, prorata, based upon the kilowatt hours sold at retail in 1986 but in no case to exceed the sum of two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) nor less -2- than the sum of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for any one Member, to be paid by each Member not later than thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Resolution; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that no portion of the funds raised by this special assessment shall be utilized for the PUC Proceedings, except only, if and to the extent that the legal issues involved in the UPA Court Proceedings are submitted to the PUC for consideration and determination; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Association shall enter into an agreement with the City providing for (1) a refund of Association payments in support of the UPA Court Proceedings if the City voluntarily with- draws from litigation before a decision of the Court is entered and (2) the opportunity of the Association to be fully informed of and participate in all substantial and mate- rial developments and decisions which arise in the course of the conduct of the UPA Court Proceedings; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the actions of the Association in furtherance of its sup- port in the UPA Court Proceedings shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Executive Committee of the Association; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be effective on February 9, 1988. -3- M A I L B A L L O T MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION TO BE COUNTED, THIS BALLOT MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE MMUA OFFICE BY FEBRUARY 9, 1988. To: Richard G. Kirkham, Executive Director Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association P.O. Box 459 401 East Highway 55 Buffalo, MN 55313 I am the authorized representative of the Member city of the Association noted below. On behalf of said Member, I do hereby vote on the attached Resolution set out in full: FOR, the Resolution X_ AGAINST, the Resolution Name of Member City: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Name of Representative: Eugene "Bud" Daggett Title of Representative: President Signature of Representative: ' December 22, 1987 Date: (RETURN TO THE MMUA OFFICE BEFORE FEBRUARY 9, 1988 IN THE SELF— ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE PROVIDED.) NOVEMBER PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Woodmen Accident & Life Charles Kroeger Continental Assurance Co. U.S. Postal Service Michael DeLong Darrell Hansen Lydell Dessonville John Griffiths Sue Carlblom Kathy Rosenau Ann VanDiest Ron Boogaard Robin Fickel Citizens Bank & Trust Firstate Federal Savings First National Bank Citizens Bank & Trust PERA Petty Cash ICMA Retirement Corp. Putnam Fund Dist. Hutch Utilities Marco Business Products IBM Corp. Hutch Utilities American Family Life Citizens Bank & Trust Colonial Life & Accident IBM Corp. Natural Gas Division Richard Peterson Petty Cash PERA U.S. Postal Service Four Seasons Services MN Benefit Asso. CNA Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. John Messner UPS Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Commissioner of Revenue PERA Firstate Federal Savings Citizens Bank & Trust Co. First National Bank American Linen Supply American Welding Supplies Medical insurance Medical insurance Life insurance Office supplies Refund - overpayment final bill Refund - overpayment final bill Meter deposit & i terest Payroll deposit p an Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp. PERA withheld & expense Postage Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Due to Natural Gas Division interest on C/D Office supplies Maint. charges Employee utility bills withheld Employee insurance withheld Deposit to Bond & Int Pay't Acct Employee insurance withheld Office supplies Due to Natural Gas Division Accounts Receivable Legal retainer Meter deposit & interest Employee insurance withheld Stamps Cup inserts Employee insurance withheld Life insurance Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Refund - overpayment Freight charges Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp State tax withheld PERA withheld & expense Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Payroll deposit plan Laundry Plant supplies, supplies /1?9 5,433.02 230.00 47.60 234.80 85.58 4.24 95.25 82.03 96.05 84.92 97.88 80.42 84.00 6,806.21 4,710.94 666.03 8,584.66 3,934.74 869.50 1,692.00 25.00 852.14 31.95 315.50 475.00 128.40 13,788.06 156.10 150.00 207,324.70 400.00 1,078.15 18.00 110.00 47.80 10.00 220.22 25.00 1,692.00 300.00 53.05 9,279.98 4,530.90 4,226.56 4,996.49 7,423.62 712.78 65.74 74.68 1`36 NOVEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) Cash Wise Central Eyewear Dist. City of Hutchinson Commissioner of Revenue Culligan Water Cond. Erickson Oil Products Fabricare Cleaners Farm & Home Dist. Hutch Utilities Hutch Utilities IBEW Local 949 Ink Spots, Inc. Junker Sanitation Lakes Gas Co. Leef Bros. Plaza Hardware & Gifts Simonson Lumber UPA Welders Supply Co. Albrecht Oil Co. Ed Davis Business Machines General Trading Co. Hillyard Floor Care Supply Hutch Wholesale Supply Jeffrey Bergstrom Sheldon Curtiss Sheila Richter Alan Nagel Michelle Nelson Joel Sandal Mark Schantzen Lisa Unruh Petty Cash Lincoln National Corp. Hutch Utilities Hutch Telephone Co. AMEX Life Assurance Co. Medical Insurance J.C. Penney Co. R. G. Read & Co. Electronic Center, Inc. Petersen- Wisdorf, Inc. Mitchell Instrument MN Electric Supply Heath Company Copy Equipment, Inc. Rolls Safety glasses Water bill Sales tax Plant supplies Plant supplies Laundry Supplies, street light m Employee fund withheld Usage - plant & utility Union dues withheld Office supplies Refuse service Gas Laundry Tools, supplies Supplies, meter expense Purchased power Plant supplies Gas Office supplies Plant supplies, tools Supplies Plant supplies, trk main equipment maint Meter deposit & interest Meter deposit & in tools, supplies Employee insurance Due to Natural Gas November expenses Telephone Employee insurance Expense aint center t, mdse, 43.77 50.00 253.32 17,052.95 12.60 12.18 80.50 13.55 96.00 1,870.07 492.28 53.00 84.40 61.29 38.21 56.51 20.59 405,462.64 32.80 91.37 41.51 84.44 200.15 288.82 , office supplies withheld Division withheld Uniforms Plant equipment maint Meter maint. Dist. inv. Tools Dist. inv. mdse. Plant supplies Office supplies 159.00 211.00 106.00 21.20 106.50 159.75 22.50 106.50 192.62 26.00 1,491.30 1,470.04 98.08 1,418.67 344.02 122.93 246.48 594.79 133.00 58.34 42.95 53.93 r� 1 NOVEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) American Public Power Asso DEED membership 487.50 Anderson Chemical Chemical inv. 63.55 Computerworld Subscription 38.95 H & C Electric Supply Mdse. 30.57 Miller Miller & Mac Engine maint. #9 - equip. rental 69.00 Newark Electronics Tools 66.32 Norwest Bank Mpls. Paying agent fees 206.25 WESCO Dist. inv., mdse. 367.85 Apollo Piping Supply Plant equipment 40.96 Electrical Jobbers Equip. Dist. testing equipment 1,100.00 Midwest Asphalt Corp. Grounds maint. 967.57 Copy Equipment, Inc. Office supplies 93.90 Stark Electronics Supply Meter maint. 97.80 Security- Connecticut Life Life insurance 90.15 Dan Nelson Grounds maint. 16.80 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Plant supplies 97.85 MN Electric Supply Co. Plant supplies, dist. supplies, 214.26 URD expense First Trust Interest payment 196,712.50 Graybar Electric Co. Dist. inv., URD maint. service 546.25 WESCO URD maint. 116.46 First Trust Paying agent fees 783.50 MN Valve & Fitting Co. Supplies 9.35 Allen Office Products Office supplies, office furniture 2,445.07 Border States Electric Dist. inv., URD exp., mdse. 405.14 Brandon Tire Truck expense 156.58 Dostal & Oleson Oil Co. Plant supplies 107.25 Electronic Center, Inc. Meter maint. 15.17 Forbes Auto Store Truck maint, plant supplies 36.18 Graybar Electric Co. Dist. inv. 287.40 Instrument Control Co. Meter maint. 151.12 L & P Supply Co. Equipment maint. 33.50 MN Electric Supply Co. Meter box inv., supplies 1,091.03 Multi -Amp Corp. Meter maint. 1,218.72 Otter Tail Power Co. Equipment testing 21.27 Petersen- Wisdorf, Inc. Dist. inv. 74.40 Quade Electric Meter maint., supplies 53.40 Rockite URD exp., fuel oil system maint. 921.17 Service Tradesman & Repair Accessory equip. maint. 1,169.00 Share Corp. Truck expense 50.30 Standard Printing Co. Office supplies 78.95 W.D. Cooling Clinic Accessory equip. maint. 136.00 David Gehrke Office supplies 63.04 French Lake Auto Parts Truck maint. 60.00 Woodward Governor Co. Engine maint. #9 927.34 MN Electric Supply Dist. inv., supplies 184.09 Joan Limvere Consulting fees 932.10 Dale Struges Snow removal 75.00 MN Electric Supply Co. Mdse. 65.22 H & C Electric Supply URD expense 78.27 Anderson Chemical Co. Chemical inv. 596.20 i3a NOVEMBER PAYABLES - GAS Citizens Bank & Trust Co. PERA Hutch Utilities Putnam Fund Dist. Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. Continental Assurance Co. American Family Life Colonial Accident & Life Firstate Federal Savings PERA Hutch Utilities Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Commissioner of Revenue PERA Hutch Utilities Putnam Fund Dist. Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. CNA Hutch Co -op Hutch Medical Center Hutch Utilities Hutch Utilities IBEW Local 949 Circle Hutch Utility ENRON Gas Marketing Hutch Utilities Hutch Utilities Petty Cash Medical Insurance Hutch Utilities Minvalco Dresser Measurement Div. Apollo Piping Supply American Meter Co. Groebner & Asso., Inc. Minnegasco, Inc. First National Bank Redman Travel American Meter Co. Energy Economics, Inc. North Star Gas Products Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp PERA withheld & expense Payroll deposit plan Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Employee insurance withheld Employee insurance withheld Deposit to C/D Account Employee insurance withheld Employee utility bills withheld Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp State tax withheld PERA withheld Payroll deposit plan Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance Supplies Office call - Ron Swenson Employee fund - withheld Usage peak shaving plant Union dues withheld Purchased gas Purchased gas Due to Municipal Electric Plant November expenses Due to Municipal Electric Plant November labor Meeting expense, supplies Expense 1,678.07 777.88 2,764.54 250.00 100.00 14.00 22.10 36.50 500.00 9.00 265.00 1,742.86 878.38 796.51 2,988.81 250.00 100.00 64.78 15.00 27.50 16.50 127.85 128.00 190,971.77 24,960.00 13,922.23 2,609.20 37.34 239.90 Due to Municipal Electric Plant 162.07 Interest on C/D Fittings inv. 49.05 Meter inv. 2,280.00 Fittings inv., mains 204.13 Meter inv. 2,203.23 School registration 105.00 Supplies 408.69 Deposit to savings - int. earned 985.83 Meeting exp. - Ivan, Omaha 336.00 Meter inv. 1,225.92 Supplies 41.82 Suppiles, mains expense 305.22 1 F�' NOVEMBER - GAS (cont) Plexco- Knoxville Supplies 9.60 Plowman's, Inc. Truck maint. 253.85 Roadway Express Freight charges 36.25 American Meter Co. Meter inv., meter maint. 109.96 Jacobs Corporation Power operated equip. maint. 767.94 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adjourn the meeting at 4:10 p.m. ATTEST aj E. Daggett, P - ent jl Thomas B. Lyke, Secre ar� L %33