05-21-1987 HUCM& Regular Meeting May 21, 1987 All Commissioners were present; also present were Mgr. Hakel, Counsel Peterson, Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson Leader staff writer and Sue Winter. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. The minutes of April 27, 1987 regular meeting and May 5, 1987 and May 14, 1987 special meetings were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The April payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the payables as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. "Butch" Wentworth was welcomed to the meeting. "Butch" reviewed the Application for a Commercial Energy Council Grant. After discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to participate in the program by contributing "in- kind" services as were contributed during 1986 -1987. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to inform Doug Jost, Energy Auditor, that his request for additional equipment was denied. Motion was unanimously carried. "Butch" discussed "Utility Watch ". A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to allow "Butch" Wentworth to purchase "Utility Watch" stickers and to instruct employees about the program. Motion was unanimously carried. Wally Hombach was welcomed to the meeting. Generator U repair was discussed. Refacing the Utility Center building was discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke instructing Wally Hombach to contact an architecture. Motion was unanimously carried. Ivan Larson was welcomed to the meeting. At which time the Circle -Hutch Utility was discussed. Counsel Peterson was instructed to prepare a resolution terminating the Circle -Hutch agreement. ir= Manager's Report: 1. Several organizations have requested the Utilities to advertise and /or contribute funds. Counsel Peterson was instructed to write a resolution regarding Hutchinson Utilities' policy for advertising and /or contributions. 2. A meeting was held with Arthur Young Company's representative regarding comparable worth. A letter will be sent stating the maximum cost for a study. Mgr. Hakel felt it would be advantageous to have a representative from the Commission attend meetings. She was instructed to contact the Commissioners. 3. Presented a safety policy: Safety Policy Hardhats and Safety Glasses Production Personnel Hardhats and safety glasses are required on all normal and routine jobs. Work performed inside of engines may, at times, not require hardhats due to cramped conditions. Persons welding shall not be required to wear hardhats; but, as soon as they are finished and welding hats removed, normal hardhats shall be worn. Hardhats are not required in dispatch or lunchroom areas unless specific work projects are being performed in those areas. Gas Personnel Hardhats and safety glasses are required at all outside jobsites. Safety glasses shall be worn in back shop at Utility Center. Hardhats are not required in back shop unless some type of lifting equip- ment is being used overhead. Welding masks shall meet safety requirements during actual welding time. Normal hardhats shall be worn at all other times. Electrical Personnel Hardhats and safety glasses are required at all outside jobsites. Safety glasses shall be worn in back shop at Utility Center. Hardhats are not required in back shop unless some type of lifting equipment is being used overhead. Meter Readers Hardhats and safety glasses are required when reading meters. Purchasing, Engineering and Office Personnel, when visiting power plant or outside jobsites, shall wear hardhats and safety glasses. Progressive discipline shall be enforced for those individuals who choose not to follow all accepted normal safety practices as outlined in the Hutchinson Utility Safety Manual. The following actions shall be taken: First Offense: Verbal warning with a written report filed at Utility Office. Second Offense: Verbal warning with a written report filed at Utility Office. Individual to appear before Safety Council for disciplinary action. Third Offense: Verbal warning with a written report filed at Utility Office. Individual to appear before Safety Council and Management for possible dismissal. Additional Safetv Policv Reouirements Contractors All contractors hired by Hutchinson Utilities Commission, shall abide by all safety rules. Joint Trench Projects Personnel from the Hutchinson Telephone Company or North American Cable Systems who work with Hutchinson Utilities Commission personnel on joint trench projects, are required to wear hardhats and safety glasses. Seat Belts State law applies. Uniforms Work crews shall wear 100 °o cotton uniforms provided. For 'hot' work, both gas and electric employees shall wear long sleeved shirts. Meetings Safety meetings will be held once a month. Hutchinson Utilities Commission Safety Council A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adopt the above policy. Motion was unanimously carried. Old Business: None New Business: None The following are April payables: ry APRIL PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Petersen - Wisdorf Dist. inv. 328.79 Graybar Electric Co. Dist. inv. 6,152.40 American Payment Center Rent 68.00 Burlington Northern Lease 25.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Deposit to Contribution Account 25,000.00 Colonial Life & Accident Employee insurance withheld 156.10 Copy Equipment, Inc. Dist. line expense 48.06 Four Seasons Services Cup inserts 43.80 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Supplies 100.12 Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 555.00 Insurance Planners Fire Policy premium 42,224.00 Krenz & Company, Inc. Station equipment 1,471.38 Pat Mikulecky Studio B/W portrait from color - Rufus 35.00 MN Environmental Quality Assessment 368.27 MN Safety Council Membership dues 60.00 Moorhead Machinery & Boiler Engine #8 maint., maint. plant 2,850.00 equipment Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 339,119.77 Accounts Receivable Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 PERA Employee insurance withheld 18.00 U.S. Postal Service Office supplies 110.00 Michael Schall Refund - overpayment 157.98 Ronald Stoeser Refund - overpayment 80.75 Michael Jackson Meter deposit & interest 77.39 Ronald Kalenberg 125.53 Brian Mattson 2.91 Bonnie Donnay 5.31 The Window Shop 144.92 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 956.00 Petty Cash Postage 867.26 Woodmen Accident & Life Medical insurance 5,293.49 Dale Sturges Utility bill withheld in error 120.00 American Family Life Employee insurance withheld 128.40 American Public Power Assn. Registration 730.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp. 8,816.89 PERA PERA withheld & expense 4,001.14 Firstate Federal Payroll deposit plan 4,268.33 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 7,021.07 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 658.20 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 47.20 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 726.43 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 7,235.06 Firstate Federal Payroll deposit plan 4,081.16 PERA PERA withheld & expense 3,913.05 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,290.37 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp. 8,280.65 Zep Manufacturing Co. Plant supplies 433.75 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 1,192.00 S. APRIL - ELECTRIC Border States Electric Riverside Mfg. Co. J.C. Penney Co. IBM Corp. Sandy Farmer Graybar Electric Co. Hillyard Floor Care Supply H & C Electric Supply Quill Corp. MN UC Fund Dostal & Oleson Oil Co. Lincoln National Life Zee Medical Service CNA MN Electric Supply Co. Burlington Northern UPA Barry Anderson Big Bear Northern States Supply Charles Breuninger Hutch Utilities H & C Electric Supply MCGraw -Hill Publications Rockite Silo Hutch Telephone Co. Palm Sales Case Power & Equipment C & I Repair UPS McMaster -Carr Supply Kerry Krueger MN Electric Supply co. Joan Limvere Oleson Chain & Cable Co. Tools by Olsen, Inc. United Electric Co. AMEX Life Assurance Co. Petty Cash MN Benefit Assn. Graybar Electric Co. Electronic Center, Inc. Sterling Electric Co. Petty Cash Douglas Wirebinski Jon Vernon Daniel Steele Cathy Prellwitz Pam Polman Dist. inv. Uniforms Uniforms Maint. service Meter deposit & interest Dist. inv. Supplies Plant supplies Office supplies Unemployment expense Gas Employee insurance withheld Plant supplies Life insurance Supplies Lease Station equipment maint. Newspaper Power operated equipment ma Supplies Meter deposit & interest Due to Natural Gas Division April labor Dist. inv., mdse., supplies Map Transformer expense Telephone bill Trailer for power operated Power operated equipment Mower Freight charges Tools School expense Dist. inv., mdse., supplies Consulting Supplies Supplies Station equipment Employee insurance withheld Office supplies, mtg. exp., maint., supplies Employee insurance withheld Dist. inv. Radio maint. Station equipment Meter deposit & interest 1 int. equip equip 77.44 1,007.87 500.38 313.50 116.36 908.34 20.85 104.64 78.41 1,125.77 180.97 26.00 151.70 216.36 66.87 25.00 163.00 25.60 48.36 124.36 3.69 1,066.56 2,091.36 12.50 130.95 1,422.27 4,225.00 15,996.76 3,200.00 31.39 226.30 86.75 255.55 513.45 25.07 19.82 192.53 98.08 141.84 10.00 14,321.83 10.78 23.02 835.47 106.50 42.60 106.50 42.40 106.50 1 APRIL - PAYABLES Jeanette Ostland Meter deposit & interest 159.00 Mark Muckenhrin 21.20 Mary Lou Kroells 159.75 C.O.M.B. 102.50 B.J. Booksellers 106.50 General Trading Co. Plant supplies, equip. maint., 143.24 supplies UPA Purchased power 482,168.32 Cash Wise Rolls 67.92 L & P Supply Equipment maint. 11.85 Coast to Coast Plant supplies, grounds maint., 147 24 meter expense Erickson Oil Products Plant supplies 19.86 Leef Bros., Inc. Laundry 33.24 Allen Office Products Office supplies 14.57 Allied Mechanical Systems Bldg. maint. 219.98 American Labelmark Co. Supplies 288.47 American Linen Supply Laundry 70.77 American Welding Supplies Plant supplies, supplies 384.51 Anderson Chemical Co. Chemical inv. 1,096.45 Border States Electric Dist. inv. 168.00 Brandon Tire Truck maint. 19.00 Burmeister Electric Co. Dist. inv., line expense 144.99 Burndy Corp. Equipment maint. 583.50 C -T Engineering Co. Supplies 256.08 Carlson Equipment Co. Equipment maint. 89.82 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 24,624.36 Compressor Services LTD Equipment maint. 16.74 Copy Equipment, Inc. Office supplies, line expense 88.77 County Market Cookies & coffee 246.96 Ed Davis Business Machines Office supplies 64.17 Dey Appliance Parts Supplies 6.00 Electronic Center, Inc. Station equipment 38.23 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 100.00 Family Rexall Drug Office supplies 2.70 Farm & Home Distributing Supplies, truck maint.,, mdse., equip. 131.55 maint. Farmers Elevator Assn. Grounds maint. 406.50 First Trust Co. Escrow agent fee 783.50 Fitzloff Hardware Shop supplies 13.98 Forbes Auto Store Truck maint. 208.75 Fresco Supplies 445.77 G.T.C. Auto Parts Plant supplies 25.69 Gobal Equipment Co. Safety cabinet 604.57 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Bldg. maint. 139.40 Hutchinson Landscaping Grounds maint. 18.50 Hutch Town & Country Tire Truck maint. 6.50 Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Employee fund withheld 96.00 Hutch Utilities Plant & center usage, power 1,967.96 operated equipment maint. Hutch Wholesale Supply Plant supplies, truck & power 161.91 operated equipment maint. 7 ,12 IBEW Local 949 Ink Spots, Inc. Junker Sanitation KMart Lakes Gas Co. Lystads, Inc. McLeod County Landfill Meter Devices Co., Inc. Petersen - Wisdorf Plaza Hardware Quade Electric Schmeling Oil Co. Share Corp. The Sheep Shedde Simonson Lumber Total Tool Tra -Elco, Inc. Tri County Water Cond. Welders Supply Co. WESCO Medical Insurance APRIL - ELECTRIC Union dues withheld Office supplies Refuse service Office supplies Gas URD maint. Dumping charge Meters Dist. inv., supplies Plant supplies, bldg. Plant supplies, bldg. Truck expense Supplies Meeting expense Transformer maint. Supplies Mdse. Bldg. maint. Plant supplies 492.28 119.00 84.40 58.88 134.49 16.50 44.80 471.10 6,505.84 maint. 80.75 maint., URD exp 103.02 Dist. inv., meter maint. APRIL PAYABLES - GAS Fisher Controls Apollo Piping Supply Colonial Life & Accident Firstate Federal Hutch Utilities Insurance Planners PERA Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. American Family Life Hutch Utilities PERA Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Continental Assurance Co. PERA Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Hutch Utilities Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Apollo Piping Supply Gary Clyne Steven Sturges McLeod Co -op Power Assn. First National Bank CNA Inv. Supplies Employee insurance withheld Deposit to C/D Account Employee utility bills withheld Liability audit PERA withheld & expense Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee insurance withheld Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp. Life insurance PERA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax, FICA withheld & exp. Payroll deposit plan Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Inv. School expenses School expenses Vermeer trencher Deposit to Savings Account Life insurance 42.65 89.20 14.64 579.88 26.44 157.75 19.20 17.00 763.36 2,545.31 561.36 82.31 36.10 500.00 445.00 631.00 9.00 750.00 100.00 22.10 3,070.18 917.57 1,730.87 14.00 797.69 901.66 1,746.96 2,999.70 250.00 100.00 10,199.01 122.95 120.31 12,500.00 70,000.00 63.64 C 0 I American Meter Co. E.J. Brooks Co. Dresser Measurement Div. Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Hutch Utilities IBEW Local 949 Lakes Gas Co. Northern States Supply Plexco - Fairfield Sorensen Farm Supply Twin City Testing Hutch Utilities Apollo Piping Supply Tom Pohlen MN Electric Supply Co. Hutch Utilities Circle Hutch Utility Medical Insurance APRIL - GAS Meter maint. 140.67 Meter expense 68.74 Meter inv. 4,460.00 Employee fund withheld 15.00 Usage peak shaving plant 79.41 Union dues withheld 128.00 Gas 101.85 Supplies 64.00 Inv. 252.02 Power operated equipment maint. 32.50 Weld test 576.50 Due to Municipal Electric Plant 2,318.22 April labor Inv. 121.50 Repairs 50.00 Inv. 906.60 Due to Municipal Electric Plant 13,168.40 April expenses Purchased gas 134,131.80 379.35 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 a.m. 1 ATTEST E. Daggett, R e ident Thomas B. Lyke, Secretary