01-22-1987 HUCMu Regular Meeting January 22, 1987 All Commissioners were present; also present were Mgr. Hakel, Counsel Peterson, Andy Gibas, Marlene Rasmussen, Wayne Dannheim and Jim Keinath of Circle Pines, Ivan Larson, Jane Hodgins, Hutchinson Leader staff writer and Sue Winter. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. Andy Gibas, Marlene Rasmussen, Wayne Dannheim and Jim Keinath of Circle Pines were welcomed to the meeting. A discussion was held regarding dissolving the Circle -Hutch Agreement. It was the consensus of opinion to explore all the options available and to obtain all the facts before a decision is made. It was agreed that a decision would be made by June 15, 1987. The minutes of December 31, 1986 regular meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to amend the clothing allowance policy. (Electric, Gas and Power Plant employees may re -order up to three shirts and three jeans every six months with Hutch Utilities paying half the cost.) Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the minutes as amended. Motion was unanimously carried. The December payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the payables as presented. Motion was unanimously carried. Wally Hombach was welcomed to the meeting. He presented three proposals for refacing the Utility Center. 1. Redwood $14,925 2. Steel Siding $14,443 3. Brick $40,161 After discussion, the Commission decided on brick and to have a drawing done for specifications for bids. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to have Wally Hombach contact Dammann Construction to see if they would write specs (rough draft); if Dammann Construction refuses, then Wally should contact Korngiebel Architects to write specs and also include new windows. Motion was unanimously carried. Nate Smutka discussed proposed policy changes. Electric only Deposit: $100.00 Gas only Deposit: $100.00 Electric and Gas Deposit: $200.00 Electric Heat Deposit: $150.00 Commercial Deposit: Equal to one (1) monthly billing All new customers must file an application for utility service and make the proper service deposit prior to obtaining service. The service deposit for residential customers may be waived providing the Hutchinson Utilities Commission receives, in writing, a satisfactory credit reference from a previous utility, or if the customer had established a satisfactory credit rating while in our services. HAVTI students may have the service deposit waived if the Hutchinson Utilities Commission approves a signed and notorized document stating that the student's parent or legal guardian will assume responsibility for their son or daughter's utility bill. The parent or guardian must also provide Hutchinson Utilities Commission with a satisfactory credit reference from his current utility. If the deposit is waived and the customer becomes delinquent, a deposit will be required immediately. Hutchinson Utilities Commission reserves the right to require an additional deposit from customers who are repeatedly late in paying their utility bill or from customers who have had an unsatisfactory credit rating with the Utilities in the past. All commercial accounts will be required to make a service deposit. Customers who have become delinquent and appear to be a potential credit risk to the Utilities, will be required to go on a payment plan established by the Utilities. Residential deposits will be returned with 6 °0' interest after twelve (12) consecutive months of non - delinquent payments. BUDGET PAYMENT PLANS Budget payment plans are available to all customers, please contact our office for information. ,:,, / FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Hutchinson Utilities offers assistance in finding agencies that help people having trouble paying utility bills. NOTICES AND CHARGES If a utility bill is not paid by the due date, a 5 °0' penalty will be charged and a disconnect notice will be mailed to the customer. Approximately seven (7) days will be allowed for payment before utilities are disconnected. If it becomes necessary for the Utilities to collect a delinquent account or to disconnect an account for nonpayment, the following charges will be made: Collection Fee: $30.00 Reconnect Fee (during normal business hours): $30.00 Reconnect Fee (after hours): $40.00 If utility service is disconnected due to nonpayment, Hutchinson Utilities Commission assumes no responsibility or liability for damage or inconvenience incurred while service is disconnected. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to adopt policy changes for deposits and collections effective February 1, 1987. Motion was unanimously carried. Ivan Larson discussed natural gas service installations. Ivan recommends using plastic pipe for services in residential areas because it takes less man hours to install and plastic costs less. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept Ivan's recommendation to change installations to plastic. Motion was unanimously carried. Ivan Larson discussed medical insurance rates. The Commission instructed Ivan to contact PHP to obtain their rates. Action will be taken at a future meeting. Mgr. Hakel presented a Sick Leave policy. SICK LEAVE POLICY Full -time employees, upon completion of their probationary period, shall be granted eight (8) hours per month of sick leave. An employee will earn eight (8) hours per month of sick leave after having worked the month. Such leave cannot be accumulated beyond 1,200 hours for hourly employees and 720 hours for staff. Employees may be required to present evidence satisfactory to the department of inability to work due to illness or accident. Employees must adopt such remedial measures as may be cominen- surate with his disability and permit such reasonable examina- tions and inquiries by the employer's medical representative or other suitable representative as, in the employer's judgment, may be necessary to ascertain employee's condition. If an employee becomes ill and must stay home from work, he shall notify his department head before his work day begins. If an employee becomes ill during his regular work day, he shall notify his department head that it is necessary to leave due to illness. Benefits under this plan will be reduced by any future benefits provided by any law, Social Security Benefit, or Unemployment Insurance so as to prevent duplication of benefits, should the various benefits provided under the above mentioned laws or agencies be interpreted to pay an allowance in lieu of an employee's wage when he is off work due to illness or injury. No sick leave credit will be accrued while an employee is away from work due to leave of absence, sickness or disability; nor will sick leave pay be allowed during leaves of absence or during lay -offs except as provided in paragraphs below. Sick leave pay credit shall cease on the day preceding the day on which the employee retires under the Retirement Plan or upon agreed Retirement Plan. If an employee becomes ill or is injured while on vacation, which vacation is scheduled to end on the day of the employee's retirement, then the scheduled vacation time is counted on vacation; and if the disability continues beyond the scheduled time of the vacation, sick leave pay (any remaining sick leave credit) will begin on the first consecutive scheduled working day after the end of the scheduled vacation. Any employee found guilty of abusing sick leave provisions contained herein shall automatically have his sick leave benefits canceled. Employees who arE injured while engaged in after hours employment of others or while self - employed shall not be covered under the employer's Sick Leave Policy outlined. The Commission agrees to comply with the following Worker's Compensation regulations. If employees of the department have, at the time of compensable injury, accumulated credits under C� their vacation or sick leave plan, the Commission will provide for the payment of their full salary during the period of disability, providing all payments as made under the Worker's Compensation shall be retained by the department. However, the additional payments made to the employee over and above that paid by Worker's Compensation shall not exceed the amount of credits which an employee is entitled to from such vacation or sick leave accumulated by said employee and the employee's vacation or sick leave account shall be charged only with the difference between the Worker's Compensation payment and his regular salary. A disability leave of absence for up to two (2) years shall be granted to any employee at such time as he had exhausted all of his accumulated sick leave benefits and in the event his illness or disability continues after such time. Upon request by the employer at reasonable intervals, the employee shall furnish a doctor's certificate certifying as to employee's inability to return to work because of such illness or disability. Upon retirement, employees shall be paid in cash for any unused sick leave which has been accumulated or as otherwise agreed upon. This shall be based on one (1) hour of pay per day of unused sick leave at the rate of pay upon retirement. If the employee resigns or is dismissed, the above payment shall not be made. In case of death during employment, the unused sick leave shall be paid to his estate on the same ratio as above. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to adopt the sick leave policy. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Hakel presented a Vehicle policy. After discussion, it was decided to have staff discuss with employees, and also post on bulletin board, the use of company vehicles and if abused, a strict vehicle policy will be enforced. Mgr. Hakel presented an Inserts with Utility Bills policy. INSERTS WITH UTILITY BILLS Only material which applies directly to Hutchinson Utilities Commission business may be inserted into utility monthly envelopes. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to adopt the inserts with utility bills policy and to allow other material to be inserted at the discretion of the manager. Motion was unanimously carried. -30 0 C) co �o N O N � I �(0 co 0) a. m o >, C) `� c C) 0 O o N 0 o a L � �t 0�QZU- Pledged securities for collateralization of Commission funds were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to amend Resolution 5 as follows: RESOLUTION 5A WHEREAS, the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson desires to adopt a policy concerning collateral required from various financial institutions in which public funds are deposited. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Hutchinson Utilities Commission of the City of Hutchinson limits the collateral to the following acceptable securities: 1. Treasury bills and notes 2. GNMA - Government National Mortgage Association The collateral shall exceed by 10 °0 over market value the total of deposits. A current list of collateral shall be provided to the Utilities Commission. Motion was unanimously carried. Manager's Report: 1. Discussed changes to hourly and staff hiring procedures policies. No action taken at this time. 2. Reviewed statistical report. 3. American Public Power Association meeting will be held in San Antonio, Texas on May 18 -20, 1987. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to authorize the attendance of the Commissioners and the general manager. Motion was unanimously carried. Old Business: None New Business: None The following are December payables: 1 1 DECEMBER PAYABLES - ELECTRIC American Family Life American Payment Centers C -T Engineering Co. Citizens Bank & Trust Colonial Life & Accident Fire Systems, Inc. Hutchinson Leader Hutchinson Utilities McLeod Cooperative Power MN Life Truck Corp. Natural Gas Division Richard Peterson PERA U.S. Postal Service William Vezina James Klatt Glen Schlueter Ryan Bushman Randy Youngkrantz Timothy Ruble Arthur Wolgren Dawn Mathews Petty Cash John M. Steele Continental Assurance Co. Continental Assurance Co. Woodmen Accident & Life Barry L. Anderson Extension Program, Staples Fresco Graybar Electric Co. H & C Electric Supply Hillyard Floor Care Supply Hutch Fire & Safety IBM Corp. Markhurd Corp. Mikron Instrument Co. MN Environmental Quality Bd MN Electric Supply MMUA Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Quill Corp. The Standard Register Co. Tippecanoe Press Viking Office Products Zahl Equipment Co. Zee Medical Service City of Hutchinson Petty Cash Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Employee insurance withheld Rent Tools Deposit to Contribution Account Employee insurance withheld Building maint. Subscription Employee utility bills withheld Schmidtbauer service acquisition Power operated equipment maint. Due to Natural Gas Division accounts receivable Legal retainer Employee insurance withheld Stamps Meter deposit & interest Refund - overpayment Life insurance Life insurance Medical insurance Daily Newspaper Registration Laboratory equipment Mdse. Dist. inventory, plant supp Supplies Extinguisher inspection Maint. service Maint. of station equipment Supplies Assessment power plant siti Dist. inventory, mdse. Registration Dist. inv., mdse., line mai Office supplies Office supplies Office supplies Office supplies Bldg. maint. Plant supplies Contribution Postage Federal tax withheld lies ng nt 128.40 64.00 31.66 25,000.00 188.60 220.00 21.00 725.00 2,223.30 49.40 321,840.52 400.00 18.00 110.00 95.71 116.36 99.33 102.12 117.77 47.50 62.23 72.05 516.93 6.07 211.49 45.65 5,521.44 25.60 25.00 1,326.75 7.79 463.62 74.32 87.90 516.17 450.00 39.90 368.27 42.26 95.00 769.82 80.58 1,189.06 329.75 49.77 34.76 305.25 75,000.00 855.12 4,761.24 J DECEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. FICA withheld & expense 3,719.00 PERA PERA withheld & expense 3,874.61 Firstate Federal Savings Payroll deposit plan 4,092.92 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 6,816.48 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,129.27 Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 1,248.00 UPS Freight charges 4.90 Petty Cash Office supplies, plant supplies, 478.26 retirement party UPS Freight charges 6.77 UPS Freight charges 9.84 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,566.63 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,072.11 D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. FICA withheld & expense 3,565.78 PERA PERA withheld & expense 3,792.25 U.S. Postal Service Office supplies 469.60 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 6,679.43 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,328.39 Firstate Federal Savings Payroll deposit plan 3,929.79 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 1,248.00 Precision Laboratories Plant supplies 101.83 Four Seasons Services Cup inserts 43.80 Graybar Electric Co. Mdse. 20.55 MN Electric Supply Plant supplies 5.49 McMahon, Hartmann & Computer assistance 37.00 Amundson IBM Corp. Lease 436.00 UPA Station equipment maint. 326.00 Richard Peterson 1986 bond issue 5,000.00 Lincoln National Life Employee insurance withheld 26.00 H & C Electric Supply Transformer inv. 5,625.00 Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Dist. inv. 427.20 MN Electric Supply Dist. inv. 11.11 AMEX Life Assurance Co. Employee insurance withheld 98.08 Allen Office Products Office supplies 92.60 American Linen Supply Co. Laundry 59.07 American Welding Supplies Plant supplies 67.35 Anderson Chemical Co. Chemical inv. 417.20 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 777.00 Automatic Garage Door Co. Mdse. 30.40 C -T Engineering Co. Supplies 36.32 Coast -to -Coast Plant supplies, bldg. maint. 36.38 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 19,805.01 County Market coffee 133.54 Crow River Press Office supplies 198.57 Ed Davis Machines Office supplies 151.50 Dostal & Oleson Oil Co. Plant supplies 73.80 Erickson Oil Products Plant supplies 3.96 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 42.50 Family Rexall Drug Plant supplies, office supplies 7.49 33 DECEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) Graybar Electric Co. Supplies 81.45 Hillyard Floor Care Supply Bldg. maint., plant supplies 56.34 Hipotronics Lab equipment 552.04 Home Bakery Cookies 180.90 Hutch Co -op Truck expense 252.00 Hutch Leader Advertising 60.10 Hutch Plumbing & Heating Bldg. maint. 5.80 Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Employee fund withheld 93.00 Hutch Utilities Engines 430.53 4,295.44 Plant & UC 3,864.91 Usage Hutch Wholesale Supplies Plant supplies, mdse., truck & 119.02 power operated equipment maint. IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 471.03 Ink Spots, Inc. Office supplies 96.00 Junker Sanitation Service Refuse service 84.40 KKJR Advertising 150.00 Lakes Gas Co. Gas 147.28 Leef Bros., Inc. Laundry 55.87 McMahon, Hartmann, Amundson Computer Assistance 23.00 Petty Cash To increase petty cash amount 700.00 Plaza Hardware Supplies 33.80 Plowman's, Inc. Truck maint. 49.41 Quade Electric Street light maint., bldg. maint. 9.55 Rutz Plumbing & Heating URD service expense 55.15 St. Croix Personnel, Inc. Office supplies 3.39 Simonson Lumber Bldg. maint., URD expense 49.09 Sorensen Farm Supply Supplies 9.59 UPA Purchased power 461,412.82 Welders Supply Co. Plant supplies 20.00 Olsen Chain & Cable Co. Supplies 45.37 Rockite Silo URD expense, bldg. maint. 171.01 Hutch Utilities Due to Natural Gas Division 4,235.37 December labor Petty Cash Plant supplies, office supplies, 44.37 meter refund & interest Hutchinson Telephone Co. Telephone 1,260.91 MN Benefit Adm. Employee insurance withheld 10.00 General Trading Co. Plant supplies, bldg. maint., 475.67 mdse., supplies UPS Office supplies 5.68 Moody's Investors Service 1986 bond issue 4,000.00 WESCO Mdse. 98.70 Zep Manufacturing Co. Plant supplies 720.00 IBM Corp. Maint. service 76.50 Hipotronics Lab equipment 4,400.00 Great Plains Supply Bldg. maint. 617.43 Paul Borcheid Meter refund & interest 42.60 Richard Hardie 21.30 Steve Jensen 42.60 Darlene Murphy 159.75 �y DECEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) Patricia Seifert Meter refund & interest 21.30 Doreen Smith a 106.00 Ronald Thompson 42.60 Marvin Willhite 42.60 Medical Insurance 1,617.51 DECEMBER PAYABLES - GAS American Family Life Employee insurance withheld 22.10 Colonial Life & Accident Employee insurance withheld 54.00 Firstate Federal Savings Deposit to C/D Account 500.00 Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 400.00 PERA Employee insurance withheld 9.00 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 68.82 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 14.85 Putnam Fund Dist. Inv. Employee deferred comp withheld 100.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 75.00 North Star Gas Products Supplies 28.52 Erickson & Templin Contr. Mains expense (Highway 7 West) 5,120.00 Vermeer Sales & Service Power operated equipment maint. 59.72 Jacobs Corp. Power operated equipment maint. 117.29 Apollo Piping Supply Inv. 16.77 Folz Systems Maint. of M & R Station Equipment'' 500.00 Ingersoll Rand Supplies 13.75 Hutch Utilities Payroll deposit plan 2,703.49 PERA PERA withheld & expense 825.65 D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. FICA withheld & expense 1,015.50 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 1,071.55 Hutchinson Iron & Metal Power operated equipment maint. 4.80 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 100.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 75.00 Hutch Utilities Payroll deposit plan 2,673.64 PERA PERA withheld & expense 830.20 D.O.E.R. SS Ret. Div. FICA withheld & expense 1,023.42 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 988.09 Citizens Bank & Trust Federal tax withheld 1,071.02 Kerry Krueger Refund for insurance withheld 10.83 American Meter Co. Meter inv. 1,762.50 Brandon Tire Truck & power operated equip. maint. 435.17 Circle -Hutch Utility Board Purchased gas 339,276.73 Fisher Controls Regulator inv. 892.21 Hutch Co -op Truck maint. 116.48 Hutchinson Leader Advertising 40.06 Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Employee fund withheld 21.00 Hutch Utilities Usage peak shaving plant 104.52 Hutch Wholesale Supply Truck & power operated equip. 39.14 maint., supplies IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 149.25 KKJR Advertising 100.00 Lakes Gas Co. Gas 100.48 Schmeling Oil Co. Oil 17.25 DECEMBER - GAS (cont) Apollo Piping Supply American Meter Co. Hutch Utilities General Trading Co. Folz Systems Vermeer Sales & Service Hutch Utilities Medical Insurance Inventory 280.74 Meter maint. 58.81 Due to Municipal Electric Plant 3,408.63 December labor Meter expense, supplies 481.69 Maint. of M & R Station Equipment 450.00 Power operated equipment maint. 71.32 Due to Municipal Electric Plant 12,003.93 December expenses 923.69 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:40 p.m. ATTEST E. Daggett, Pres 'd nt Thomas B. Lyke, Secretary 3_`-