08-26-1985 HUCM1 Monthly Meeting August 26, 1985 Commissioner Beatty and Commissioner Lyke were present; also present were Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson and Ruth Hakel. Vice President Beatty called the meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. The July 25, 1985 minutes were reviewed. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The July electric and gas payables were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the payables as listed. Motion was unanimously carried. Ruth Hakel reported on the July financial statements. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept both statements. Motion was unanimously carried. At this time Commissioner Daggett arrived and appointed Commissioner Beatty as the duly authorized Hutchinson Utilities delegate, (Commissioner Lyke as alternate) to vote for all matters to come before the membership of the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association. 1 MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION, INC. DELEGATE APPOINTMENT THE Hutchinson Utilities Commission HEREBY DESIGNATES (Governing Body of Utility) Theodore Beatty AS ITS DULY AUTHORIZED AND (Name) DELEGATION REPRESENTATIVE TO CAST ITS VOTE ON ALL MATTERS TO COME BEFORE THE MEMBERSHIP OF THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION. THIS APPOINTMENT SHALL BE VALID UNTIL SUCH TIME AS IT MAY BE, FROM TIME TO TIME, AMENDED BY THIS BODY. ALSO, THE FOLLOWING ARE DESIGNATED AS ALTERNATES TO THE DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE: 1. Tom Lyke 2. 3. 4. 0 THE ABOVE APPOINTMENT(S) WERE DULY MADE BEFORE ME THIS 26 DAY OF August 19 85 r ATTESTED TO: L c clerk, secretary, etc.) Assistant Secretary MAIL BALLOT MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION TO BE COUNTED, THIS BALLOT MUST BE RECEIVED AT THE MMUA OFFICE BY SEPTEMBER 14, 1985. To: Richard G. Kirkham, Executive Director Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association P. O. Box 459 401 East Highway 55 Buffalo, Minnesota 55313 I am the authorized representative of the Member city of the Association noted below. On behalf of said Member, I do hereby vote on the attached Resolution set out in full: ® FOR, the Resolution IIAGAINST, the Resolution Name of Member City: Hutchinson Utilities Commission Name of Representative: Theodore Beatty Title of Representative: Vice President - Hutchinson Utilities Commission Signature of Representative "J Date: August 26, 1985 A z ") G'ii (RETURN TO THE MMUA OFFICE. BEFORE SEPTEMBER 14, 1985 IN THE SELF — ADDRESSED STAMPED ENVELOPE PROVIDED.) 1 1 1 - 3 - BE IT RESOLVED, that the officers and staff of the Association be and hereby are authorized and directed to actively participate in the PUC Proceedings, including but not limited to, petitioning the PUC and the presiding Administrative Law Judge for leave to intervene as a party in the PUC Proceedings, the preparation and submission of written and oral testimony and legal briefs, the attendance upon and participation in hearings and in the appeals of determinations and orders made and entered by the Administrative Law Judge, the PUC and of any court having jurisdiction thereof, as a party in the said PUC Proceedings or others, and in the name of the Association in its own right or jointly with, on behalf of or in support of other Members of the Association, including the City of Olivia. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers and staff of the Association be and hereby are authorized and directed to engage in such legal, engineering and financial consultants as they may determine necessary and appropriate to assist the Association in its participation in the PUC Proceedings. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the costs and expenses of the Association to be incurred in its participation in the PUC Proceedings shall not exceed the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00). BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said costs and expenses in the sum of sixty thousand dollars ($60,000.00) shall be paid by the Association from a special assessment of the Members, allocated to each Member, pro -rata, based upon the kilowatt hours sold at retail in 1984 but in no case to exceed the sum of three thousand dollars ($3,000.00) nor less than the sum of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for any one Member, to be paid by each Member not later than thirty (30) days from the effective date of this Resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the actions of the Association in furtherance of its active participation in the PUC Proceedings shall be subject to the approval and supervision of the Executive Committee of the Association. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this Resolution shall be effective on September 14, 1985. ` K - 2 - RESOLUTION OF THE MEMBERS OF THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL UTILITIES ASSOCIATION, A NON - PROFIT CORPORATION ORGANIZED PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 317 OF MINNESOTA STATUTES, (the "Association ") WHEREAS, the Association has determined that it is in the best interest of the Association, of the municipal utilities which are its regular members (the "Members ") and the customers and residents of the Members to assist the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (the "PUC ") in its interpretation and application of Minnesota law related to the Members' acquisition of electric utility service territory located within the corporate limits of the Members', and WHEREAS, the City of Olivia ( "City "), a Member of the Associa- tion, has initiated proceedings at the PUC (the "PUC Proceedings ") to determine its rights under Minnesota law to initiate service to portion of the City's incorporated area currently located in the service territory of Renville- Sibley Cooperative Power Association ( "Renville ") and to determine the appropriate standards for determining the value of the territory to be acquired by the City and the price to be paid to Renville for said acquisition, and WHEREAS, a significant number of the Members are in a position similar to City with respect to service territory issues, many of whom have initiated negotiations (and, in several cases, legal proceedings, since terminated) involving other distribution utilities seeking to reach a satisfactory resolution of issues identical or similar to those now being contested by City and Renville in the PUC Proceedings and therefore, the PUC Proceedings will represent a case of first impression before the PUC directly and materially affecting the Members' interests, and WHEREAS, the outcome of the PUC Proceedings will bind and affect the Members in future proceedings involving their acquisition of electric utility service territory pursuant to the exercise of their rights of acquisition provided for in Minnesota Statutes, Section 216B.37 through 216B.47 and therefore the participation of the Association and its Members in the PUC Proceedings is critical to the preservation and protection of the Members' statutory rights, and WHEREAS, the participation of the Association in the PUC Proceedings will require a special assessment of the Members to pay for costs and expenses thereof and, pursuant to the By -Laws of the Association, the levy of a special assessment requires the approval of two- thirds of the Members voting upon said issue, NOW, THEREFORE, pursuant to the By -Laws of the Association, Article II, Section 3 and Article VIII, Section 2 and Minnesota Statutes, Sections 317.02, Subd. 6 and 317.22, Subd. 7, J No interest was shown in attending the 32nd Annual Area Power Conference to be held October 16 -18, 1985. Nathan Smutka presented the following service deposits and fees: SERVICE DEPOSITS Electric only Deposit: $100.00 Gas only Deposit: $100.00 Electric and Gas Deposit: $150.00 Electric Heat Deposit: $150.00 Commercial Deposit: Equal to one monthly billing not to exceed $750.00 NOTICES AND CHARGES If a utility bill is not paid by the due date, a disconnect notice will be mailed to the customer on the last working day of the month. Ten (10) days will be allowed for pay- ment before disconnection. If it becomes necessary for the Utilities to collect a delinquent account or to disconnect an account for non- payment, the following charges will be made: Collection Fee: $10.00 Reconnection Fee - During normal business hours: $15.00 Reconnection Fee - After hours: $25.00 1 y' The service deposit will be waived providing the Hutchinson Utilities Commission receives, in writing, a satisfactory credit rating from a previous utility, or if the customer had previously established a satisfactory credit rating while in our services. The deposit will also be waived if the Hutchinson Utilities Commission approves a signed and notorized document stating that another party will be responsible for the customer's utility bill if he becomes delinquent. If the deposit is waived and the customer becomes delinquent, a deposit will be required at that time. The Hutchinson Utilities Commission reserves the right to require an addi- tional deposit from customers who have had an unsatisfactory credit rating with the Utilities in the past. NOTICES AND CHARGES If a utility bill is not paid by the due date, a disconnect notice will be mailed to the customer on the last working day of the month. Ten (10) days will be allowed for pay- ment before disconnection. If it becomes necessary for the Utilities to collect a delinquent account or to disconnect an account for non- payment, the following charges will be made: Collection Fee: $10.00 Reconnection Fee - During normal business hours: $15.00 Reconnection Fee - After hours: $25.00 1 y' cy - y Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept and proceed with the service deposits as outlined, effective immediately. Motion was unanimously carried. At 8:15 a.m. Don Swanson, Dave Schmidt and Martin Kane of Associated Consultants were welcomed to the meeting. Don Swanson presented a Feasibility Study for a 230 KV Tap, a Step down Substation, and Linking 69 KV Trasmission Line to the City of Hutchinson for the Hutchinson Utilities Commission (Project No. 8509). Associated Consultants and Rufus were authorized to proceed with the study and determine if any unforseeable problems exist. Dave Schmidt reviewed a Distribution study which had been completed several months ago. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by.'Commissioner Lyke thanking Associated Consultants for the Feasibility Study and Distribution Study. Motion was unanimously carried. The delinquent account of Frank Faye was briefly discussed. The following are July payables: 1 1 !_ 43 JULY PAYABLES - ELECTRIC American Family Life Ins. Employee insurance withheld 128.40 American Payment Center Rent 64.00 Border States Electric Inventory 265.72 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Deposit to Contribution Account 25,000.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Deposit to Bond & Int. Acct. 55,570.83 Colonial Life & Accident Employee insurance withheld 196.20 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 47.30 Four Seasons Services Cup inserts 35.80 Graybar Electric Co. Inventory, supplies 3,704.26 Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 700.00 IBM Corp. Lease & maint. service 987.50 The Kiplinger Wash. Editor Subscription 48.00 Orville Kuiken Equipment maint. 25.00 Midwest Gas Assn. Employee insurance withheld 69.34 Midwest Vision Centers Safety glasses 44.38 MN Environmental Quality BD Assessment 501.59 MN Electric Supply Co. Inventory 107.28 MN Lift Truck Corp. Equipment maint. 20.46 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 237,398.22 Accounts Receivable Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Inventory 211.80 Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 Petty Cash Meter refunds & interest 456.12 Security- Connecticut Ins. Life insurance 122.25 Border States Electric Inventory 816.00 Border States Electric Inventory 136.46 Zahl Equipment Co. Equipment maint. 16.07 Petty Cash Postage 817.96 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,951.51 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 4,066.40 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,854.08 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 5,315.17 First State Federal Say. Payroll deposit plan 2,685.38 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,754.28 MN Electric Supply Co. Plant supplies 56.45 Apollo Piping Supply Plant supplies 44.03 Dougals Gronewald Refund - overpayment final bill 20.50 Gloria McKimm 25.00 James L. Ried 20.05 Kustom Mechanical Service 24.25 Hutch Technology, Inc. 465.53 Roger Mies 60.30 Marigold Foods, Inc. Meter refund & interest 33.08 Amanda Metzen 7.23 J. James Walsh 13.39 Bill Rothmeier 9.75 Christine Fern } 15.92 Lori Laabs 10.99 Dan Palmquist 6.62 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 900.00 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 JULY - Continental Assurance Co. ELECTRIC (cont) Life insurance 200.09 Woodmen Accident & Life Medical insurance 5,455.02 W E S C O Mdse. 177.81 Zep Manufacturing Co. Plant supplies 376.75 John Henry Foster Plant accessory equip. maint. 67.40 Schaeffer Mfg. Co. Truck maint - oil 224.61 Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Transformer 2,111.70 Vaughn's Flags 202.00 Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 490.00 R. H. Alexander Meeting expense 100.59 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,924.47 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 4,170.66 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,950.17 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,988.14 Ogston Sales Mdse. 1,240.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 5,782.50 First State Federal & Sav Payroll deposit plan 2,654.73 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,929.02 Petty Cash Meeting expense 31.25 Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. Employee deferred comp withheld 25.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 900.00 General Trading Co. Plant supplies, mdse., tools, 388.32 bldg. maint. United Electric Co. Transformers 75.18 Alvin Schmidt URD expense 22.80 MN Electric Supply Co. Mdse., inventory, plant supplies 461.33 Electronic Center, Inc. Meter expense 43.43 Graybar Electric Co. Inventory 393.52 Travel Host Motels Meeting expense 27.45 Border States Electric Inventory, transformers 1,042.39 H & C Electric Supply Mdse., inventory 1,313.49 Lakes Gas Co. Gas 208.06 Fireman's Fund Life Ins. Employee insurance withheld 98.08 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Telephone 1,311.24 Petty Cash Meter refunds & interest 145.60 Sharon Koetter Meter refunds & interest 21.20 Scott Powell Meter refunds & interest 21.00 MN Benefit Assn. Employee insurance withheld 10.00 Amoco Oil Co. Gas 23.47 Petty Cash Office supplies, mtg. & school exp. 278.34 Craig Almquist Meter refund & interest 42.60 Mary Bandemer 21.20 Steve Bluhm 42.60 Randy Churchill 42.40 Kris Cochron 42.40 Charles Becker 41.20 Scott Erickson 21.30 Steve Fischer 21.20 John Haffley 42.40 John Hardiman 3 42.60 Dean Hawes 21.30 Y'7 , 45 JULY - ELECTRIC (cont) Donald Heimerl Meter refund & interest 42.40 Henry Heinecke 42.40 Terry Hess 42.40 Bradley Karstens 21.30 Mark Kuhr 42.60 Joyce L. Koester s 21.30 Laraway Roofing 106.00 Ken Loveland 42.60 Chris Marquardt 21.20 Johanna Melin 21.20 Tanya Mitchell i 21.20 Evelyn Nelson ( 42.40 Scott C. Olson ! 42.60 Rainbow Car Care t 106.00 Scott Schwantes 42.40 Glen Sladek 21.20 Randy Tupa 21.20 Kevin Vik i 21.30 Faye Ziegenhagen ! 42.40 ABC Manufacturing Grounds maint. t 184.06 Allen Office Products Office supplies 190.38 American Linen Supply Laundry 53.91 American Welding Supplies Plant supplies 64.45 Anderson Chemical Co. Associated Consultants Inventory Engineering fees 468.65 980.20 Border States Electric Line maint. 372.75 Central Contractors Supply Tools 12.10 Central MN Communications Radio maint. 50.27 Coast -to -Coast Plant supplies, supplies 37.94 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 22,512.33 John Crane - Haudaille, Inc. Engine inventory #8 172.01 Culligan Water Conditioning Plant supplies 11.25 Ditch Witch of MN Power operated equip. maint. 156.53 Duro -Test Corp. Mdse., building maint. 606.93 Earl's Welding /Industrial Plant supplies 76.20 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 119.50 Family Rexall Drug Office supplies 3.16 Farm & Home Distributing URD maint. 27.72 Farmers Elevator Assn. Grounds maint. 60.50 Home Bakery Cookies 186.69 Howard Industries, Inc. Inventory 2,197.00 Hutchinson Co -op Plant supplies 36.00 Hutchinson Fire & Safety Extinguisher inspection 38.50 Hutch Util - Emp. Fund Employee fund withheld 66.00 Hutch Utilities Labor 2,528.40 3,619.52 Plant & UC 1,091.12 usage Hutch Wholesale Supply Plant supplies, mdse., power 172.22 operated equip. maint. Hydraulic Jack & Equipment Truck maint. 14.65 IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 464.75 46-- y y JULY - ELECTRIC (cont) Image Marerials Corp. Jahnke's Red Owl Junker Sanitation Service Leef Bros. , Inc. Mankato Business Products Paper Service Co. Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Plaza OK Hardware Quill Corp. Schmeling Oil Sorensen Farm Supply Swanke Motors UPA Orvis Wahl Welders Supply Co. Myron Wigen Chevrolet Erickson Oil Products Central Eyewear Dist. Ed Davis Business Machines UPA Central MN Communications Hutchinson Landscaping Medical Insurance Office supplies Coffee Refuse service Laundry Office supplies Plant supplies Inventory Grounds maint., supplies Office supplies Oil Plant supplies, truck maint. Truck maint. Station equipment maint. Engine maint. Plant supplies Truck maint. Gas Safety glasses Office supplies Purchased power Radio maint. Grounds maint. JULY PAYABLES - GAS American Family Life Ins. Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Continental Assurance Co. First State Federal Say. Fisher Controls Midwest Gas Assn. State Treasurer Apollo Piping Supply Schaeffer Mfg. Co. Hutch Utilities State Treasurer State Treasurer Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. Insurance Planners Continental Assurance Co. Petty Cash TraveLodge Hutchinson Utilities State Treasurer State Treasurer Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. 17.19 117.94 81.00 39.91 848.84 98.20 3,085.75 41.41 41.49 15.20 29.65 303.25 163.00 85.60 63.50 135.28 99.87 50.00 34.00 563,875.12 23.52 16.47 798.60 Employee insurance withheld 50.80 Employee accident insurance withheld 39.00 Life insurance Deposit to C/D account inventory Employee insurance withheld Employee insurance withheld Inventory Truck maint - oil Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Liability policy Life insurance School expense School expense Payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld 18.70 500.00 651.84 21.66 9.00 99.13 174.69 2,729.23 949.66 825.78 1,022.67 50.00 300.00 15,460.00 79.09 116.03 112.32 2,934.80 954.99 834.88 50.00 300.00 1 1 1 1 1 JULY - GAS (cont) Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Commissioner of Revenue American Freight System MN Electric Supply Co. General Trading Co. Apollo Piping Supply G T C Auto Parts Lakes Gas Co. Petty Cash Ametek, Inc. Apollo Piping Supply Brandon Tire Distran Sales Co. Dresser Measurement Hutchinson Fire & Safety Hutch Util - Emp -Fund Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale Supply IBEW Local 949 K -W Electronic Research North Star Gas Products Plexco Schmeling Oil Myron Wigen Chevrolet Yellow Freight System Hutchinson Utilities Erickson oil Products Central Eyewear Dist. Circle -Hutch Utility Medical Insurance Federal tax withheld State tax withheld Freight charges Mains & service Supplies Inventory Power operated equipment maint. Gas School expense Inventory Inventory Truck maint. Inventory Inventory Extinguisher inspection Employee fund withheld Labor, peak shaving plant, gas Supplies Union dues withheld Power operated equipment maint. Inventory Inventory, supplies Truck maint. Truck maint. Freight charges Due to Municipal Electric Plant July Expenses Gas Safety glasses Purchased gas 1,049.46 1,093.34 43.37 104.86 70.67 949.28 10.62 107.87 14.53 270.90 35.85 166.36 432.50 2,251.13 19.25 16.00 2,192.40 18.10 117.25 105.77 384.66 630.72 7.60 67.65 68.03 12,749.42 34.57 75.00 173,099.10 335.60 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to adjourn at 9:58 a.m. ATTEST E. Daggett, esident Thomas B. Lyke, C, ____