04-29-1985 HUCM1 1 Monthly Meeting April 29, 1985 All Commissioners were in attendance; also present were Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson and Ruth Hakel. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The March 25, 1985 minutes were reviewed. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to approve the minutes as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The March payables for both entities were discussed. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the payables as listed. Motion was unanimously carried. The electric and gas budgets for the period ending March 31, 1985 were reviewed by Mgr. Alexander. At this time Mayor Stearns appeared and briefly outlined future plans and projects for the City of Hutchinson. Ruth Hakel commented on the March financial reports. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept both reports. Mgr. Alexander reviewed various summer projects which have been planned for the distribution and natural gas system. No old business. New business: Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty authorizing the attendance of the Commissioners and General Manager at the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association meeting to be held at Cragun's Conference Center on June 23 -26, 1985. Motion was unanimously carried. The next two monthly meetings were changed to May 28, 1985 at 11:00 a.m. and June 27, 1985 at 8:00 a.m. The following are March payables: C/l i /-�- MARCH Continental Assurance Co. PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Life insurance 43.36 Laura Benage Refund overpayment 15.38 Delroy Freitag Refund overpayment 6.96 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal_ tax withheld 4,801.54 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 4,051.00 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,890.25 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,664.07 First State Federal Savings Payroll deposit plan 2,627.11 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 5,220.84 MMUA Workshop registration 150.00 ICMA Retirement Corp. Employee deferred comp withheld 1,000.00 Putnam Fund Dist. Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 Woodmen Accident & Life Medical insurance 5,455.02 American Payment Centers Rent 64.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Deposit to bond & int. payment 55,570.83 acct. Colonial Life & Accident Accident insurance withheld 143.50 Continental Assurance Co. Life insurance 200.09 Hutchinson Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 695.00 IBM Corp. Maint., lease, office supplies 1,195.30 Newark Electronics Dispatch equipment expense 3.42 Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 Petty Cash Postage 805.00 Tim McIver Meter refund & interest 3.49 David Swift Meter refund & interest 4.58 Petty Cash Meter refund & interest 299.43 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 679.824.53 accounts receivable Standard Spring Company Truck maint. 65.10 MN Environmental Quality Bd Assessment 632.48 Carmella Tweden Meter refund & interest 21.30 Stephen A. Schumaci 42.40 Craig O'Neal 21.30 Emma Melin ( 21.20 Florence Luedtke I 21.20 Douglas Leitzau 42.40 The Glass Apple 106.00 Terrance Field 42.40 Rozella Block 21.20 Kathryn Bartels 21.20 Uniforms Unlimited Uniforms 36.60 R. H. Alexander Meeting expense 84.28 American Public Power Assn Registration 640.50 Citizens Band & Trust Co. Payroll deposit plan 5,785.84 First National Bank Payroll deposit plan 1,796.11 First State Federal Savings Payroll deposit plan 2,416.98 UPA Purchased power 4,563.97 Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Federal tax withheld 4,489.58 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 5,117.23 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 3,823.68 State Treasurer_ PERA withheld & expense 3,754.00 MARCH - ELECTRIC (cont) Putnam Fund Dist., Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. Fireman's Fund Insurance Albinson, Inc. Albrecht Oil Company Allen Office Products American Linen Supply American Welding Supplies Anderson Chemical Company Apollo Leasing, Inc. Associated Consultants Charles Bailly & Company Barco Bearing Company Border States Electric Brinkman Studios Burmeister Electric Co Central Eyewear Dist. Chromalox City of Hutchinson Coast to Coast Commissioner of Revenue Copy Equipment, Inc. Crow River Press, Inc. Culligan Water Conditioning Ed Davis Business Machines Direct Safety Company Ditch Witch of MN Earl's Welding /Ind. Supply Electronic Center Fabricare Cleaners Family Rexall Drug Farm & Home Distributing Finn & Conway, Inc. John Henry Foster MN, Inc. Four Seasons Services Frontier Directory Co. General Electric Co. General Trading Co. Graybar Electric Co. Heath /Zenith Home Bakery Hutchinson Co -op Hutch Util - Employee Fund Hutch Utilities Hutch Wholesale Supply IBEW Local 949 Ink Spots Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee insurance withheld Office supplies, line maint. Gas Office supplies Laundry Plant supplies Inventory Power operated equipment maint. Engineering fees Audit Maint. plant equipment Inv., plant supplies, engine maint. #9 Film, frame Dist. expense Safety glasses Engine maint. #6 Insurance premium Plant supplies, office suppli building maint. Sales tax Office supplies Building maint. Plant supplies Office supplies Mdse. Power operated equip. maint. Plant supplies Engine maint. #9 Laundry Office supplies Dist. expense, line maint. Engine maint. #8 Tools Cup inserts Advertising Dist. line expense Plant supplies, mdse., equip. URD expense, plant supplies Radio maint. Cookies Supplies Employee fund withheld Labor 3,327.99 Plant & utility 3,600.20 center usage Plant supplies, mdse., truck Union dues withheld Office supplies 50.00 1,025.00 98.08 138.75 114.32 45.66 69.81 64.33 182.04 1,857.20 12,346.18 4,900.00 42.46 1,661.50 42.90 115.21 65.50 107.40 2,856.00 es, 97.81 18,212.76 122.88 4.80 11.25 98.18 41.60 4.60 41.45 4.48 118.50 40.89 39.86 144.88 29.82 35.00 28.00 267.50 maint. 95.59 237.25 91.98 203.00 12.50 66.00 6,928.19 maint. 214.25 464.75 10.50 1 1 1 MARCH - ELECTRIC (cunt) J.C. Penney Company Uniforms 18.55 Jahnke's Red Owl Coffee 156.30 Junker Sanitation Refuse service 81.00 Kato Tool & Equipment Co. Mdse. 51.23 Lakes Gas Co. Gas 156.50 Lawson Products, Inc. Plant supplies 11.90 Leef Bros., Inc. Laundry 41.99 McMaster -Carr Supply Co. Plant supplies 84.75 Mankato Business Products Office supplies 56.48 MN Municipal Utilities Asso School 78.43 New Hermes, Inc. Office supplies 149.28 Newark Electronics Dispatch equipment maint. 68.02 Northern States Supply Plant supplies, building maint. 142.62 Otter Tail Power Co. Dist. expense 28.95 P & D Ag Electric Truck maint. 69.85 Paper Service Co. Plant supplies, mdse. 108.75 Petersen- Wisdorf, Inc. Inventory, line maint. 193.60 Plaza OK Hardware Building maint. 25.95 quade's Plant supplies, mdse., meter exp. 60.88 The Reliable Corp. Office supplies 26.57 Rockite Silo Building maint., URD maint. 76.61 Rockmount Research & Alloys Power operated equipment maint. 75.48 Rutz Plumbing & Heating Plant supplies 17.05 Schaeffer Mfg. Company Simonson Lumber Truck maint. Building maint., supplies 160.60 101.42 Sorensen Farm Supply Dist. expense, plant supplies 540.26 The Standard Register Co. Office supplies 869.55 Dale Sturges Snow removal 348.75 United Electric Company tools 38.75 UPA Purchased power, maint. agree. 481,882.92 Upper Midwest Sales Co. Building maint. 81.01 W. D. Specialties Truck maint. 25.30 Welders Supply Co. Supplies 34.55 Wesley's Pharmacy Supplies 11.25 WESCO Inventory, plant supplies 773.40 Willow Mfg., Inc. URD maint. 1,610.00 7e'p Mfg. Company Plant supplies 93.00 Amoco Oil Company Gas 21.93 Popp's Electrical Meter expense 17.78 Graybar Electric Co. Mdse., inventory, plant supplies 5,022.64 20th Century Plastics Office supplies 26.13 Petty Cash Meter refunds & int., office 338.88 supplies, bldg. maint. MN Electric Supply Co. Mdse., supplies 69.48 H & C Electric Mdse 164.54 Hutchinson Telephone Co. Telephone 1,422.89 MN Benefit Assn. Employee insurance withheld 10.00 The Satterlee Co. Engine maint. #8 91.69 W. D. Cooling Clinic truck maint. 66.00 Erickson Oil Products Gas 238.27 L & P Supply Co. Equipment maint. 34.79 v Iy MARCH - ELECTRIC (cont) Zep Mfg. Company Marco Office Furniture Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc. Medical Insurance Hutch Utilities Plant supplies Office supplies Inventory MARCH PAYABLES - GAS State Treasurer State Treasurer Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Continental Assurance Co. Putnam Fund Dist. ICMA Retirement Corp. City of Hutchinson Colonial Life & Accident Continental Assurance Co. First National Bank First State Federal Hutchinson Utilities Curt Dahl American Public Power Asso State Treasurer State Treasurer Commissioner of Revenue Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Hutchinson Utilities First National Bank Putnam Fund Dist. Inc. ICMA Retirement Corp. State Treasurer Albrecht Oil Co. American Welding Supplies Apollo Piping Supply Charles Bailly & Company Coast to Coast Earl's Welding /Ind. Supply Elvin Safety Supply General Trading Company Hutchinson Iron & Metal Hutchinson Leader Hutch Util -- Emp. Fund Hutchinson Utilities Hutchinson Wholesale IBEW Local 949 Lakes Gas Company Minvalco, Inc. Due to Municipal Electric Plant payroll deposit plan PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense Federal tax withheld Life insurance Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Quarterly contribution Accident insurance withheld Life insurance Deposit to contribution account Deposit to C/D account Employee utility bills withheld Truck maint. Registration PERA withheld & expense FICA withheld & expense State tax withheld Federal tax withheld Due to Municipal Electric Plant payroll deposit plan Deposit to inc. pricing account interest Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee insurance withheld Gas Supplies Inventory, supplies Audit Supplies Supplies Supplies Power operated equip. maint. Supplies Legal Publication Employee Fund withheld Labor, peak shaving usage, gas Truck maint. Union dues withheld Gas Inventory, mdse. 138.00 68.73 9,000.00 1,168.90 2,657.71 958.44 840.80 1,039.19 17.14 50.00 300.00 75,000.00 39.00 79.09 25,000.00 500.00 415.00 20.00 274.50 973.37 866.32 1,220.72 1,103.16 3,081.71 7,305.28 50.00 300.00 9.00 18.49 37.83 82.21 3,300.00 11.74 93.00 12.48 36.89 49.66 13.01 16.00 1,769.92 96.28 117.25 145.69 53.00 1 7 1 1 1 1 / 5 1-- MARCH - GAS (coast) Plaza OK Hardware Supplies 14.46 Ralph's Garage Truck maint. 77.25 Rockmount Research & Alloys Power operated equipment maint 75.49 Schaeffer Mfg. Company Oil for trucks 80.30 Simonson Lumber Supplies 6.11 Swanke Motors Truck maint. 5.00 Welders Supply Company Supplies 34.55 Circle Hutch Utility Purchased gas 259.88 Apollo Piping Supply Inventory 88.52 Olsen Chain & Cable Supplies 55.58 Hutch Utilities Due to Municipal Electric Plant 12,423.72 March expenses Erickson Oil Products Gas 265.32 Continental Safety Equip. Supplies 51.45 Circle Hutch Utility Purchased gas 387,901.56 Yellow Freight Systems Freight 39.20 Medical Insurance 441.36 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adjourn the meeting at 2:10 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST '.LL C' E. Daggett, P dent Thomas S. Lyke,