12-27-1984 HUCM/-5'/ Regular Meeting December 27, 1984 All Commissioners were in attendance; also present were Mgr. Alexander, Counsel Peterson and Ruth Hakel. President Daggett called the meeting to order at 1:00 p.m. The minutes of November 26, 1984 were reviewed. After reviewing Resolution 11, Ivan Larson was appointed to destroy records (burning) after the expiration period of retention. A motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the November 26, 1984 minutes. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the minutes of December 7, 1984 as written. Motion was unanimously carried. The November payables for both entities were discussed. Motion was made by Commissioner Beatty, seconded by Commissioner Lyke to accept the payables as listed. Motion was unanimously carried. Ruth Hakel commented on the financial statements. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to accept the reports. Motion was unanimously carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to extend to the Hutchinson Utilities retired employees the right to retain medical group insurance until the age of 70 years. The retired employee shall pay all premiums and deductibles. Hutchinson Utilities has the right to alter, change or discontinue any or all medical insurance that affects the retired employee with a 30 day notice. They also have a right to cancel the above insurance if there is direct or indirect cost to the Utility Commission. Motion was unanimously carried. Commissioner Lyke was called upon to review the subject of Comparable Worth. The Mayor and Gary Plotz, having been contacted, indicated the City of Hutchinson would not be interested in working with the Utilities on this project. The alternative would be to go along with the Coalition of Outstate Cities, the State system or employ an independent company to do the survey. The following resolution was introduced: LJ Resolution 138 As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only RESOLUTION 12 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN AGREEMENT WITH CONTROL DATA CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF FORMING A JOINT COMPARABLE WORTH STUDY WITHIN MINNESOTA CITIES WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 471.991, et. seq. as enacted by the 1984 Session of the Minnesota Legislature requires every political subdivision in the State of Minnesota to establish equitable compensation relationships among its employees; and, WHEREAS, the 57 member cities of the Metropolitan Area Management Association together with approximately 30 out state cities including members of the Coalition of Out State Cities have been working to determine whether or not these cities could jointly produce a study that would comply with the Comparable Worth Legislation; and, WHEREAS, a desire to approach the study jointly is based on two primary reasons: First, the efforts among cities in their respective areas made in comparing wages and fringe benefits. Secondly, it was preferable for all cities to have used a common approach in the event that future litigation occurred; and, WHEREAS, following extensive review and evaluation of alternative systems the MAMA has recommended that the system proposed by Control Data Corporation Business Advisors be adopted to accomplish the job evaluation study mandated by state law; and, WHEREAS, in adopting the CDC proposal, MAMA took into consideration: 1) its ability to do job evaluation on all of the given city positions through the use of its extensive computer facilities as compared to the proposal to study only benchmark jobs proposed by other consultants, 2) the data offered as an end product will provide a labor relations- personnel tool for all cities beyond what was initially anticipated from a comparable worth study, 3) the Control Data proposal has the ability to be updated for new positions or added responsibilities to an existing job at nominal cost; and, WHEREAS, the CDC proposal offers a cost effective means of meeting the requirements of the state law. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF HUTCHINSON, HUTCHINSON, MINNESOTA: 1. That the Hutchinson Utilities Commission will participate in the joint study with Metro Area Management Association and the Coalition of Outstate Cities in the system being proposed by Control Data Corporation Business Advisors. 2. That the President and the Secretary are hereby authorized and directed to execute agreements necessary to accomplish this objective. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adopt Resolution 12, Authorizing Execution of An Agreement with Control Data Corporation For The Purpose Of Forming A Joint Comparable Worth Study Within Minnesota Cities. Motion was unanimously carried. Correspondence received from Associated Consultants indicating the scope of work a distribution study would involve (also charges) was discussed. Mgr. Alexander and Supt. Wentworth both felt the cost to be high as most of the data would be furnished directly by our personnel. It was decided to table the subject until the January meeting, at which time a representative from Associated Consultants would be in attendance to discuss the proposal. Mgr. Alexander presented statistics showing savings to the Utilities regarding medical insurance. A motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to set up restricted funds for medical insurance - $60,000 for electric and $40,000 for gas division. Motion was unanimously carried. A list of uncollectible accounts was presented. Motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty authorizing management to charge -off electric accounts in the amount of $136.95 and gas accounts in the amount of $131.02, totaling $267.97, detailed listing on pages 1210E and 478G of the December general journal. Motion was unanimously carried. Mgr. Alexander reported to the Commission on recent meetings held with United Power Association and Northern States Power Company. The following are November payables: NOVEMBER PAYABLES - ELECTRIC Citizens Bank & Trust Cc Deposit to contribution account 20,900.00 Colonial Life & Accident Accident insurance withheld 115.50 Continental Assurance Co Life insurance 31.53 Hutch Utilities Employee utility bills withheld 880.00 IBM Corp Lease 452.00 George Luthens Building maint 20.00 Natural Gas Division Due to Natural Gas Division 425,665.86 Accounts receivable Northern States Supply Tools 86.00 Norwest Bank Mpls NA Bond & interest payment 609,360.50 Richard Peterson Legal retainer 400.00 Rockmount Research & Alloy Plant supplies 121.47 United Electric Co URD maint 70.74 Petty Cash Meter refunds & interest 570.45 Genevieve Selleseth Estate ' 15.53 Deborah Hesse ` i 8.62 Kenneth Tenney Refund - overpayment 40.60 Mayme Boettcher Refund - overpayment 6.01 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,639.00 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 3,516.60 Citizens Bank & Trust Co Federal tax withheld 4,449.51 Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 909.00 Continental Assurance Co Life insurance 190.58 Woodmen Accident & Life Medical insurance 5,516.80 MN Valve & Fitting Co Plant supplies 560.67 Guy Speaker Co Inc Plant supplies 122.51 Roilgard Inventory 1,930.50 Citizens Bank & Trust Co Federal tax withheld 4,440.50 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 4,779.25 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 3,420.99 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,619.82 Apollo Piping Supply Plant supplies 54.05 Petty Cash Postage 762.83 ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 909.00 Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 IBM Corp Maint service 467.50 H & C Electric Supply Mdse 149.20 Heathkit Electronic Center Plant supplies 6.75 Consolidated Freightways Inventory 107.76 Marco Office Furniture Office supplies 20.20 Anderson Chemical Cc Chemical inventory 1,841.40 Williams Steel & Hardware Tool 14.14 PFC Equipment, Inc Engine maint #8 1,519.41 Apollo Piping Supply Plant supplies 2.87 Popp Electrical Line maint 30.00 Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc Inventory, URD maint 706.42 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 3,847.55 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 3,561.43 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 2,581.50 Citizens Bank & Trust Cc Federal tax withheld 4,907.36 c,< NOVEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) MMUA Registration - line crew - workshop 250.00 Hutch Utilities Due to Natural Gas Division 9,791.64 Interest on C/D Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 909.00 Border States Electric Inv, meter exp, URD exp 2,686.95 Hutchinson Telephone Co Telephone 1,456.59 H & C Electric Supply Inventory 145.70 Petty Cash Postage, office supplies, gas 308.08 Petty Cash Meter refunds & interest 103.10 J.C. Penney Co Uniforms 197.35 Erickson Oil Products Gas 223.76 United Electric Co Engine maint #8 33.98 General Trading Co Plant supplies, eng maint #3, tools 453.77 State of MN - Dept of Labor Boiler inspection fees 80.00 Richard White Meter refund & interest 42.60 Kathryn Scheer 21.10 Arlis Rettig 21.20 Pizza Unlimited 106.50 Scott Martin 20.40 Jeff Linden 21.30 Jon Kotnik 21.20 Ethel Jacobson 21.30 Wendelin Haala 42.60 Gary Forcier 21.20 Ronald Burger € 21.30 John Bergerson 42.60 Allan Anderstrom 42.60 Rick Schmidt 20.90 A & B Electric URD services 70.84 American Linen Supply Laundry 58.92 American Welding Supply Plant supplies 15.00 Anderson Chemical Co Maint water system 430.00 Aquatrol Station equipment 952.00 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 4,208.25 Burmeister Electric Co Dist expense 52.42 Central MN Communications Communications equip & maint 959.00 Certified Laboratories Building maint 75.90 City of Hutchinson Water bills 176.76 Commissioner of Revenue Sales tax 19,933.01 Crow River Glass Co Building maint 36.99 Ditch Witch of MN Power operated equip maint 111.94 Electric Motor Co Eng maint #8, maint vent system 914.09 Fabricare Cleaners Laundry 124.00 Family Rexall Drug Office supplies 37.21 Fireman's Fund Ins Insurance withheld 98.08 Four Seasons Services Cup inserts 35.00 G.T.C. Auto Parts Truck maint 9.87 Home Bakery Cookies 194.94 Hutchinson Leader Legal publication 180.64 Hutch Util - Employee Fund Employee fund withheld 157.50 n NOVEMBER - ELECTRIC (cont) Hutch Utilities Labor 2,360.40 5,877.27 Plant UC usage 3,516.87 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Plant supplies, equip maint, bldg 188.49 maint IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 449.50 Jahnke's Red Owl Coffee 55.92 Junker Sanitation Refuse service 93.00 Kato Tool & Equipment Cc Mdse 84.84 L & P Supply Cc Other equip maint 85.76 Lakes Gas Cc Gas 200.34 Leef Bros Inc Laundry 38.80 McLeod County Landfill Dumping charge 4.00 Mankato Business Products Office supplies 56.48 MN Benefit Asso Employee insurance withheld 10.00 MMUA Safety instruction 180.00 Northern States Power Cc Metering, trans - exp 6,056.12 Paper Service Cc Plant supplies 279.57 Petersen - Wisdorf, Inc URD maint 43.35 Rutz Plumbing & Heating Equip maint 33.85 Scientific Columbus Inventory 3,885.79 Standard Printing Office supplies 50.45 United Way United Way withheld 44.00 Graybar Electric Mdse 37.66 Albinson, Inc Office supplies 8.10 Allen Office Products Office supplies 125.13 Border States Electric Plant supplies 115.17 Central Contractors Supply Tools 97.65 Coast -to -Coast Store plant supplies, bldg maint, tools 101.75 Culligan Water Cond Plant supplies 11.25 Erickson Oil Products Gas 206.94 Farm & Home Dist Plant supplies, power operated 67.45 equip maint G. F. Nemitz Sons Plant supplies 12.95 Northern States Supply Dist expense 12.06 Plaza OK Hardware Plant supplies, bldg maint, maint 106.64 equip United Electric Cc Plant supplies, mdse 82.55 UPA Purchased Power 454,914.95 Velvet Coach Inv Meeting expense 13.93 Medical Insurance 425.65 NOVEMBER PAYABLES - GAS Colonial Life & Accident Continental Assurance Cc First State Federal Hutchinson Utilities Putnam Fund Dist ICMA Retirement Corp Continental Assurance Cc Accident insurance withheld Life insurance Deposit to C/D account Employee utility bills withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Employee deferred comp withheld Life insurance 24.50 12.47 500.00 455.00 250.00 50.00 75.34 NOVEMBER - GAS (cont) State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 923.04 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 794.98 Citizens Bank & Trust Cc Federal tax withheld 1,034.61 Citizens Bank & Trust Co Federal tax withheld 1,039.93 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 788.51 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 919.15 Nat'l Assn Cons Owned Gas Dues 330.00 Apollo Piping Supply Inv, services, supplies 277.51 Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 250.00 ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 Yellow Freight System Freight 69.50 State Treasurer PERA withheld & expense 914.88 State Treasurer FICA withheld & expense 781.45 Commissioner of Revenue State tax withheld 1,727.73 Citizens Bank & Trust Co Federal tax withheld 1,035.92 Putnam Fund Dist Employee deferred comp withheld 250.00 ICMA Retirement Corp Employee deferred comp withheld 50.00 Rufus Alexander Meeting expense 152.35 Apollo Piping Supply Inventory 76.16 Circle Hutch Utility Purchased gas 435,240.05 Coast -to -Coast Power oper equip & truck maint 33.17 Erickson Oil Products Gas 172.89 Farm & Home Dist Truck maint 69.85 Guy Speaker Cc Office supplies 126.05 Hutchinson Co -op Supplies 15.00 Northern States Supply Supplies 25.30 Plaza OK Hardware Supplies 4.88 Welders Supply Welding supplies 27.00 American Meter Division Inv, meter expense 2,912.15 American Welding Supplies Welding supplies 11.47 Apollo Piping Supply Inventory 50.40 Associated Consultants Engineering fees 200.00 Brandon Tire Power operated equip maint 10.50 Case Power & Equipment Power operated equip maint 16.96 Fisher Controls Inventory 776.96 Guy Speaker Co Energy audit expense 199.18 Hutchinson Leader Legal publication 120.43 Hutch Util - Employee Fund Employee fund withheld 36.00 Hutch Utilities Labor, peak shaving, gas 2,132.14 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Power operated equip maint 18.56 IBEW Local 949 Union dues withheld 113.50 Lakes Gas Co Gas 132.19 Plexco Inventory 9.50 United Way United Way withheld 8.00 W D Specialties Power operated equip maint 83.60 Water Products Co Mains 429.60 NOVEMBER - GAS (cont) Hutch Utilities Due to Municipal Electric Plant 10,790.08 November expenses Northern Natural Gas Co Purchased gas 343.76 J. C. Penney Co Uniforms 148.00 General Trading Cc Supplies 34.01 Erickson Oil Products Gas 244.94 Medical Insurance 108.80 There being no further business, a motion was made by Commissioner Lyke, seconded by Commissioner Beatty to adjourn the meeting at 3:40 p.m. Motion was unanimously carried. ATTEST'` f E. Daggett, Pr si ent i