08-25-1980 HUCMRegular Meeting August 25, 1980 All Commissioners were present, also present were Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel and Eugene "Bud" Daggett. The meeting was called to order by President Quade at 2:00 p.m. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of July 27, 1980 were presented. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes as presented in their printed form. The motion carried. The minutes of the Special Meeting of August 13, 1980 were presented. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to accept the minutes as presented in their printed form. The motion carried. President Quade reported that Dick Kirkham of Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association had requested him to stay on the state board until November 1, 1980. A motion was made by Commissioner Wilk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to authorize Howard P. Quade to attend certain Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association meetings as a representative of the Hutchinson Utilities on September 15, 26 and 27, 1980 and October 22 thxu 24, 1980. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the Commission be authorized to attend the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association meeting at the Sheraton Ritz in Minneapolis on October 22 thru 24, 1980. Mgr. Alexander reported the following items: Tom Polacek and Mr. Ratchye, a lawyer, would be here August 29, 1980 at 10:00 a.m. concerning generator failures on #4 and V. Generator #2 is in the shop for repair and work should be completed within three weeks. Counsel Hofmann has given Curtiss - Wright until September 3, 1980 to complete certain data needed for the pending litigation. Co- Ray -Vac heater system is being priced for use in the Utility garage and shop area. Reported on his attendance to the Midwest Gas Association meeting. Commissioner Tracy also reported on the American Public Gas Association meeting that he had attended. 1 i tY A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy that approximately $250,000.00 would be contributed to the General Fund of the City of Hutchinson for the year 1981, to be paid in quarterly installments. After discussion, the motion carried. Commissioner Tracy offered a Resolution commending Howard P. Quade for his 18 years of service and leadership to the Hutchinson Utilities Commission. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to adopt the Resolution as stated. The motion carried. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Vermeer Sales & Services 9176 12,500.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash. 9177 236.81 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 9178 227.49 Quast Transfer, Inc. 9179 60.36 Gerry's Vision Center 9180 44.50 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9181 4,685.53 State Treasurer 9182 3,465.94 Vicki Wotruba 9183 21.30 Lanny Waalen 9184 40.20 Tin Pan Deli 9185 100.50 Elaine Thul 9187 20.10 Robert Streich 9188 40.20 Thomas Rea 9189 40.20 Ruth Rams tad 9190 20.00 Robert Miley 9191 40.00 Bonnie Mackey 9192 21.30 Debra Lundberg 9193 20.00 Roger P. Koren 9194 40.20 Arnold Kaiser 9195 40.20 Francis Hlavka 9196 40.00 Stanley Hardt 9197 40.20 Buell Fogg 9198 20.00 Leslie Elder 9199 20.10 Hector Dalton 9200 21.30 Paul Conrad 9201 20.10 George Boyerl 9202 40.00 Michael Bleckinger 9203 40.20 Duwayne Anderson 9204 21.08 Plaza OK Hardware 9206 91.58 Postmaster 9207 40.56 Debra Knutson 9208 18.69 Sherman Rickard 9209 13.36 Mary Appel 9210 3.42 Joel Russell 9211 34.76 Lawrence Henry 9212 19.74 Michael Lutgen 9213 18.03 Kay Klawitter 9214 15.36 Doug Gibson 9215 9.51 Bret Muehlhauser 9216 14.16 George Butcher 9217 9.29 Julie Oye 9218 10.47 Jeff Jewell 9219 4.93 Dallas Wall 9220 8.82 Cindy Goyer Hennessey 9221 17.68 Randy Remer 9222 10.39 William Breitkreutz 9223 5,344.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9224 4,804.44 State Treasurer 9225 3,578.61 Rufus Alexander 9227 245.00 Commissioner of Revenue 9228 9,307.71 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9229 20,900.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9230 100,000.00 Juncewski Masonry 9231 1,281.44 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9232 100,000.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9233 120,000.00 W E S C 0 9234 175.00 United Power Association 9235 62,504.42 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9236 5.00 Returned Checks 9999 785.87 American Payment Centers Inc. 4444 36.00 Amoco Oil Company 4445 23.86 Anderson Chemical Company 4446 773.03 Anderson - Waalen Interiors 4447 5.10 Barco Bearing Company 4448 27.21 Book Distribution Center 4449 43.69 Border States Elect Supply Company 4450 353.83 Burmeister Electric Company 4451 244.28 The Ceco Corporation 4452 2,027.58 Central Minn. Communications 4453 54.93 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 4454 54,525.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 4455 26,284.00 Clearing Container Inc. 4456 570.00 Commissioner of Revenue 4458 3,703.94 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 4459 75.00 Continental Safety Equip. Inc. 4460 32.50 Culligan Water Conditioning 4461 76.50 Data Documents, Inc. 4462 215.76 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 4463 172.95 Division of Boiler Inspection 4464 4.00 Electronic Center, Inc. 4465 46.76 Elvin Safety Supply Inc. 4466 143.79 Family Rexall Drug 4467 14.70 H. W. Filk 4468 300.00 Fire Extinguisher Sales -Sery 4469 10.00 Floor Care Supply Company 4470 19.90 John Henry Foster Company 4471 6.58 Four Seasons Services, Inc. General Electric Company 4472 4473 33.40 3,708.00 General Electric Supply Company 4474 175.66 Grayb ar Electric Company Inc. 4475 101.30 H & C Electric Supply 4476 138.12 Hall's Safety Equipment Company 4477 74.98 Hastings Fiber Glass Prod. Inc. 4478 7.52 Home Bakery 4479 360.35 Hutchinson Landscaping 4480 51.00 The Hutchinson Leader 4481 90.72 Hutchinson Telephone Company 4482 705.48 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 4483 114.00 I B E W Local 949 4484 366.58 Ink Spots, Inc. 4485 88.50 Junker Sanitation Service 4486 76.00 Kato Tool & Equipment Company 4487 26.66 Minnesota Bearing Company 4488 104.96 Minnesota Hallowell 4489 920.58 Natural Gas Division 4490 258,615.24 <?, Northern States Supply Inc. 4491 96.56 Nott Company 4492 12.59 Oakite Products, Inc. 4493 110.55 Paper Service Company 4494 247.16 Duane Peterson Company 4495 208.03 Richard A. Peterson 4496 200.00 Premier Fastener Company 4497 102.01 H. P. Quade 4498 300.00 Share Corporation 4499 919.14 Simonson Lumber 4500 61.36 Snap -On Tools Corporation 4501 69.15 State of Minnesota - Social Security 4502 5,683.04 Sterling Electric Company 4503 31.32 Stewart Paint Mfg. Company 4504 494.50 Thomas Engineering Sales Company 4505 3,449.82 Clinton Tracy 4506 300.00 Warner's Industrial Supplies 4507 5.56 W E S C 0 4508 1,131.50 Albrecht Oil Company 4509 105.14 Rufus Alexander 4510 50.35 Allen Office Products, Inc. 4511 100.88 American Welding Supplies Inc. 4512 72.90 Anderson Chemical Company 4513 2,520.20 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 4514 47.08 Associated Consultants, Inc 4515 2,108.50 Bailey Meter Company 4516 80.18 Big Bear, Inc. 4517 84.00 Pauline Bipes 4518 265.00 Border States Elect Supply Company 4519 21,167.38 Burmeister Electric Company 4520 276.60 Central Contractors Supply 4521 27.95 Central Minn. Communications 4522 68.50 City of Hutchinson 4523 142.48 Coast -To -Coast 4524 108.05 B. Dalton Bookseller Ed Davis Business Machines 4525 4526 21.46 5.75 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 4527 242.45 Electrical Materials Company Inc. 4528 99.00 Electrol Equipment Inc. 4529 9.22 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 4530 168.55 Farm & Home Distributingq 4531 110.99 H. W. Filk 4532 50.35 Four Seasons Services, Inc. 4533 33.40 G. T. C. Auto Parts 4534 19.46 Gamble Store 45 35 8.01 General Electric Company 4536 469.27 General Electric Supply Company 4537 633.00 General Trading Company 4538 155.00 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 4539 167.81 H & C Electric Supply 4540 24.94 Hanson Pump Service Company 4541 11.40 Heikes Hardware Hank 4542 8.34 Hutchinson Co -op 4543 20.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 4544 824.77 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 4545 165,536.87 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 4546 190.06 I. B. M. 4547 694.00 Ideal Shoe Shop 4548 10.00. Jahnke's Red Owl 4549 162.99 Jerry's Tire Company 4550 341.99 Juul Contracting Company 4551 10.00 Kato Tool & Equipment Company 4552 26.66 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 4553 2.94 LaHass Mfg. & Sales, Inc. 4554 11.30 Leef Bros., Inc. 4555 119.06 Madden Inn & Golf Club 4556 429.40 Madsen Insurance Agency 4557 3,178.50 Main Motor Sales, Inc. 4558 18.00 W.P. & R.S. Mars Company 4559 6.00 MN Municipal Utilities Assn. 4560 160.00 Duane Peterson Company 4561 45.43 Richard A. Peterson 4562 91.00 Power Process Equipment, Inc. 4563 23.93 Power Supply Company 4564 183.23 Precision Castweld 4565 2,825.00 Quade's 4566 448.96 H. P. Quade 4567 50.35 Rockite Silo Inc. 4568 42.05 Marge Schiro 4569 265.00 Sorenson Farm Supply 4570 29.71 Sterling Electric Company 4571 86.34 Clinton Tracy 4572 50.35 Transport Clearings 4573 43.68 United Power Association 4574 97,132.77 Welders Supply Company 4575 9.24 Westinghouse Electric Corporation 4576 4,025.00 W E S C 0 4577 2,204.88 Zep Manufacturing Company 4578 117.50 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R. E. Young 2142 165.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 2143 1.69 World Travel 2144 364.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2145 945.64 State Treasurer 2146 662.12 Duwayne Anderson 2147 22.78 Louis Wichterman 2148 200.00 World Travel 2149 1,092.00 Midwest Gas Association Inc. 2150 140.00 Pamida, Inc. 2151 19.87 Plaza OK Hardware 2152 16.12 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2153 915.89 State Treasurer 2154 645.14 Orville Kuiken 2155 36.30 Hansen Gravel & Fill 2156 1,756.00 Madsen Insurance Agency 2157 22,257.00 American Meter Division 896 3,217.50 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 897' -' 38.g3 Central Auto Sales 898 10.00' Commissioner of Revenue 899 643.15 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 900 12.00 Electronic Center, Inc. 901 14.61 First State Federal Savings 902 500.00 Hutchinson Co -op 903 8.00 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 904 21.00 I B E W Local 949 905 66.00 Nat'l. Assn. of Corrosion Eng. 906 8.75 Northern States Supply Inc. 907 1.87 Quade's 908 40.25 State of MN - Social Security 909 780.50 ACCO Industries Inc. 910 42.28 American Public Gas Association 911 310.00 American Welding Supplies Inc. 912 82.00 Circle- Hutch.Utility Board 913 225,884.62 Farm & Home Distributing 914 4.08 G. T. C. Auto Parts 915 38.97 Hutchinson Iron & Metal 916 3.00 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 917 3,128.97 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 918 28.74 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 919 27.45 Madsen Insurance Agency 920 3,178.50 Mueller Company 921 848.11 Martin Narr 922 63.00 G. F. Nemitz Sons 923 15.15 Olson Equipment Company 924 84.87 Sorenson Farm Supply 925 5.80 Wally's Tire Shop 926 187.50 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3 :30 p.m. ATTEST L i" A President 2 , Z__� C inton acy, Secretar 1 1