05-27-1980 HUCMI Regular Meeting May 27, 19 80 All Commissioners were present, also present was Mgr. Alexander. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Quade. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of April 28, 1980 were presented. On a motion by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy the minutes were accepted as presented in their printed form. The motion carried. Mgr. Alexander reported on the following items: 1. Attended the WAPA meeting in Sioux Falls, SD on May 14, 1980. Plans are in the making to increase generation and expand area. Letters have been mailed to the Governor of Minnesota and various other persons who can help our Utility procure some of this proposed additional power. Another WAPA meeting is coming in the near future and Mgr. Alexander has been instructed to attend. 2. The Utility staff has been busy gathering data for the Curtiss - Wright lawsuit. 3. The dike at generating plant #1 has been completed and sodded. 4. The 4" gas main is progressing according to plan. Completion is expected by fall. 5. The budget for 1980 was presented. An update will be forthcoming in June and October. Work on the 1981 budget will begin in October, 1980. The Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association meeting to be held June 22 thru June 25, 1980 at Maddens Resort was discussed. On a motion by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk all Commissioners and Mgr. Alexander were authorized to attend. The motion carried. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Jean Schroeder 9017 21.30 Anna Paul 9018 42.40 Ervin Miller 9019 42.40 H. James Ludowese 9020 42.60 Cindy Duenow 9021 42.40 Power Process Equipment, Inc. 9022 200.00 Hutchinson Utilities 9023 120.00 John Morrison 9024 246.70 Scott Vogt 9025 40.19 Angela Hardel 9026 7.12 Margaret Prellwitz 9027 12.09 Plaza OK Hardware 9028 122.80 Linda Squier 9029 13.82 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9030 4,100.83 State Treasurer 9031 3,277.70 Harvey Kemper 9032 25.00 Sterner Lighting Systems, Inc. 9033 1,796.00 Hutchinson Boy Scouts 9034 120.00 Hutchinson Utilities 9035 528.94 Bruce Smutka 9036 177.79 The Registry Hotel 9037 367.77 Anderson Chemical Company 9038 925.31 United Building Centers 9039 1.59 Roilgard, Inc. 9040 1,366.20 Linda Squier 9041 10.82 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9042 4,289.36 State Treasurer 9043 3,359.92 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 9044 10.08 American Public Power Association 9045 180.00 First National Bank of Hutchinson 9046 24,792.82 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9047 120,000.00 Burlington Northern Inc. 9049 25.00 Central Minnesota Communications 9050 18.19 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 9051 54.80 Williams Steel & Hardware 9052 141.21 Sterling Electric Company 9053 521.64 Auto Matic Garage 9054 922.00 The Satterlee Company 9055 20.32 Business Products Inc. 9056 14.64 Chas. Olson & Sons, Inc. 9057 69.38 City of Hutchinson 9058 16.80 H & C Electric Supply 9059 161.46 Region 6E Community Action 9060 75.00 Sterling Electric Company 9061 76.76 Williams Steel & Hardware 9062 47.55 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 9064 303,000.00 Transport Clearings 9063 58.31 Returned Checks 9999 490.16 Albrecht Oil Company 4093 185.06 Allen Office Products, Inc. 4094 87.28 American Air Filter Company, Inc. 4095 759.20 American Linen Supply Company 4096 46.67 American Payment Centers Inc. 4097 36.00 American Welding Supplies Inc. 4098 92.85 Amoco Oil Company 4099 153.35 Anderson Chemical Company 4100 1,133.65 Anderson - Waalen Interiors 4101 11.20 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. Associated Consultants, Inc. 4102 4103 161.43 171.46 Barco Bearing Company 4104 80.22 Beckman Instruments Inc. 4105 71.17 Berg - Torseth, Inc. 4106 450.20 Border States Electric Supply Co. 4107 121.29 Mrs. Fred Briggs 4108 20.00 Bruss Upholstering 4109 144.00 Burlington Northern Inc. 4110 25.00 Business Products Inc. 4111 50.21 Central Petroleum Company 4112 306.25 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 4113 54,525.00 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 4114 26,284.00 Coast -To -Coast 4115 60.72 Commissioner of Revenue 4116 9,923.22 Commissioner of Revenue 4117 3,504.43 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 4118 87.00 Craftsman Controls Company 4119 189.00 Culligan Water Conditioning 4120 38.25 Ed Davis Business Machines 4121 16.57 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 4122 269.37 Duncan Company 4123 98.59 Elvin Safety Supply Inc. 4124 114.16 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 4125 148.30 Family Rexall Drug 4126 63.06 Farm & Home Distributing 4127 95.60 Fenton Chevrolet Cadillac Inc. 4128 37.50 H. W. Filk 4129 300.00 Floor Care Supply Company 4130 29.40 Forbes' Champion Auto & Service 4131 1.89 John Henry Foster Company 4132 155.62 Four Seasons Services, Inc. 4133 33.40 G. M. W. Inc. 4134 17.19 G. T. C. Auto Parts 4135 134.11 Gamble Store 4136 8.83 General Electric Company 4137 6,136.00 General Trading Company 4138 132.98 Grayb ar Electric Company Inc. 4139 40.41 H & C Electric Supply 4140 399.00 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 4141 2,500.00 Home Bakery 4142 371.38 Hutchinson Co -op 4143 8.00 The Hutchinson Leader 4144 159.57 Hutchinson Mfg. & Sales 4145 114.20 Hutchinson Telephone.Company 4146 867.84 Hutchinson Util. Employee Fund 4147 111.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 4148 762.89 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 4149 207,124.12 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 4150 280.63 I B E W Local 949 4151 376.36 Jahnke's Red Owl 4152 161.75 Junker Sanitation Service 4153 65.00 Kato Tool & Equipment Company 4154 51.20 Kirby Company 4155 2.30 Krasen Hardware Hank 4156 12.39 Krasen Plumbing & Heating Duane Larson 4157 4158 30.59 24.00 Leef Bros., Inc. 4159 121.08 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 4160 5.00 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 4161 18.48 Machine Shop 4162 162.76 Miller, Miller & Mac, Inc. 4163 38.00 Minnesota Hallowell 4164 6,058.93 Minnesota Valve & Fitting Company 4165 30.38 Mueller Sales Corporation 4166 95.40 Natural Gas Division 4167 465,554.66 Northern States Supply Inc. 4168 9.89 Northland Electric Supply Company 4169 400.17 Northwestern Power Equipment Co. 4170 89.43 Pamida, Inc. 4172 9.51 Paper Service Company 4173 138.53 Richard A. Peterson 4174 305.00 H. R. Peterson Company 4175 47.41 Peterson Service Company 4176 319.38 Plowman's Inc. 4177 24.68 Power Supply Company 4178 101.33 Quade's 4179 7.00 H.. P. Quade 4180 300.00 Roilgard, Inc. 4181 1,680.00 Rutz Plumbing & Heating 4182 78.26 Schramm Implement 4183 27.30 Simonson Lumber 4184 16.96 Sorenson Farm Supply 4185 36.43 Standard Printing Company 4186 28.70 The Standard Register Company 4187 708.96 State of Minnesota - Social Security 4188 5,429.94 State of Minnesota - Dept. of Admin. Sterling Electric Company 4189 4190 4.50 512.27 Thorsen, Campbell, Rolando & Lehne 4191 550.00 Totushek Trucking 4192 10.00 Clinton Tracy 4193 300.00 United Power Association 4194 78,900.23 W E S C 0 4195 3,425.21 Williams Steel & Hardware 4196 366.69 Worthington Service Corporation 4197 19,178.27 Associated Consultants, Inc. 4198 744.85 Pauline Bipes 4199 265.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield of MN 4200 .5,219.10 Calgon Corporation 4201 . 1,890.00 Central Minnesota Communications 4202 84.15 City of Hutchinson ,.s: 4203 95.18 Crane Packing Company 4204 3.87.' Ed Davis Business Machines 4205 180.00 G. M. W. Inc. 4206 89.91 Grayb ar Electric Company Inc. 4207 600.09 Hutchinson Plumbing & Heating 4208 27.88 I. B. M. 4209 694.00 Kjos Our Own Hardware 4210 3.84 L & P Supply Company 4211 146.05 Quast Transfer, Inc. 4212 109.33 Marge Schiro 4213 265.00 Snap -On Tools Corporation 4214 14.34 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R. E. Young 2076 165.00 Hutchinson Utilities 2077 93.95 Clinton Tracy, Secretary / ATTEST H. P. Quade, President Circle - Hutch. Utility Board 2078 2,641.61 Circle Pines Utility 2079 159.02 Plaza OK Hardware 2080 17.90 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2081 907.69 State Treasurer 2082 653.95 Minvalco Inc. 2083 6.10 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 2084 340,438.52 Circle Pines Utility 2085 56.08 Bruss Upholstering 2086 154.25 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2087 907.29 State Treasurer 2088 654.32 First National Bank 2089 201,900.00 Darell McDonald 2090 87.45 Citizens Bank & Trust Company 2091 100,000.00 Hutchinson Utilities 2092 123.35 First National Bank 2093 20,000.00 Ideal Shoe Shop 2094 36.70 City of Hutchinson 2095 16.80 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 2097 1,047.53 American Meter Division 819 12.31 American Welding Supplies Inc. 820 182.35 Arps Division of Chromalloy 821 831.00 Berg- Torseth, Inc. 822 160.07 E. R. Berg & Associates 823 753.80 Commissioner of Revenue 824 680.36 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 825 12.00 Farm & Home Distributing First State Federal Savings 826 827 37.96 500.00 G. M. W. Inc. 828 18.82 G. T. C. Auto Parts 829 57.87 Hutchinson Iron & Metal 830 94.55 Hutchinson Util. Employees Fund 831 21.00 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 832 2,648.07 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 833 10.58 I B E W Local 949 834 66.00 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 835 40.80 Simonson Lumber 836 28.00 State of Minnesota - Social Security 837 830.76 Welders Supply Company 838 9.55 There being no furthex> 'business, the meeting adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Clinton Tracy, Secretary / ATTEST H. P. Quade, President