04-16-1979 HUCMRegular Meeting April 16, 1979 All Commissioners were present, also Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel, Dave Wolff of the Department of Natural Resources and Virgil Wegscheid of the Trail Riders Club. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Quade. On a motion by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy the minutes of the Regular Meeting of March 5, 1979 were accepted as presented. The motion carried. Dave Wolff and Virgil Wegscheid appeared with questions concerning an easement for the Luce Line Recreational Trail to go across Utility property between Bluff Street and Main Street. The Utility plans to build a "berm" or dike in part of this area and Mgr. Alexander was instructed to draw up plans and confer with the Department of Natural Resources at some future date. The Commission felt that we could work out something to the satisfaction of all parties. Mgr. Alexander reported: 1. Thomas J. Polacek of the firm of Supornick & Associates has been retained to aid the Utilities in presenting claims to the insurance company. 2. Claims on repairing generators #4 and #7 have been turned down by the insurance company; however claims will be resubmitted. 3. We are going to send in a claim on Unit X68, also a claim covering costs incurred by the switchgear fire. 4. Curtiss - Wright Corporation had asked for a purchase order for #9, stating that the amount would be $381,000. Counsel Peterson and John Nixon have prepared a statement to be part of the purchase order. 5. A meeting would be scheduled with Don Swanson, of Associated Consultants for the purpose of discussing Engineering Services. 6. The diesel engines will be shut down April 17 -18 to tie in a new water system which will eventually be tied into the cooling towers. 1 1 D-J 7. #8 G.E. unit would be down on the 24th of April for an inspection of transition pieces, buckets and general inspection. After discussion concerning the need for double metering with UPA, a motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to purchase equipment in the amount of $11,700 from Grayb ar Electric Company, UPA to assist in the installation. A motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to pay Harold Scholz Company Estimate #3 in the amount of $113,000. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy to hold the bill belonging to Associated Consultants in the amount of $11,223.74 until it has been explained in detail after which it may be paid if the explanation is satisfactory or an adjustment made. The motion carried. The following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT State Treasurer Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line Philip Bechinella Geoffrey Docken Leander Heinen Gwen Mattsfield The Kunz Oil Company H & C Electric Supply Vickie Haseman Gary McCabe Plaza OK Hardware Kimro, Inc. Standard Oil Postmaster P & B Constructors, Inc. Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. Wayne Transports, Inc. The Kunz Oil Company Standard Oil Standard Oil State Treasurer United Power Association Wayne Transports, Inc. Blue Cross & Blue Shield Standard Oil Kimro, Inc. Wayne Transports, Inc. Standard Oil General Electric Company 7788 7789 7790 7791 7792 7793 7794 7795 7796 7797 7799 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 7807 7808 7810 7811 7812 7813 7814 7815 7819 7820 7821 3,186.93 278.11 21.20 11.60 21.30 21.30 61,884.00 3,003.67 12.35 2.24 93.21 12,523.40 30,754.08 161.00 14,192.75 359.92 422.12 215.99 30,903.12 34,615.10 2,966.96 72,170.05 273.33 4,492.73 49,560.72 29,027.24 136.68 3,529.48 13,910.00 Koch Fuels 7823 39,666.12 Standard Oil 7824 792.00 Pauline Bipes 7826 220.00 David Plihal 7827 220.00 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 7828 23.43 Minnesota- Wisconsin Truck Line 7829 94.60 Standard Oil 7830 24,965.72 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 7831 203.36 APPA Executive Referral Service 7833 100.00 Radisson Arrowhead 7834 169.00 Harold K. Scholz Company 7836 297.00 P & B Constructors, Inc. 7837 597.28 Koch Fuels 7838 44,504.90 State Treasurer 7839 3,118.63 Hutchinson Utilities 7841 450.00 W E S C 0 7842 333.60 Returned Checks 9999 1,237.78 Anderson Chemical Company 2557 1,423.82 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 2558 1,591.36 Beckman Instruments Inc. 2559 45.87 Border States. Elect. Supply Co. 2560 840.95 Mrs. Fred Briggs 2561 20.00 Burmeister Electric Company 2562 211.84 Business Products Inc. 2563 36.00 Calgon Corporation 2564 3,351.00 Chicago Tube & Iron Company 2565 374.58 Commissioner of Re -venue 2569 3,477.34 Colonial Life & Accident Inc. 2570 128.50 Cooper Energy Services 2571 38.31 Dammann's Construction Co. 2572 165.06 Ditch Witch of Minnesota 2573 332.07 Elvin Safety Supply Inc. 2574 10.97 Floor Care Supply Company 2576 59.20 Four Seasons Services, Inc. 2577 23.95 Fresco 2578 86.21 Graphic Controls Corporation 2579 218.36 Graybar Electric Company Inc. 2580 185.00 H & C Electric Supply 2581 256.53 Haynes Corporation 2582 2,756.83 Hutchinson Farmers Union Oil 2583 32.27 Hutchinson Telephone Company 2584 1,082.55 Hutchinson Util. Empl. Find 2585 71.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 2586 182.40 Hydra Power 2587 529.45 I B E W Local 949 2588 261.88 Instrument Control Company 2589 7.39 Junker Sanitation Service 2590 45.00 Miller Sales Company 2591 62.18 Minnesota Mining & Mfg. 2592 79.00 Northern States Supply Inc. 2593 49.38 Paper Service Company 2594 147.14 Richard A. Peterson 2595 200.00 Ii. P. Quade 7835 90.33 Power Process Equipment, Inc. 2596 756.40 Ritchie Engineering Company 2598 5,352.05 State of MN - Social Security 2599 4,675.94 Sterling Electric Company 2600 149.66 Vincent Brass & Aluminum Company 2602 346.45 W E S C 0 2603 1,318.88 Williams Steel & Hardware 2604 51.47 Wright Line 2605 72.25 A & B Electric 2606 59.06 Albrecht Oil Company 2607 87.92 Rufus Alexander 2608 231.78 Allen Office Products, Inc. 2609 291.43 American Linen Supply Company 2610 34.58 American Welding Supplies Inc. 2611 51.82 Apollo Piping Supply, Inc. 2612 3,734.27 Barco Bearing Company 2613 56.04 The Black & Decker Mfg. Company 2614 5.40 Franklin A. Boller 2615 14.40 Brinkman Studios, Inc. 2616 118.43 Business Products Inc. 2617 28.29 Calgon Corporation 2618 318.60 Chicago Tube & Iron Company 2619 389.67 Commissioner of Revenue 2620 11,497.39 Continental Safety Equip. Inc. 2621 87.29 Cooper Energy Services 2622 279.87 Curtiss-Wright Corporation 2623 72.50 Dostal & Oleson Oil Company 2624 90.16 Fabricare Cleaners of Hutch 2625 90.97 Family Rexall Drug 2626 82.67 Farm & Home Distributing 2627 82.81 General Electric Company 2628 383.87 Gibson Products 2629 17.71 Graphic Controls Corporation 2630 161.92 Grayb ar Electric Company Inc. 2631 242.99 Hilliard Corporation 2632 1,842.94 Home Bakery 2633 286.80 Hutchinson Farmers Union Oil 2634 75.07 The Hutchinson Leader 2635 16.43 Hutchinson Medical Center 2636 66.00 Hutchinson Oil Company 2637 84.72 Hutchinson Utilities 2638 509.01 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 2639 358.07 Hutchinson Util. U. B. 2640 14,916.93 Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies 2641 93.32 I. B. M. 2642 292.00 Jahnke's Red Owl 2643 124.00 Jerry's Tire Company 2644 45.27 Leef Bros., Inc. 2645 335.04 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 2646 69.94 Machine Shop 2647 433.16 Miller, Miller, & Mac, Inc. 2648 3,933.00 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 2649 69.14 Mork Communications, Inc. Natural Gas Division 2650 2651 576.60 337,150.74 State Treasurer Northern States Supply Inc. 2652 44.60 1885 PFC Equipment, Inc. 2653 730.01 50.00 Paper Service Company 2654 46.62 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. Simonson Lumber 2655 59.74 1890 Dr. Channing R. Smith 2656 80.00 50,000.00 Sorenson Farm Supply 2657 291.00 State Treasurer Sterling Electric Company 2658 449.48 1897 Vincent Brass & Aluminum Company 2659 56.25 48,000.00 Wayne Transports, Inc. 2660 3,078.85 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. Welders Supply Company 2661 56.60 519 W E S C 0 2662 196.00 12.00 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R. E. Young 1882 165.00 State Treasurer 1884 515.19 Hutchinson Util. - utility bill 1885 120.02 Midwest Gas Ass. Inc. 1886 50.00 Plaza OK Hardware 1887 15.61 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 1888 12.00 State Treasurer 1890 578.48 City of Hutchinson 1891 50,000.00 Hutchinson Utilities 1893 7,668.97 State Treasurer 1895 555.17 First National Bank 1897 85,000.00 First National Bank of Hutchinson 1892 48,000.00 Commissioner of Revenue 517 555.44 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 518 21.50 First State Federal Savings 519 500.00 Hutchinson Util. Empl. Fund 520 12.00 I B E W Local 949 521 47.00 Northern Natural Gas Company 522 700.00 State of Minnesota - Social Security 523 579.04 Sterling Electric Company 524 4.54 American Meter Division 525 136.45 Bedford Products 526 56.96 Central - McGowan Inc. 527 9.57 Circle -Hutch Utility Board 528 244,389.41 G. T. C. Auto Parts 529 17.52 Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 530 2,316.09 Ink Spots, Inc. 531 16.85 McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. 532 35.25 Northern Clock Repair Service 533 68.53 Parsons Electric Company 534 304.54 I Ll 1 1 Rockwell International 535 117.59 Velvet Coach, Inc. 536 98.40 World Travel 537 98.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. Clinton Tracy, Secretary H. P. Quade, President