12-11-1978 HUCM231 Regular Meeting November 15, 1978 All Commissioners were present, also Mgr. Alexander and Ruth Nakel. The meeting was called to order at 2:00 p.m. by President Quade. The minutes of the Regular Meeting of October 16, 1978, and the Special Meeting of November 2, 1978, were accepted as read by the Commissioners. Mgr. Alexander presented an easement agreement with Minnesota Mining & Mfg. The Commissioners agreed with the contents and duly signed the document. Mgr. Alexander presented a request from Park Towers asking the -Utilities to purchase fuel oil for their use in order to get a better price per gallon. After discussion, the Commission recommended that the request should originate from the.City of Hutchinson and that the request would be honored. The utilities would be paid in full for the amounts taken by Park Towers. Mgr. Alexander reported that Curtiss - Wright acknowledged our final payment - that the unit 03 turbo charger is being repaired along with two other units - that generator unit #4 in almost ready to be installed - that unit #7 will soon be worked'on with buckets being procured from General Electric - that the cooling tower will be on our property about February 15, 1979. Mgr. Alexander discussed the need for a change in the metering system now used in the sale of electricity to united Pourer Association. The Commission instructed him to research the project and make recommendations. Mgr. Alexander reported that bids on Group Insurance program would be delayed. the following bills were allowed: MUNICIPAL ELECTRIC PLANT Plaza OK Hardware 7564 247.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash 7565 244.60 Hutchinson Utilities 7566 161.00 Hutchinson Util. - petty cash .7567 233.55 United Power Association 7568 82,808.05 United Fund 7569 48.00 Tom Brakhahn State Treasurer 7570 7572 20.10 2,303.85 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 7573 12.50 I. B. M. 7574 292.00 Hutchinson utilities 7575 3,277.37 Regular Meeting December 11, 1978 All Commissioners were present, also Mgr. Alexander, Ruth Hakel and Ralph Westland. The meeting was called to order at 2 :00 p.m. by President Qaade. ti A motion was made by Commissioner Filk, seconded by Commissioner Tracy that the minutes be accepted as presented. -Williams Bros. may look into the feasibility of installing a 'pipeline for fuel oil into Hutchinson. Reported on units 04, 07 and #8 with repair cost of $20,000 for 04, $66,000 for 07 and an estimated x155,000 for 08. These -bills are being submitted to our insurance companies. Ivan Larson appeared with a comparison chart on natural gas 'cost and the related fuel adjustments. Mgr. Alexander asked 'and was granted permission to work with the news media concerning the rising cost. The following bills were allowed 1 21 35 Ralph Westland appeared with a detailed report on various quotes for group life, long term disability, dental and medical insurance. After considerable discussion, a motion was made by Commissioner Tracy, seconded by Commissioner Filk to accept the proposal offered by Blue Cross S Blue Shield, our present carrier. Ralph Westland was instructed to obtain the added cost to change the deductible from " of $10,000 to 806 of $2,000 and to increase the maternity benefit. -If this cost in moderate, the changes would be made. If not, the proposal would be accepted in its present form. The motion carried. 'Mar. Alexander reported on the following: Municipal Us Bill being readied for submission to the legislature. .A report on Power I ant Metering by Dave Sekaidt-of Associated "Consultants should be available by January 1, 1979. -Williams Bros. may look into the feasibility of installing a 'pipeline for fuel oil into Hutchinson. Reported on units 04, 07 and #8 with repair cost of $20,000 for 04, $66,000 for 07 and an estimated x155,000 for 08. These -bills are being submitted to our insurance companies. Ivan Larson appeared with a comparison chart on natural gas 'cost and the related fuel adjustments. Mgr. Alexander asked 'and was granted permission to work with the news media concerning the rising cost. The following bills were allowed 1 21 35 236 MUNICIPAL ELEMIC PLANT Pam S. Anderson Ronald H. Anderson Donovan R. Boettcher James Bretzman Tom Carrigan Jan Cumming Eugene Ebnet Dennis-E. Forsberg Mary Garcia Jerome Hoikka Gabe :Sherman Hutchinson Utilities Rufus Alexander Curtiss- Wright Corporation Plaza 0K Hardware General Electric Company Koch Fuels Clarence Curtis Susan Kruse Elmer Hothnagel Joyce Shrode Winter Robin Gault K. Prieve & P. Boorman Joel Lehtola Patrick Batson Art Wendorff Barb Schxft Hutchinson Utilities United Power Association Hutchinson Htil. - petty Standard Oil State Treasurer Standard Oil Standard Oil Hutchinson Utilities City of Hutchinson Returned.Checks Anderson Chemical Company Arrowhead Bearing Inc. Bailey deter Company Mrs. Fred Briggs Business Products Inc. Calgon Corporation Case Power g Equipment Commissioner of Revenue Colonial Life & Accident Continental Safety Equip. Direct Safety Company Electronic Center, Inc. Family Rexall Drug cash Ins. Ina. First National Bank of Mpls. 7591 21.20 7592 21.20 7593 12.10 7594 21.10 7595 _ 42.40 7596 14.20 7597 21.20 7598 12.10 7399 42.40 7600 11.38 7601 21.20 7602 220.00 7603 736.34 7605 14o,354.24 7606 159.13 7607 390.00 ?608 81,784.15 7609 .49 7610 17.29 7611 18.48 7612 30.18 7614 _ 11.86 7615 26.31 7616 10.93 7617 8.23 7618 11.49 7619' 16.63 7620 510.34 7621 78,524.46 7622 290.89 7623 64,305.30 7625 29951.80 7627 4,947.33 7628 15,306.98 7630 125.23 7631 4,63o.00 9999 316.24 2161 1,446.6o 2162 36.30 2163 66.42 2164 20.00 2163 _33.84 2166 260.14 2167 53.74 2171 2,553.12 2172 116.50 2173 17.84 2174 195.00 2175 19.69 2176 5.90 2178 346,023.26 237 Your Seasons Services, Inc, 2179 23.95 General Electric Supply Company 2180 168.co Graybar Electric Company Inc. 2181 1,501.00 H & C Electric Supply 500.83 Haynes Corporation 2183 499.76 Hutchinson Farmers Union Oil 2184 3.00 Hutchinson Iron & fetal 2185 152.85 Hutchinson 9til. Employee Fund 2186 34.00 I. 1B. M. 2187 357.00 I B E W Local 949 2188 226.25 Instrumentation Services Inc. 2189 227.11 Leeds & Northrup 2190 117.99 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 2191 163.27 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 2192 84.45 S. A. Nies 2193 22.00 Northern States Supply Inc. 2194 166.13 Northland Electric Supply Company 2195 162.70 Northwestern National Bank 2196 175,016.70 Richard Peterson 2197 200.00 Plowman's Inc. 2198 1.56 Power Supply Company 2199 148.56 R T E Corporation 2201 270.00 Simonson Lumber 2202 23.84 State of Minnesota - Social Security 2203 31235.78 Sterling Electric Company 2204 897.36 Tektronix, Inc. 2205 605.15 Tippecanoe Press Inc. 2206 26.46 Trails End, Inc. 2208 71.15 Vision Center 2209 35.50 W E S C 0 2210 548.85 Williams Steel & Hardware 2211 48.39 A & B Electric 2212 64.26 Albrecht Oil Company 2213 85.35 Allen Office Products, Inc. 2214 22.20 American Linen Supply Company 2215 36.02 Associated Consultants, Inc. 2216 6,037.05 Burmeister Electric Company 2217 107.34 Case Power & Equipment 2218 37.89 City of Hutchinson 2220 30.48 Commissioner of Revenue 2221 7,631.09 Cooper Energy Services 2222 1443.39 Culligan Water Conditioning 2223 15.75 Data Systems & Operations 2224 385.00 Electronic Center, Inc. 2225 20.40 Fabricare Cleaners of Hatch 2226 62.41 Farm & Home Distributing 2227 5.96 G. T. C. Auto Parts .2228 125,123 General Electric Company 2229 3,179.54 H. A. Holden, Inc. 2231 24.92 Haynes Corporation 2230 753.00 Home Bakery Hutchinson Iron & Metal 2232 2233 320.30 11.20 Hutchinson Telephone Company 2234 856.63 Unim Hutchinson Util. - utility bills 2235 81,028.66 Hutchinson 'Wholesale Supplies 2236 33.42 Jahnke's Red Owl 2237 138.18 Dr, M. J. Juffer 2238 36.75 Junker Sanitation Service 2239 45.00 Krasen Plumbing & Heating 2240 589.25 reef Bros., Inc. 2241 65.22 McLeod County Sanitary Landfill 2242 3.00 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 2243 14.00 Natural Gas Division 2244 230,666.91 Oakite Products, Inc. 2245 175.00 Sorenson Farm Supply 2246 20.75 Standard Pringing Company 2247 86.40 Star Surplus Store 2248 23.80 State Treasurer 2249 2,345.26 Sterling Electric Company 2250 3,125.92 Thermal Insulation Supply Company 2251 43.80 Tippecanoe Press Inc. 2252 66.95 Welders Supply Company 2253 14.75 w F S C 0 2254 1,141.50 William -James 2255 170.15 World Travel 2256 118.00 Blue Cross & Blue Shield 2257 3,352.79 Gibson Products 2258 26.30 H & C Electric Supply 2259 305.23 Hutchinson Itilities 2260 87.38 I. B. M. 2261 649.00 McMaster -Carr Supply Company 2262 281.94 Power Process Equipment, Inc. 2263 230.85 Sterling Electric Company 2264 2.62 Vision Center 2265 36.70 W E S C O 2266 3.46 NATURAL GAS DIVISION R.' E. Young 1827 165.00 Circle -Hutch IItility Board 1828 173,329.70 Martin Narr 1829 40.00 First National Bank 1832 16,7oo.00 R Gf Read & Company 1833 152.05 State Treasurer 1835 483.08 Hutchinson Utilities 1836 8,821.51 First National Bank 1838 10,0 0.00 American Meter Division 427 101.85 Apo110 Piping Supply, Inc. 428 10.65 Commissioner of Revenue 429 523.86 Colonial Life & Accident Ins. 430 33.50 First State Federal Savings 431 500.00 Hoffman Plumbing & Heating 432 16.55 Hutchinson IItil. Employee Fund 433 6.00 I B E W Local 949 434 31.25 Leeds & Northrup 435 587.95 Minnesota Gas Company 436 150.00 Mueller Sales Corporation 437 128.00 1 �I Seaman Company Sid Harvey State of Minnesota Soc. sec. American Welding Supplies Inc. Associated Consultants, Inc. City of Hutchinson Farm k Home Distributing Us Supply Inc. Hutchinson Htil. - utility bills Hutchinson Wholesale Supplies Jerry's Tire Company McLeod Cooperative Power Assn. G. F. Nemits Sons Sid Harvey State Treasurer World.Travel 438 439 440 441. 442 444 445 446 447 448....... 449 45o 451 452 453 454 49.23 49.84 559.16 20.89 615.62 30.48 32.89 68.20 595.47 55.30 17.99 14.15 17.70 59.34 476.01 206.o0 A motion was made by Commissioner n1k, seconded by.Commissioner Tracy.that the meeting adjourn at 3:50 p.m. The motion carried. Clinton Tracy, Secretary H. P. Quade, President `'39