04-02-1962 HUCM(282 289 April 2, 1'',2? 1 on L.1:-..1y Tv,ee 'U- in J, The re,7ular _ne.eLin­ of t?ie, 'Utilities Corri­A,ssion was 'geld on April 2, 1962 at the office of Dr. R. I. She-pi-ar']. All C 0.,:,:,,iis 3 Toners were preseirit . T'-ie following bills were allowed -, Ruth Hake Pe 16 lu- y Cash 66.52 Stanja-_-] Oil 759.1 7159.2 21-94 Simonson Lumber 734.1 #2 2.08 Natural Gas Division 729.1 4,191.33 Graybar Ele�,"Erlc Cloir-tip-1--,ny 113.2 730.3 55-81 Eline.- Jens era 796 125-00 Riit`a Fak.el 402 5.63 59-57 A. L. _- p ne r 734 -1 #'1 #2 801 29-98 7 3 4 _.4 11.25 Quade-s t Inc ;mdse Hoe ls' Inc. 759.2 128.00 Nort-_-.ern States Zupply 730.3 12-4.5 -i Suea,T,nswood Inc. 771 -L 1.28 Poppy Hutch '730 .5 Hutchinson Cleaners f -) 131-65 B. Y. Stoipraan 730.4 14-50 Peterson Truck Service 759.1 759.2 8.75 H I utcliinson Telephone Company 793.3 61-15 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 759.2 734.4 40-31 utc'ninson Iron &- Metal Company 734.1 #5 #6 2.00 H,1,4t-. iinson Leader, Inc 793.4 4.50 Standard 011 730.3 16.36 John ?'enry Foster 1'oiuo�ny 734.1 #1 #2 30-70 Zila Hardw.".re 730.3 .23-10 Adlros s oc-raph-Mu 1-1-. i,7ra-,Dh 781.4 Ben Jerabe'y,-, 205 2e0.00 Standard Printin- Company 781.3 133-95 Graybar Electric Compa,-,y 113.2 735-65 Wallace Reyerson 796 383-80 YeLal Finishers, Inc, 734.1 Yl #2 356-40 W. S. Clay 80.E )3 30-00 Nelso�nls 66 Satiorl 730.4 17.00 rL r ��e aatte'eeuCompan�T 734.1 11-86 Cents ^al Chenuical Company 730.3 39-10 American Linen Supply Compaliy 730.,17) 14-14 Leof giros . Inc. 7130-5 117.70 Continental Safety EquiPr,,ici•it 771 8.10 Simonson Lumber 759.1 56-32 SLe" ling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 802.3 190-13 Mobil Oil Coi�iipany 729 2,087-25 Coca-Cola BotGlln" Company 730-3 12.70 '-R -iitacre "I,- Company Inc B - 70 .� 734 .4 16-59 Pheoil Man-ufacturin,7, Company 730-3 26-56 Zt;andard Oil Company 709 4,012-46 290 (283) Mobil Oil Company 729 4,143.47 Carl 0. F. Christensen 730.4 20.00 Twin City Textile Mills, Inc. 730.3 98.28 Standard Oil 729 1,956.08 Zap Manufacturing Corpo- -ation 730.3 45.12 Burr:eist�-r Electric Conipa.ny 113.2 604.00 C. Emer-T Nelson, Inc. 730.3 110.40 Vincent Brass .& aluminum Company 734.1 #1 #2 734.4 139.65 Bar' eau C1.1emical Corporation 730.3 117.07 Miller Supply Company Inc . 730.3 123.84 LaHass Corporation 759.2 6.03 Moeha»in Motors 759.2 13.05 uraybar Electric Company 734.4 763 771 133.35 A. L. Hepner 730.3 8; 734.1,x'4 58.53 Nordberg; Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1,#? „#'5, #6 11873.96 Graybar Electric Company, Inc. 113.2 730.3 258.51 Standard Oil 729 1,967.36 H. A. Holden, Inc. 734.4 30.76 Skarsha.ug Testing Lab. 771 10.00 Kemske Paper Company 793.4 20.63 Diesel Service Company 206 285.00 R. B. Whitacre �- . Company 206 135.59- Harold A. Grams Ins. Agency 114 1,616-74 13urineist =sr Electric Company 203.2 61.00 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 31.70 Ruth Ha cel Petty Cash 44.85 Automotive Supply Company 734.4 8.00 AdcJress ograph- i +iult i Eraph 781.4 2.18 Standard Oil 729 11968.92 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. A /'��/ •/rD R. W• Dahl, Secretary. R. I. 3heppar , Pres _dent.