03-23-1962 HUCM284 (277') Motion was mm,de by Corrmissicner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thorj;son to p,,rc base, out of our sinking fund acccunt, $70,000.00 in Treasury Bills, date of maturity being May 24, 1`962. There being no further business, the meetinE, was adjourned. R. We-Dr7.1, Secretary. ATTEST. Resolution 69 R. I. -Ieppard, President As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 March 23, Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 pec i a 1 Ive e t i n . For search purposes only A special meeting of the Hi,tc - :i_nson Utilities Corriniissie was held on March 23, 1962 at the office of Dr. R. I. Shepta3 rd. All commissioners were present., 'together with R. W. Dahl, W. E. Reyerson and Joseph E. Casey. Resolution Eriployi.n� the Carleton D. Beh Co., Investment Securities F_rm, Des Moines Building, Des Moines, Iowa, to Act as Fiscal Agents for the Municipal Ttilities Conmission, Hutchinson, ' Minnesota, for the Purpose of Financin.F the Emer- gency Extensions and Improvements to the Municipal Electric Plant, Hutchinson, Minnesota. 4VFIEREAS, the Municipal Utilities Commission, Hutchinson, Prlinnesota, has entered into contracts for the purchase of an additional generating unit and auxiliaries to i.rcrease the firm generati.nf capacity of the Municipal. Electric Plant to meet the demands of the drastically in- creased firer light and power requirements of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and VY� EREAS, the current financial status of funds on hard and available to the Commission for said p-11rchase of electric plant extensions and improvements makes it mandatory to anticipate future plant earnings and borrow approximately ,W'700,000 at this time and to issue and sell revenue bonds secured by the future net operation revenue of said plant; and March 20, 1962. Special Meeting. A special meeting March 20, 1262 of the Hutchinson Utilities Comr- ;ission was held Sheppard. on at the office of Dr. R. I. All commissioners were present. Moticn was made by Corunissioner Thoripson and seconded by Corunissicner Kurth to award the bid for a. cooling; tower to the Marley Company, the basic bid being $32,243.00. Motion was mm,de by Corrmissicner Kurth and seconded by Commissioner Thorj;son to p,,rc base, out of our sinking fund acccunt, $70,000.00 in Treasury Bills, date of maturity being May 24, 1`962. There being no further business, the meetinE, was adjourned. R. We-Dr7.1, Secretary. ATTEST. Resolution 69 R. I. -Ieppard, President As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 March 23, Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 pec i a 1 Ive e t i n . For search purposes only A special meeting of the Hi,tc - :i_nson Utilities Corriniissie was held on March 23, 1962 at the office of Dr. R. I. Shepta3 rd. All commissioners were present., 'together with R. W. Dahl, W. E. Reyerson and Joseph E. Casey. Resolution Eriployi.n� the Carleton D. Beh Co., Investment Securities F_rm, Des Moines Building, Des Moines, Iowa, to Act as Fiscal Agents for the Municipal Ttilities Conmission, Hutchinson, ' Minnesota, for the Purpose of Financin.F the Emer- gency Extensions and Improvements to the Municipal Electric Plant, Hutchinson, Minnesota. 4VFIEREAS, the Municipal Utilities Commission, Hutchinson, Prlinnesota, has entered into contracts for the purchase of an additional generating unit and auxiliaries to i.rcrease the firm generati.nf capacity of the Municipal. Electric Plant to meet the demands of the drastically in- creased firer light and power requirements of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota; and VY� EREAS, the current financial status of funds on hard and available to the Commission for said p-11rchase of electric plant extensions and improvements makes it mandatory to anticipate future plant earnings and borrow approximately ,W'700,000 at this time and to issue and sell revenue bonds secured by the future net operation revenue of said plant; and 'l;:. ,I j - (278) 285 WHEREAS, the President; and Municipal Utilities Conlaission have met in special emergency session cn several occasions to consider this problem of financing, and have surveyed the municipal revenue financing market, checked with local bank officials and other authorized sources to determine the fair market price for current borrowin €;s of this type; and WHEREAS, Mr. Joseph E. Case;;,, Vice President of the Carleton D. Beh Co., Investrr;ent Securities, DesMoines Building, Des Moines, Iowa was invited to attend a special meeting called by the President of the Commission at 3,30 P. M. on the 23rd day of March, 1962, at the regular meeting place of the Commission, to consult with the Corznission on the best ways and means available to the Commission to finance the estimated $700,000 needed to pay- suppliers of equipment, supplies and services; and WHEREAS, the financing requirements were discussed at- length at said titre and place with all members of the Municipal Utilities Commission and their attorney present, and the Corrr:issicn reached its decision on method to proceed. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED F-Y TEE TUT11ICIPI''iL TTTILITIE COMT�ISSIO, OF fl E CITY OF _TC - -SCE, MINNESO. , that the firm of Carleton D. Beh. Co., Des Moines, Iowa, be and the same are hereby employed as fiscal agents for and on behalf of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, to crake and conduct all necessary studies and efforts, and to do all things necessary; to prepare for th.e necessary issue and sale of electric revenue bonds at the time decided upon by the Commission, that the details of fiscal agency service and terns of financing be and hereby are more specifically set out in written agreements marked "Agreement No. 1" and "Agreement No. 2" of identical date. BE IT FURTHER RESCLITED that Dr. R. I. Sheppard, President, and R. W. Dahl, Secretary, be and are hereby authorized and directed to enter into formal contracts with the Carleton D. Beh. Co. and sign same 11AEreer ent No. 1" and "Agreemerit No. 2" as approved by the C ozrzr.issi on. This Resolution read and offered by Commissioner Thompson, who moved its adoption, seconded by Cor'irr ;i.ssiol adopted this 23rd day of March, 1962. ary. 286 (279) `'A- reement No. 1.11 REVENUE BONDS Hutchinson, Minnesota March 23, 1962 President and Commissioners Fiutcri_rrson Utilities Corrurrission Gentlemen-. In connection with the proposed issue of approximately $700,000 Electric Revenue Bonds of your m, ,nicipality, we make you the following proposal; For and in consideration of the surn equal to one -half. of one per cent of bonds issued we wi lJ sec Ire certified statements of indebtedness and property valuations of your municipality from the proper officials. We will make a. detailed survey of your present finar:Lci.al condition and advise you as to tI-,e best method of financi.nE,; the above improvement in such a wa;� that tine general debt incurring power of your municipality shall not be a_ffec:ed. We will. analyze engineer's report on estimated annual earnings and operating expenses and recomiend maturities for the proposed bond issue h.ich can be paid, plus interest, from the future net earnings which sh:91.1 be most advantageous tc the municipality and result in ready marketability, havi.n- due re£;a.rd to probable future% needed expansion of plant facilities and future financial requirements, optional feature of the bond schedi -Ile, etc. We agree to make a survey of local conditions and make such. recommendation, based upon our many years of experience in municipal revenue projects, as we may deem advanta -eous in the suQdessful operation of the plaint, includincT recommendation as to the desirability of operation of the plant by a Board of Trustees, rate schedules, and operating; costs. We will furnish the lithographed printed bonds read�� for signatures of proper officials, and if req, .,ested b.v 1Tou, to prepare and have used facsimile signature of proper off cia.l on the coupons when the bonds are printed. This contract does not contemAate the furnishing of legal services by the undersigned company nor by any of its officers, agents or employees. You agree that you will proceed with the preparation and adoption' of all necessary resolL.tions, forms of notice and other legal proceeding -s to complete the lega.1 issuance of the munnicipal securities contemplated here gas soon as is reasonably practicable. You will furnish us, prior to the delivery of the securities contemplated herein., certified copies of records of all proceedings had preliminary to and authorizin the issuance of said securities necessary to satisfactorily evidence their Legality to oar counsel. (260) 287 The undersigned company agrees to pay your attorney- for his services in preparing tr:e proceedings had preliminary to and autheri. ring the issuance of said securities . Respectfully submitted, CARLETC-14 D. BE I CO. BY (Joseph- E. Casey) Vice President The above proposition accepted ti:.is 23rd daIT of ;larch, 1962. Municipal Utilities (Dr-Ross T. yheppard) Dr. Ross I . heppard , Pres . (R• N. Dahl) R. 'N. Dahl, Secretary. ",Agreenent loo- 2.11 Hii tchins on, Minnesota March 23, 1962. Honorable President an:I Municipal ti.lities Commission Y:uni.cipal Electric LiI,it and Power Plant Hutchinson, Mir�rsota rent lenten In connection with the improvement to your Idunic ipal Electric Light and Power Plant, we make you the following; proposal: Notice to bidders will provide the successful contractors will be paid in cash or Electric Revenue Pledge Orders, monthly or as provided for, in the specifications, as certified by your consulting engineer and approved by your Commission. Said Revenue Pledge Orders shall bear interest at the rate of three and three - quarters per annum, payable semi.ann wally, and shall be optional for prior pay.-rent at any time, and shall be retired on or before July 1, 1967, by one orr a combination of the met'.-iods hereinafter, provided. Ne agree to accept such Revenue Pledr:e Ordet-s from the contractors, as issued ry the Commission, when properly drawn, executed and endorsed, render full payment to the contractors at their par value, when presented to our ofr Ices for payment. 288 (281) We Further agree to carry said Revenue Pledge Orders at the interest rate stipulated above until paid, f roil funds provided in any one or a combinations of the f ollowirl _; met ods ; (a) At the option of the Commission from the fut-are earnings of tie system or cash now on hand; (b) At the option of the cor,r.i ;s ion from, the authorization, iss-;a .nce and sale of Electric Reveil-le Bons; (c) At the option of the co�m,,ission by the authorization, issu nce and delivery to us of your Electric Revonue Bonds in exchange for a lire amount of outstandIn`; Revenue Pled ge Orders olus accrued interest t'r_e.�eo. If this mei;:'r.od is adopted by tale Corarni.ssion, the interes , rate, mat.arity sched, ale, and optional provisions of the bonds s:rall' be m :t_a,a11 T az r °eed upon betuvef.;n t'_-ie parties hereto prior to the time the ronds are issued an] said bonds will be accompanied by t1 e ,incp)ali.fied approvin); opinion of a recoEnizel '.pond attorney- If t.r.e c ortirii lsion elec t s to retire said ruvenue. pled -,e or°deos from the futi_are earnings of t systean i t is a;� -rted t- :l :.t t'_`ie Bert aai.11 be re- tired as fast as available earnings wi.11 perr -dt sub jeo t to sound operat i. n, prat t is e > . It is agreed that all 3roceedin,� -s off' t'r-e Cor, -LT i.s:Ll or: incident to this improvement directly relating to public .ea.- ,incrs, awned of construction conract3, and the authorization and 1Sat4a :i: e off' either Revenue Ple(I -e Orde -s or Bonds be prepared or approved by a reco .n.ized bond attorney prior to the time the Reven,.ie Pleld -e Orders or 3onds art, issued. Respectfully submitted, rHZ? ETOiT D. BET., C0. ( Joseph E • Casey) Joseo.La E: ase r, ice President. Acdepto-3 by the Hutcrinsor, Utilities Comm?ssi :gin, ?Vunicipal Electric Light and Power Plant, 'iutc r;.rls on, TOinnesota, this 23rd day of larch, 1962. !'' l ;, T (R. W. Dahl) R. 'N• Dahl, Se,�oetary. H ".'T'..' I TNS:SO'd UTILITIES COTAMISSION _Dr- Ross I. Sheppard) _ Dr. - -R—o I. aheppard, President 1