12-04-1961 HUCM272 (265) E. A• Pedersen Company Wallace Crandall Simonson Lumber Nordberg Manufacturing Company Sterling Electric Company City of Hutchinson Graybar Electric C c pa ny Lester Zie4;ler Donald Broten Loren Caskey Wesley Anderson Milton Studenan Lester Ziegler Donald Broten Loren Cask ey Wesley Arderscn Milton Studeman Buell & Winter There bei.nE no further business, �, 0 R. I• K-6-- pard2 Preside t. 734.1 #5 #6 47.66 730.3 734.1 #5 90.33 771 Revenue Bends. 3.06 113.1' #1 2 4.40 730.3 8.12 793.4 3.35 730.3 9.21 Salary 121.25 Salary 120.84 Salary 129.06 Sala ry 119.74 Salary 117.95 Sa7s r'1 102.08 Sala ry 146.33 Salary 102.84 Sale: ry 125.40 Salary 112.82 211 41800.00 the meeting was adjourned. Monthly- lieetinL;. December 4, 1961. 7ara1, Secretary.—_ Tlie­-Pe ;ular meeting• of the Utilities Corm:ission was held on December 4, 1061 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Corr issi.oners were present. Motion was made by Connissioner Kurth arid seconded by Conrissi.oner Thompson to Grant a ;25.00 ( net) Christmas Bonus to each employee. Motion was made by Coirr.issioner Kurth and seconded by Commissicner Thompson to amortize our Gas Reveni4e Bonds- Interest received from 12 -1 -61 to reduce '-)ond to face value. Motion was made by Con—nissioner Thompson and seconded by Conur:issioner Kurth to eschanEe ,5,000.00 Cras Revenue Bonds, due 12 -1 -61, in sinklhg fund, for $5,000.00 LiEE -t and Power Revenue Bonds due 12 -1 -62. Moticn was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Comrriss-ioner Kurth to'cancel 5,000.00 Light and Power Revenue Bends. The following changes in salary were approved, The following bills were. allowed: (266) -, - 273 effective December 1, 19611 New Sal ary 1.35 per hr. 235.00 Old Salary per Milton Studeman 1.25 per hr. Wesley Anderson 1.35 per hr. Lester Ziegler 1.35 per hr. D Don Broten 1.35 per hr. Loren Caskey 1.35 per hr. The following bills were. allowed: (266) -, - 273 effective December 1, 19611 New Sal ary 1.35 per hr. 235.00 Ruth Hakel per month 285.00 per month 285.00 145.15 per mcorith 285.00 per month Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 70.19 General Electric Supply 113.2 145.15 Sterling Electric Company 205' 185.15 gild Fardware 730.3 15.28 HuUo Prieve 206 15.00 Fkddressograplt MlultiEraph 781.4 4.01 Duncan Company 730.3 6.34 Sears Roebuck 771 1.95 Heil, Douclass Drub; Store 730.3 3.63 Hutchinson Telepliore Company 793.3 55020 Natural Gas Division 729.1 6,765.33 Peterson Truck Service 759.1 759.2 56.10 K. D. TT. Z. 7r117.2 10.00 Sta.-Gard Printing; Company 7131.3 55.75 Popp's Hutchinson Cleaners 730.5 150.45 . E =� , ��� T � -,ri ,ar•i,: � ,�r i liutv_i -.,1n9?Y h ll ' ;le Supply "' "3;11 . 1 r3 . 3 6 7 3Y .3 7134-4 813.54 6,5 . 03 Plowman Motors 759.2 40.0: ," rayb a r Electric Co.rwpany 113.2 734.4 771 123.26 ,Ruth Hakel Pet Lv Cash 63.19 Le of Taros . , Inc 730..1 197.70 Dou; -I s Ser77ic e 759.2 4.00 Donner ., o� �n�_anica � ions " 80`..,� ' 3 8.25 Standard Oil 729 1,817.28 Graybar Electric Company 11.5.2 43.75 The Satt,erlee Company 734.4 3.94 .Myron WiC, -In C hevrolt�c; Comcany JOil 759.2 8.90 Standard Co_ripary 730.3 16.36 Annerican Linen Suppi;r Coompany 730.:) 14.60 Viestin.,house Electric Supply 11:5.2 66.50 Don's T. V. Service 802.3 . 3 00 G. F. ?\iem!_�Z Sons 731:).3 3.20 ?. M. Stolpman 730.4 14.50 311- earns wood, Inc. 205 79.04 Wallace Crandall 730.,5 734.1 #4 92.99 The 7.Tutchinson Leader 78x'.2 3.84 StanJar- Oil 729 3,631.98 Wallace Crandall 113.2 3.25 S t; erling El.ec t ric Company 730 .3 59.56 J. Olson Machine Company 734.1 #5 ;'6 99.1150 3urmeis t-er Electric C ompa y 113.2 1 , 055 • 00 in Company Ke. Lr- C Paper ompany 793.4 45.71 Theodore Olson 402 6.85 anap -on Tools Corp. 734.4 .90 (267) Electronic Center Inc 6 602.3 Commercial Filters Corp. 7 730.3 Eagle Iron Works Company, 7 734.1 #6 The S at t r I - lee Company 7 734.4 The Vann: r IT g, . Company 1 113.2 Harold A. Grams Inc.. 1 114 Ruth "akel P Petty Cash Muth liakel k kletty Cast, �-21 217.80 1,573-51 55-17 23.24 143-90 80-20 41.54 1.97 734.4 20.36 6.19 #4 1,185-75 734.4 142.71 5.09 7.98 15.45 61.77 23.77 11.50 131-35 134-03 114.79 119.70 111.27 86.159 123.26 112-97 10.95 97..78 2 e - e be I n no f -a r t he, r b sl !,.rle,--,!3 , the riec,t i np a J j ou r ne d R. - IeCreta,7 . n (Motion was rmde by Clormiissioner Kurth and seconJed by Commissioner Thor,vson to transfer 010.,000-00 to the Natural Gas Division account. Tais ar,,ioul-It-, to be returned to Municipal Electric Plant checking account before Yarc"L-L 31, 1962. L� 2 e - e be I n no f -a r t he, r b sl !,.rle,--,!3 , the riec,t i np a J j ou r ne d R. - IeCreta,7 . n (Motion was rmde by Clormiissioner Kurth and seconJed by Commissioner Thor,vson to transfer 010.,000-00 to the Natural Gas Division account. Tais ar,,ioul-It-, to be returned to Municipal Electric Plant checking account before Yarc"L-L 31, 1962. L�