11-02-1961 HUCM(262) SPECIAL It4ETINC November 20 1961. A special meeting of the Hutcr.inscn Utilities Corrirission was held on the aforementioned date with. all members present, including; Secretar�i R. W. Dahl, at the office of President Sheppard at 11:30 A. M. Because of the urgent need to install more' power in the electric plant, and the need to make the best possible use of our available space, Comrr!issioner Kurth moved that the Commission accept the Nordberg.Manufacturing Company bid. Cornmissi_oner Thompson seconded the motion and, upon roll call, all members of the Commission voted in favor thereof; whereupon President Sheppard declared the motion duly adopted. C ommis s i oner Thompson then moved that t Ze 2 .��01 16') volts) �enera'tor be specified. Commissioner KurL'J.,. secondled the fore�oi.ng motion and upon r ^11 call, all .men-jhers of t .'le Cornmi:,31on voted in favor thereof; whereupon Pr --sidant ­�heppard declared the motion duly adopted. There bei ns no furt-t-ier business the meoLing was adjourned. R. ,ty• �a_r11, ,secretary. F R. T • •�heppard, Presid ent . November 6, 1961 Regular Meeting The regular meeting of the Utilities Commission was held on November 6, 1961 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. A check in the amount of $71,312.:10, representing payment of $70,000 principal and $1,312.50 interest on Light & Power Plant Revenue Bonds, was issued to the Central National Bank & Trust Company, DesMoines, Iowa. A motion was made by Commissioner Thompson & seconded by Commissioner Kurth to accept the proposal of the Mills Roofing Company to repair the Light Plant roof. The following, is a copy of. the proposal; 269 270 (263) Dear Sirs; We propose to furnish all labor, materials and equipment required to do the roofing, roof insulation, and sheet metal work for the above mentioned building having the outside measurements of 20410" x 651 0" as follows; Check drawing for sections Section Number 1. Remove flashing on all bad portions and replace. Plastic and fabric on all cranks on top of paraput wall. Section Number 2 -3 -5. Remove all roofing from roof down to insulation and re -roof with a 20 year asphalt and gravel, Carey Bonded roof. This will include a 20 year Bond. Remove all flash- ing and replace, install new metal counter flashing, new metal out- let boxes, and lead seal for drain, and roof flanges. The two ex- haust fans will have to be raised, this will be done by others. Section 4• This repair will. be covered by Carey Bond, and will be no charge. Included in my bid is a new :petal flashing around c himney . Section. Number 6 -7. This is to be repaired with a flashing cement and fabricated flashing membrane on all cracks. All of the above for the net sum of Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Seven Dollars. ($2067.00). Extras- =Nhere the insulation is wet and damaged in section .2 -.3 -5 this will have to be replaced. It is impossible for me to give you a definite price on the replacement of this, as I canf-t tell how much is damaged until the old roof is torn off. I can. give a price per square anJ then replace only what is needed. The insulation cost is $5.00 per square. If it is not possible to use the drains over again, they will have to be replaced. This will be done by others at an extra charge. If a 20 year Bond is not desired deduct from main bid $120.00. If a cement curb is installed in Section Number 1, there will be an extra charge. This will.be a cost plus item. Respectively Submitted Mills 'Roofing Company The Commission arranged with Eldred Miller (Miller & Miller) to supervise and assist in any way necessary to make 6ertain that the Plant interests are protected. The following bills were allowed: (264) 271 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 205 495.88 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 205 667.13 Moehring Motors 759.1 759.2 8.10 America Linen Supply Company 730.5 12.60 Leof Bras., Inc. 730.5 112.60 Nordberg Manuf. Company 113.1 #10#2 734.1 #1, #4 734.4 635.17 Standard Printing Company 781.3 97.20 Sears, Roebuck and Company 206 771 49.42 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 6.72 Farnham's 793.4 4.58 Grinnell Company 734.1 #2 11.33 The Sat ter le e Company 730.3 7.84 Stearnswood, Inc • 205 39.52 Addressograph- Mu1tigraph 781.4 5.30 Fredericksonts Inc. 771 2.48 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 14.50 Duluth Filter Company 730.3 25.69 Eagle Iron Works Company 734.1 #5 297,60 Citizens Insurance Company 801 35.00 The Hutchinson Leader 801 6.00 Hoelts Inc. 730.3 759.2 7.87 Standard Oil Company 729 3,622.36 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 46.58 Mobil Oil Company 729 2,080).43 Twin City Textile Mils, Inc 730.3 108.52 Texaco Inc. 730.2 6.93 quadet s Inc. 205 734.4 137.30 Nelson's 66 Station 759.1 67.13 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 1,500.00 Duncan Company 734.4 24.75 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #1 #2 22.89 Ben Jerabek 205 188.60 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 V 8.21 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 206 504.09 Hutchinson Insurance Agency 114 924.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 90.47 Clarence Klapotx 402 4.30 Ronald Ronning 101 402 7.61 Nordberg Manufac t irrig C ompny 203.2,. 113.1 #5 544.55 Carl 0. F. Christensen 205 40.00 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 #5 #6 1,279.60 Johnson Super Value 801 9.25 Thermal Company, Inc. 730.3 7.46 Williams Hardware - Company 734.1 #5, #6 63.86 The John C. Eide Company 730.3 11.17 Vincent Brass & Aluminum 734.4 4.32 Texaco Company Inc 730.2 126.32 Imperial Supply Company 781.3 11.68 Burmeister Electric Company 772 38.00 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 133.60 Harold A. Grams Agency Standard Oil 114 729 3,124.17 32638.93 Weyerhauser Company 771 12.99 Sangamo Electrid Company 775 18.65 272 (265) E. A• Pedersen Company Wallace Crandall Simonson Lumber Nordberg Manufacturing Company Sterling Electric Company City of Hutchinson Graybar Electric C c pa ny Lester Zie4;ler Donald Broten Loren Caskey Wesley Anderson Milton Studenan Lester Ziegler Donald Broten Loren Cask ey Wesley Arderscn Milton Studeman Buell & Winter There bei.nE no further business, �, 0 R. I• K-6-- pard2 Preside t. 734.1 #5 #6 47.66 730.3 734.1 #5 90.33 771 Revenue Bends. 3.06 113.1' #1 2 4.40 730.3 8.12 793.4 3.35 730.3 9.21 Salary 121.25 Salary 120.84 Salary 129.06 Sala ry 119.74 Salary 117.95 Sa7s r'1 102.08 Sala ry 146.33 Salary 102.84 Sale: ry 125.40 Salary 112.82 211 41800.00 the meeting was adjourned. Monthly- lieetinL;. December 4, 1961. 7ara1, Secretary.—_ Tlie­-Pe ;ular meeting• of the Utilities Corm:ission was held on December 4, 1061 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Corr issi.oners were present. Motion was made by Connissioner Kurth arid seconded by Conrissi.oner Thompson to Grant a ;25.00 ( net) Christmas Bonus to each employee. Motion was made by Coirr.issioner Kurth and seconded by Commissicner Thompson to amortize our Gas Reveni4e Bonds- Interest received from 12 -1 -61 to reduce '-)ond to face value. Motion was made by Con—nissioner Thompson and seconded by Conur:issioner Kurth to eschanEe ,5,000.00 Cras Revenue Bonds, due 12 -1 -61, in sinklhg fund, for $5,000.00 LiEE -t and Power Revenue Bonds due 12 -1 -62. Moticn was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Comrriss-ioner Kurth to'cancel 5,000.00 Light and Power Revenue Bends.