04-03-1961 HUCM(242) 249 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 49.62 Lester Ziegler Salary 114.05 Donald Broten Sala ry 128.95 Loren Caskey Salary 119.56 Gordon Erickson Salary 121.01 Wesley Anderson Salary 75.60 Cordia Rippe Salary 70.25 Lester Ziegler Sale. ry 82.98 Donald Broten Salary 101.74 Loren Caskey Salary 95.55 Cordon Erickson Salary 99.38 Wesley Anderson Salary 121.34 Cordia Rippe Salary 52.444 - There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. oL R. W. =ahll ecrettaary. ATTESTS R. I• eppard, resident. April 3, 1961. Monthly Meeting. The regular meeting of the Utilities Commission was held on April 3, 1961 at the office of Dr. R. I. - Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes .of the last monthly meeeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were allowedr Wigen Chevrolet Company 207 2,170.00 E. A. Pedersen Company 113.2 734.4 402.29 Burroughs Corporation 78105 50000 The Satterlee Company 734.4 7.06 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 40085.84 Simonson Lumber 732 771 2.74 Zila Hardware 730.3 21.83 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 732 5.13 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 10.75 Kemske Paper Company 781.3 27.41 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works Popp + s Hutchinson Clearers 730.3 730.5 3.30 89.30 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 77.90 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 14.50 Williams 734.1 #2 58.87 Industrial Supply Company 730.3 2080 Premier Fastener Company 734.4 69.11 (243) 48.52 250 109.13 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 205 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Graybar Electric Company 113.2 730.3 Sterling Electric Company 771 The Sat terle e Company 730.3 8.40 The Hutchinson Leader, Inc. 781.3 787.2 E. A. Pedersen Company 734.4 23.07 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 Klitzke Auto Body 114 11.60 Northern States Supply IJUc 730.3 Automotive Supply 730.2 759.2 Steffke Freight Company 202.3 Minnesota Bearing Company 734.1 #1 #2 Moehring Motors 759.2 Standard Printing; Company 781.3 29.73 Nordberg Manuf. Company 734.1 #2 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 3.50 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Erickson Oil Products 759.1 22.33 Standard Oil Company 730.3 Coast to Coast Store 734.4 771 Wallace Crandall 730.3 732 Nordberg Manuf. Company 113.1 #1 #2 Lu nc an Company 734.4 Williams Hardware Company 734.1 #2 S'kil Corporation 734.4 Leef Bros. Inc. 730.5 Modern Bin Equipment Co. 206 Snapron Tools Corporation 734.4 W. John 1upa 730.4 G. I. Skrier_ 402 Power Supply Company 730.3 Farnharr.t s 730.3 Sterling; Electric Company 113.2 Mdse Quadets Inc. 730.3 801 C. H. Stocking 734.1 #2 734. Nordberg Manufacturing 203 #2 113.1 Standard Oil 729 Fire Extinguisher Sales 734.4. The Satterlee Company 734.4 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 Capital Airlines 734.1 #2 Snap -on Tools Corporation 73414 Wallace Crandall 734.1 #'4 Coca -Cola Bottling Company 730.3 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 Texaco Inc. 730.2 Metal Finishers ec . 734.1. #1 #2 Pink Supply Company 73003 Cohents 402 5.63 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Minnesota Bearing Company 113.1 #1 #2 65.48 48.52 109.13 2.16 120.03 53.75 108.00 3.87 7.85 14.27 8.40 43.62 264.05 23.07 7.50 134.80 11.60 44.22 41.35 16.36 4.86 61.95 24,761.43 1.22 11.26 29.73 118.00 59.85 3.50 14.00 5.38 22.33 1.87 2,538.39 10.35 1 1 (244) 251 Nordberg Manuf. . Company 203 #2 734.1 #1 #2 492.22 Square Clothing Company 730.5 86.40 Graybar Electric Company 771 225.00 Sterling; Electric Company 730.3 734.4 119.14 General Electric Supply Company 113.2 162.29 Nordberg Manuf. Company 203 #2 734.1 #2 1,811.39 Nalco Chemical Company 730.3 131.60 Teco Division of Anthony Company 207 4,358.30 Grinnell Company 734.4 92.80 Sterner Industries 73494 54.00 Helwig Carbon Products 734.4 59.52 Pheoll Manuf- Company 734.4 7.64 Electric Machinery Mfg. Co. 734.4 92.66 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 27.29 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.5 13.25 Allis - Chalmers 734.4 155.87 Elmer Jensen 796 125.00 W. E. Reyerson 796 125.00 Grams Insurance Agency 114 62.05 Sterling Electric Company 771 28.60 Wallace Crandall 730.3 734.4 13.74 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 38.65 Duluth Filter Corporation 734.4 30.00 Standard Oil 730.3 16.36 Lester Ziegler Salary 114.65 Loren Caskey Salary 116.22 Gordon Erickson Salary 111.75 Wesley Anderson Salary 127.73 Cordia Rippe Salary 70.75 Don Broten Salary 138.66 Lester Ziegler Salary 103.11 Don Broten Salary 128.21 Loren Caskey Salary 110.28 Gordon Erickson Salary 127.20 Wesley Anderson Salary 137.68 Cordia Rippe Salary 70.35 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST; (W-1 a&��� 'Q I. eppar , President. C/L(e) La�6:2 R. W. Dahl,, Secretary.