10-03-1960 HUCM232 (227) October 3, 1960• Monthly Meeting. The regular meeting of the Utilities Commission was held on October 3, 1960 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made, seconded and carried to pay Carl Bloomquist, Jr., hourly worker, his regular rate of $1.35 per hour for the month of September. The following bills were allowed s Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 84.56 Postmaster 781.2 793.1 320.00 KDUZ 202.6 67.50 Standard Printing 202.6 781.3 29.35 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 14913 M. E. Todd 734.4 18.35 Wallner Printing Company 202.6 28.00 -B. M. Stolpman 730.4 7.25 Popp Rexall Drug 730.3 8.48 -Barbeau Supply Company 730.3 _118.25 Emil Rix 402 1000 Texaco Inc. 730.2 63.16 St. Paul Stamp Works 771 9.20 Great Stuff Products, Inc 730.3 54.20• °G. F. Nemitz Sons 730.3 801 8.60 Stearnswood Inc. 205 759.2 771 70.36 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 83080 ,Standard Oil Company 729 8,286.71 H. A. Dobratz Sons 208 87050 -Peterson Truck Service 759.2 41.30 -Frank Motor Company 759.1 72.84 Citizens Bank 801 10.80 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 811060 Hoells Inc 73093 759.2 7.20 •Westinghouse Electric 113.2 67.00 The Satterleee Company 734.4 54.24 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 206 198.43 Duluth Filter Company 734.4 138.60 Terminal Electric Corporation Mdse 113.2 1,334.82 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 73.00 Larry Hammond Company 730.3 27.44 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 191.30 Zila Hardware 730.3 56.12 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 56.90 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 734.1 86.16 Wallace Crandall 734.1 3.72 R. E. Burmeister Electric 113.2 205 772 1,008.63 Standard Oil Company 759.1 759.2 40.50 Admiral Transit 734.1 3.51 Citizens Bank 202.6 793.4 155.71 Parsons Welding & Supply 730.3 7.30 Roc kite Silo Inc* 205 4992 (228) 233 Industrial Lighting Supply Mdse 241.10 Sterling Electric Company 206 771 24.66 Hutchinson Bowl 787.2 10.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 46.84 Burmeister Electric Company 770 7.19 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 23.70 Miller -Davis Company 781.3 5088 H. R. Tolll Company 734.4 5.60 Grothaus Express 202.6 329.62 Twin City Textile Mills Company 730.3 55.26 Quadefs Inc. 730.3 802 35.20 South Bend Current Cont. Company 775 8.87 Heil & Douglass Drug Store 730.3 1.60 Standard Oil Company 730.3 32.72 Irv. Lindenberg 787.2 33.93 The Hutchinson Leader 787.2 366.12 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 3010 Sterling Eletric Company 113.2 771 40.73 Leef Bros. 730.5 129.80 Terminal Electric Corporation Mdse 68.54 Mobil Oil Company 730.2 20263.44 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 101.56 Wallace Crandall 730.3 734.4 16.24 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 .126.33 Industrial Supply Company 734.4 5013 Terminal Electric Corporation 113.2 39.35 Texaco Inc. 730.2 10.05 Graybar Electric Company 11302 132.09 Luxor Lighting Products Mdse 55.66 Weyersauser Company 771 73.04 Snap -on Tools Corporation 734.4 8.04 .The Satterlee Company 734.4 7.00 Twin City Textile Mills 730.3 27.00 Nordberg Manf. Company 113.1 734.1 2,247.59 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 781.5 19.40 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 33.05 Orin Rumage 206 65.00 Harold Rosaasen 734.4 48.53 Texaco Inc 730.2 1,777.79 Graybar Electric Company 205 771 16936 Emanuel Christianson 801 5000 Indiana Comm. Filter Corp. 730.3 230.22 Standard Oil Company 730.3 16.36 Power Supply Company 73003 38.55 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 7.47 Crankshaft Supply 734.1 #1 #2 732.00 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 730.3 419946 Ronald Sundlin 402 4.81 Phe oll Manf . Company 734.1 #1 #2 16.37 The Satterlee Company 734.4 6.08 Joseph H. Julig 114 63.87 E. A. Pedersen Company 205 19614.69 Terminal Electric Corporation 113.2 82.94 Standard Oil Company 729 59900.40 Standard Oil Company 759.1 75992 28.41 Standard Oil Company 729 3,936.33 234 (229) Elmer Jensen 796 125.00 W. E, Reyerson 796 125.00 Grinnell Company 734.4 9.24 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 205 63.35 Cordia Rippe Salary 58.70 Lester Ziegler Salary 116.95 Loren Caskey Salary 120.65 Gordon Erickson Salary 110.47 Don Broten Salary 138.09 Cordia Rippe Salary 54.60 Lester Siegler Salary 101.31 Loren Caskey Salary 100.65 Gordon Erickson Salary 114.35 Don Broten Salary 113.09 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. 'W. Dahl, Secretary* ATTEST R. I. Sheppardj resident 1 1