07-05-1960 HUCMc218' 223 Regular Meeting. July 5, 1960. The regular meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on June 62 1960 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners Were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to grant the following increases in salary effective July 1, 1960; Old New Howard Blackwell 290.00 300.00 George Luthens 275.00 300.00 Bea Pollard 200.00 2.10.00 The'f ollowing bills were allowed: Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 54972 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 84.40 Rockite Silo Ince. 771 3.63 Zila Hardware Company 730.3 11.94 Diesel Service Company 113.1 #10 #2 14.85 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 8.27 Westinghouse Electric Company 11392 160.00 Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 32.10 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 593.63 General Electric Supply Companyl13.2 82.36 Standard Oil Company 730.3 16.36 Jack Powers 205 18.60 Rochester Germicide Company 730.3 60.29 Admiral Transit Inc. 730.3 7.35 Simonson Lumber 734.4 13.55 Williams Hardware Company 734.1 #5 #6 3.85 The Flox Company 730.3 65.80 Snap -on Tools Corp. 730.3 73945 Standard Printing Company 781.3 6.90 Automotive Supply 730.:3 3.41 M. R. Eakin 402 5.84 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 116.30 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 4.65 0. A., Bretzke & Son, inc 771 47.28 Duncan Company .734.4 51.40 The Satterlee Company 730.3 69.18 Mobil Oil Company 730.2 1,731.51 Standard Oil Company 729 10,689.45 Be M. Stolpman 730.4 7.25 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 771 54.31 Admiral Transit Inc 11392 730.3 7.91 The Satterlee Company 730.3 28.60 Nordberg Manufacturing Company,113.1 #5,#6. 30.47 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 136.30 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 10.91 224 (219) Franzents Hardware Goebel Fixture Company G. F. Nemitz Sons Burroughs Corporation Duncan Company Terminal Electric Corporation Quade's Inc. Burmeister Electric Company Hoel t s Inc* Imperial Supply Company Popp Rexall Drug Minneapolis Welders Supply Town & 9ountry Hardware Friden, Inc. Peterson Truck Service Welders Supply Company Inc Wallner Printing Company General Electric Supply Company Standard Oil Company Lester Ziegler Gordon Erickson Don Broten Ronald Sundlin Standard Oil Company Citizens Insurance Agency The DeLaval Separator Company Postmaster Melvin Sargent Graybar Electric Company Indiana Commercial Filters Parsons Welding Supply & Bolt Sterling Electric Company Ruth Hakel Standard Oil Company Vincent Brass & Alum. Company C, H. Stocking Sterling Electric Company Weyerhauser Company Carl 0. F. Christensen Hutchinson Jay Ceets Kemske Paper Company Hager Jewelry Admiral Transit, Inc. Westinghouse Electric Supply Graybar Electric Company Burmeister Electric Company Postmaster Standard Oil Company Nordberg Manf. Company B. F. Schroer Hans M. Peterson Ins. Agency R. E•` Young Lester Ziegler 730.3 730.3 730.3 781.5 730.3 113.2 730.3 113.2 730.3 793.4 730.3 734.4 771 781.5 759.2 734.4 781.3 113.2 730.3 Salar, Salary Salary Salary 729 114 734.4 781.2 402 771 781.3 205 113.2 730.3 730.3 730.3 Petty 759.1 734.1 734.4 113.2 771 771 787.2 781.1 412.7 730.3 113.2 '113.2 113.2 801 729 '113.1 732 114 792.2 Salary Cash #2 4 734.1 5.38 17.50 10.46 35.46 23.55 35.20 22.25 1,070.38 1.28 14.53 3.08 21.15 3.98 47.00 76.40 4.95 2.00 84.80 16.36 113.45 119.11 125.37 124.39 3,554.31 80.40 33.83 99.20 4.22 425.61 110.00 56.10 12.28 76.19 95.33 26.90 3.40 365.28 3.92 10.50 50.00 56.25 22.75 41.71 60.25 63.37 908.56 4.80 4,454.02 #2 80.23 20.00 232.55 26.50 91.49 Carl Bloomquist Loren Caskey Gorden Erickson Don Broten Ronald Sundlin Moehring Motors (220) 225 Salary 146.00 Salary 108.30 Salary 122.96 Salary 117.84 Salary 94.99 207 1,100.00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. AT VEST 1 C// , . R. I. Sheppard, President. 1 1 ._ Dahl, Secretary,,