05-02-1960 HUCM216 (213) Proper authorities were notified immediately of the shortage. Motion was made and seconded instructing Ruth Hakel to issue a check covering the shortage so that there would be adequate funds to carry on with collections. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned* (XJ R. cif. Da ,secretary. ATTEST;�,J/ ��• I. eppard �'residert. Regular Meeting May 2, 1960 The regular meeting of the Utilities Commission was held on May 2, 1960 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting and special meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to grant the following increases in wages Effective June 1, 1960. Old New Orin Rumage 535.00 550.00 ) Hugo Mahs , 415.00 430.00 ) 15.00 per month. Ralph Hakel 390.00 405.00 ) DeWayne Rubedor 385.00 400.00 ) Motion was made and seconded to hire Ronald H. Sundlin to work with the line crew, $1.25 per hr.; effective June 1, increase the hourly rate 10¢. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check in the amount of $148.75 to the Central National Bank & Trust Company, Des Moines,Iowa, representing services of paying. agent( Revenue Bonds)* Motion was made and seconded to issue a check in the amount of $3,325.00 to the Central National Bank & Trust Company, Des Moines, Iowa, representing interest due on Revenue Bonds. The following bills were allowed; Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Estherts 303 55.45 3.09 1 1 Stearnswood Inc American Linen Supply Sterling Electric Company Re Burmeister Electric Co E. A. Pedersen Company Nordberg Manufacturing Co. Nordberg Manufacturing Co* Sterling Electric Company R. E. Burmeister Electric Standard Printing Company Leef Bros, Inc. Miller Davis Company Fitzloffts Skelly Service Hartwigs, Inc Farnham's Riverview Press Burroughs Corporation Felt Products Mfg. Co Kemske Paper Company Electronic Center Inc G. F. Nemitzt Sons Grinnell Company Philip Chates Barbeau Supply Company The Hutchins on Leader Quadets Inc. Admiral Transit Inc Addressograph- Multigraph Hoffman P]1,,umbing & Heating G�orKr n'2i 1clis on LeRoy Posusta Citizens Ins• Agency Nordberg Manufacturing Co. Hutchinson Bowl Standard Oil Company Kemske Paper Companym Donald Broten Raymond L. Braves Raymond L. Craves Standard Oil Company Sterling Electric Company Minnesota Bearing Company R. E. Burmesiter Electric R. B. Whitacre & Company Admiral Transit Company d8f'c*6A'�'rYc ks on LeRoy Pususta (214) 219 735 6.60 403 15.91 403 7.31 113.2 424.80 403 113.78 113.1 516 5,191.00 403 113.1 #1, #2 744.98 113.2 203.2 160.60 Co. 403 113.2 71.39 793.4 113.45 73095 75.60 403 5.88 403 59.77 403 30.19 403 22.39 793.4 48.00 403 21.10 403 18.81 793.4 6.88 403 16.99 403 11.30 203.2 47.62 403 2,200.00 730.3 118.25 403 7.25 403 136.15 403 115.32 781.4 5.153 Salary A2 Salary 113.31 403 114 1,726.74 113.1 1, #2 203.2 2,299.80 787.2 35.00 729 5,477.33 781.3 5.42 Sam. ry 89.50 202.6 152.00 202.6 100.00 729 1,785.42 113.2 205 3,887.97 113.1 #1 #2 9.72 205 6.15 Inc. 730.3 47.32 1 2 �]tl la C' 11 . 5 9 0.3,j y Salary 106.67 220 (215) Donald Broten Ruth Hake 1 Nordberg Manf . Company Leeds & Northrup Pheoll Manufacturing Company Thompson Yards Rural Co -op. Power Asa fn. Snap -on Tools Cor pration Hutchinson Oil Company Minn. Valley Natural Gas Co. The Satterlee Company Sterling Electric Company Salary 125.70 Petty Cash 43.69 113.1 #1 #?2 1, 016.90 730.3 5.13 730.3 7.05 730.3 1.05 772 16.56 730.3 .2.15 730.3 13927 202.6 21142 730.3 2 1.56 113.2 730.3 152.64 • There .being no further businesE , . the meeting was adjourned. Secretary, R. W. Dahl. ATTEST:6 , J,. R. I• heppard, President 1 1 1