01-23-1960 HUCM0 8 c 205, Socony Mobil Oil Company Vag 730.3 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash The. Texas Company 730.2 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn 781.2 Lester Ziegler Salary Frank Wittmann Salary Howard Blackwell Salary Bea,Pollard Salary Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 Pheoll Manf. . Company 7303 Schneider Electric & Equip. 113.2 Nordberg Manf Company 113.1 #5 #6 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 771 The Texas Company 730.2 Hermetic Materials Ltd 730.3 Simonson Lumber 771 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 205 Thoml*s on Yards 771 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 11392 Minn. - Wisconsin Truck Lines 113.2 734.1 Addressogbaph- Multigraph 781.5 C. H. Stocking 730.3 730.,3 #1 #2 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attest, R. T. Sheppard, President. 6.74 57.05 315.81 300.00 95.90 110.13 114.89 74.03 8,962.85 26.89 500.00 328.38 29.50 1,837.69 7.35 9.11 68.15 3.92 20.57 11.62 13.25 2.75 ci_/�Oj R. W. Dahl., eeretary January 23, 1960. Special,Meeting. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation of Frank Wittmann, effective January 31, 1960. Motion was made and seconded to hire Ralph Hakel, lineman, effective as of January 25p 1960, $390.00 per month, vacation time, etc. being the same as on October 15, 1959. Therebeing no further business, the meeting was adjourned. 4 V a , Secretary. ATTEST% 10 tV R. S. eppar , Fresidento 1