07-06-1959 HUCM1 1 Hans. M. Peterson Duluth Filter Company Soc ony Mobil Oil Company Standard Oil Company Ruth Fiakel Wallner Printing Company Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line Standard Oil Company United States Stationery Company The DeLaval Separator Howard Blackwell Bea Pollard Martin Briggs (1'74 ) 183 114 166.64 203,2 394.71 729 2,144.11 729 3,150.76 Petty Cash 30.80 781.3 89.50 113.2 734.1 #4 7.61 730.3 16.36 781.3 12.11 734.4 254.35 . Salar y 107.90 Salary 60.77 Salary 119.99 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: I Sheppard, President . July 6, 1959. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held. July 6, 1959 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly njeeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to increase the monthly salary of Arnold Nass 015.00. Old New Arnold Nass 245.00 270.00 Motion was made and seconded to employ 0. L. Rumage as Assistant Plant Engineer, effective 7 -30 -59 at a monthly salary of $525.00. The following bills were allowed. Friden, Inc. 781.5 45.00 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 734.4 69.76 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 76.19 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 111.35 Eagle Iron Works Company 734.1 #4 365.90 Frank Motor Company 759.1 47.80 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 142.95 184 (175) Jack Powers 771 The Satterlee Company 730.3 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 Automotive Supply 730.3 Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Company795 Meeker Co -op. Light & Power 113.2 B. M. Stolpman 730.4 Zila Hardware 730.3 Heil & Douglass 730.3 Peterson Truck Service 759,2 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 Ruth Hakel Petty R. E. Burmesiter Electric Co. 113.2 Schneider Electric & Equip. 113.2 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 113.2 American Linen Supply 730.5 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 Duluth Filter Company 730.3 Buell & Winter 202.6 0. A. Brktzke & Sons 771 Hager Jewelry 412.7 Parsons Welding Supply Company 730.3 Hutchinson Leader 787.2 Fred Sorenson Fuel & Farm 771 Popp Rexall Drug 730.3 Heil & Douglas Drug Store 730.3 Carr Flowers 41297 Schneider Electric & Equipment 802.3 G. F. Nemitz Sons 730.3 Thompson Yards 939.3 Don's T. V. Service 802.3 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 730.3 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 Westinghouse Electric Supply -208 Ruth Hakel Petty Leef Bros. 730.5 Standard Oil Company 729 Howard Blackwell Salary Bea Pollard Salary Martin Briggs Salary Mrs. W. R. Holbrook 402 Jack Powers 771 Machine & Foundry Corporation 734.4 Williams Hardware Cihmpany 730.3 Citizens Bank 793.2 Federal Sign & Signal CorporationMdse Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line 730.3 Quade's Inc. 203.2 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 Standard Oil Company 729 Westinghouse Electric 1.13.2 Graybar Electric Company 205 Ruth Hakel Petty Robert Warns 402 Paul Koehler 402 Fred Jorgenson 402 Mae Moodie 402 Cash W34 +4 771 734.4 730.3 771 113.2 Cash 5.63 X34.4 730.3 770 Cash 9.60 3.50 41.45 1.26 796.00 75.25 7.25 8.25 6.58 49.95 81.40 52.60 29.84 337.58 3.49 12.42 4,270.51 20.67 2,248.61 11.87 24.70 13.12 106.60 4.25 2.07 1960 3.50 13.48 5.67 5.40 4.70 6.87 802.3 55.37 247:53 32.27 76.92 2,083.50 118.80 69.42 119.80 31.75 6.40 112.75 44.09 6.40 46.20 5.25 28.39 2,091.57 2,133.37 157.54 29.42 93.16 8.88 3.19 1.26 4.74 1 G 1 Socony Mobil Oil Company Westinghouse Electric Supply .Addressograph -Mu ltigraph Graybar Electric Company Square Clothing Company Minn.-Wise. Truck Line Standard Oil Company 9r• Chamber of Commerce Luxor Lighting Products General Electric Supply Company Schneider Electric & Equip The Flox Company Williams Hardware Company Harold A. Grams Agency Buell & Winter Lew Bonn Company R. E. Burmeister Electric Postmaster, Hutch inson Fire & Safety Gnc Howard Blackwell Bea Pollard Martin Briggs Carl Bloomauist Standard Oil Company Nordberg kanufacturi.ng Company Ruth Hakel 729 113.2 781.5 771 730.5 113.2 759.1 787.2 Mdse 113.2 113.2 730.5 730.3 114 202.6 802.3 771 801 734.4 Salary Salary Salary Salary 729 113.1 787.2 730.3 759.2 Petty Cash There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. (176) 185 1,880.49 1,391.56 11.00 4.70 21.00 44.82 8.03 30.00 50.95 173.38 608.50 74.80 38.29 19.50 795.91 4.34 3.78 4.80 163.64 108.77 61.29 121.83 129.20 1,045.50 567..37 46.01 R. W. ah , ecretary. ATTEST; ' I. Sheppard, resident.