05-04-1959 HUCM(170 ) May 4, 1959. 179 Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held May 4, 1959 at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthlymeeting and special meetings were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to employ Vern Oliver, lineman, to work from May 14th thru May 29, 1959 at an hourly rate of $1.60. Motion was made and seconded to accept the resignation of Gerald Opdahl, effective May 30, 1959. Motion was made and seconded to grant the following raises, effective May 1, 1959; Old New Hugo Mahs 395jo 00 x.00 Ralph Hakel 380.00 390.00 Wallace Davis 310.00 320.00 The - following bills were allowed; Citizens Insurance Agency 114 1, 852.04 Sterling Electric Company 403 11.46 Westinghouse Electric Company 403 113.2 54.13 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2 14.88 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 4,678.09 Socony Mobil Oil Co. Inc. 729 4,467.55 Minn.- ;'Vidc . Truck Line 734.4 3978 The Texas Company 730.2 62.64 0. A. Bretzke & Son Co, Inc. 403 46.60 Parsons Welding Supply 403 13.56 Burroughs Corporation 403 135080 Harman Process Company 403 593.20 Postmaster 781.2 300.00 Standard Printing 781.3 171.00 Quades, Inc.' 403 157.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 79.70 William Mayer Salary 99.70 Howard Blackwell Salary 118.80 Bea Pollard Salary 66.50 Martin Briggs Salary 119080 Sterling Electric Companym 203.2 730.3 97.85 The tterlee Company 206 217.37 A. A. Kroeger 402 4.85 Hutchinson Bowl 787.2 24.50 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line General Electric Company 113.2 734.4 775 802.3 11.25 4.20 General Electric Company 734.1 #2 67.51 R. E. Burmeister Electric Company 113.2 772 1,767.41 Duluth Filter Company 730.3 355.02 William Hardware 734.1 #1 6.42 rt� � ( 171) National Bushing & Parts Company 734.1 #2 47.08 Graybar Electric Company, Inc- 113.2 123.75 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 51.26 General Electric Company 113.2 104.89 Jack , Powers 771 3.20 Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.1 #4 734.1 #2 2,035.00 R. E. Burmeister Electric Company 772 16.00. Socony Mobil Oil Company 730.2 22219.46 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 23.00 Barbeau Supply Company 730.3 29.27 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 239.98 Westinghouse Electric Company Mdse 68.21 Standard Oil Company 729 4,428.75 Vincent Brass & Aluminum Company 734.1 #5 49.64 Standard Oil Company 730.3 16.36 Minn. -Wisc. Truck Line 113.2 730,3 22.06 Howard Blackwell Salary 110.07 Bea Pollard Salary 77.44 Martin Briggs Salary 87.12 Sty '..ndard Oil Company 729 32232.98 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. nn R. W. Dahl, Secrett'ry. r R. I. Sheppar d, President. 1 t 1