10-03-1958 HUCM154 t 145 , Monthly Meeting October 31 1958 The regular monthly meeting of the- Light & Power Commission was, held October 3, 1958. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R,. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were allowed,& Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 55.07 Sterling Electric Co 730.3'- 802.3 45.27 Minn. Benefit Assin. Inc. 412.6 lD:IID Westinghouse Electric Supplyll3.2 -771 110.94. Nets Simmonson 730.3 1.89 General Electric Supply Po 113.2 48.16 Citizens Bank 801 3.60 Heil & Louglas Drugs 730.3 4.35 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 114.15 C. H. Stocking 730.3 3.00 Minn Wis Truck Lines 113.2 -730.3 6.53 Automotive aupply 730.3 8.87 Socony Mobil Oil Cc 729 10,448.52 Be M. Stolpman 730.4 7.25 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 35.30 ,Parsons Welding Supply Cc 730.3 8.39 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 40.93 Wallner Printing; Oo 793.4 14.00 Sterling Electric Co 113.2 - 802.3 14.95 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 - 205 21.42 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co 205 100.51 X. A. Pederson Co 113.2 131.46 Northside 66 Station 759.1 61.38 Schneider Electric & Equip Coll3.2 823.25 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 730.3 270.05 Standard Oil Co 730.3 16 .3`6 American Linen Supply Co 730.5 12.19 Popp Rexall Drug 730.3 1.25 Zila Hardware 730.3 35.16 Hoels Direct Service Station 759.2 2.50 Maurice Klitzke Body Shop 759.2 8.80 Harley Robinson 206 15.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 42.98 Sterling Electric Co 802.3 14.41 G. F. Nemi t z: Sons 732 15.55 Citizens Bank 801 7.20 Leader Printing Co 781.3 79.35 ( 146 ) Minn Wis Truck Lines 802.3 Lee£ Bros Inc 73C). :snap On fools 73 0.3, The Satterlee Co 730.3 &ill Mayer Salary Bea Pollard Salary Martin Briggs Salary Carl Bloomquist 38Lld.ry-- Socony Mobil Oil Co Inc 729 Jack Powers 771 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash West inghousebElectric ('orp 2,03 *2 R. E. Burmeister Electric Co 771 H. A- Dobratz Sons 801 SchneiPr Electric & Equip. Co 203.2- 734.4 E. A. eders on Co 205 - 734:.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 - 205 Sterling Electric Electric Co 802.3 Nordberg Manlfg. Co 734.1 # 5 Minn Wis Truck Lines 113.2 Sterling Electric Co Mdse- 113.2 - 730.3- 771 - 802'.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 -771 Addressograph Multigraph 781.5 Burroughs Corp 781.3 - 781.5 Ben Jerabek 734.1 # 2 -4 -6 - 734.4 Allis Chalmers 734.3 General Electric Supply Co 113.2 Quade ' s Inc. 730'.3 Ray Mc Graw 205 San -amo Electric Co 775 R. E- Burmeister Electric Co 771 Burroughs Corp 781.5 Nordberg Manffg. Co 113.1 # 1 -2 Standard Oil Co 729 Bill Mayer Salary Bea Pollard Salary Martin Briggs Salary Carl Bloomquist Salary Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Minn Wis Truck Lines 113.2 Parsons Welding Supply Co 730.3 The Satterlee Co 730.3 Sterling Electric Co 11_3.2- 730.3- 734.3 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 Check Iffriter Co 781.3 Westinghouse Electric Supply 771 Addressograph Multigraph Co 781.3 Minn Benefit Ass +n Inc 412.6 Standard Oil Co 72.9 Joseph H. Julig 114 K D U Z ( 146 ) 1,35 802.3 2.75 73C). 117.26 73 0.3, 2.05 730.3 11.10 Salary 95.90 Salary 74.24 Salary 120.68 38Lld.ry-- 87.20 729 2847.46 771 3.20 Petty Cash 34.58 2,03 *2 65.00 771 38.00 801 6.00 203.2- 734.4 701.34 205 - 734:.3 532��2 113.2 - 205 151.56 802.3 9.02 734.1 # 5 12.56 113.2 8.2:8 Mdse- 113.2 - 730.3- 771 - 802'.3 139.77 113.2 -771 202:.00 781.5 11-00 781.3 - 781.5 205.52' 734.1 # 2 -4 -6 - 734.4 72.07 734.3 64.80 113.2 48.16 730'.3 2`1.78 205 2'0.00 775 15.54 771 14.41 781.5 82.20 113.1 # 1 -2 471 -25 729 3216.20 Salary 103.80 Salary 54.41 Salary 10.80 Salary 63.76 Petty Cash 2'7.60 113.2 2.75 730.3 19.50 730.3 13.52 11_3.2- 730.3- 734.3 97.29 114 107.56 781.3 15.68 771 4.23 781.3 14.97 412.6 10.10 72.9 3402.67 114 71.79 787.2 62.50 156 ( 147 ) Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 119.60 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793 «3 44.20 Hutchinson Water Dept 730.1 16.70 Automotive Supply 730.3 23.97 Sterling Electric Co 113.2 176.30 The Texas Co 730.2 62.64 W. E. Reyerson 796 153.70 Elmer Jensen 796 125.00 Standard Oil Co 729 854.85 The motion was made and seconded to change the following salaries $10.00 per month on the October 11 1958 payroll; Old New William Marquardt 310.00 3 0.00 Kenneth Krant! 310.00 320.00 Henry Boller 310.00 320.00 Fred Mayer 310.00 320.00 Wallace Davis 300.00 310.00 Ruben Sanken 8280.00 290.00 George Luthens 225.00 235.00 Gerald. Opdahl $250.00 260.00 Ruth Hakel "285.00 295.00 Ruth Schoettmer 220.00 230.00 Ruth Wick -205.00 1215-00 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary-. ATTEST R. TI• Sheppard, President. 1