04-21-1958 HUCM1 1 Schneider Electric & Equip. R. E. Burmeister Electric Company Snap -on Tools Corporation Parsons Welding Billiard Corp. General Electric Supply Sterling Electric Company 734.4 113.2 730.3 730.3 734.4 113.2 113.2 771 132 141 37.23' 77.46' 2.94' 20.71 180.00' 41.80' 51.08' Motion was made and seconded to hire Arnold Nass at a monthly salary of $225.00 per month. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST R. I. Sheppard, resident. Special Meeting -;, April 21, 1958. All Commissioners were present at the meeting. Yotion made and seconded; Acceptance of Diesel Engine Unit 1028 -0631 furnished under our contract dated Pcarch 22, 1957 as satisfactory performance in accordance with said contract. This acceptance, however, shall not be deemed to relieve Nordberg &'IanufacturinC Co. of its obligations contained in said contract with .respect to defective material and workmanship. Exception; The exhaust connection which is presently not completed, to be done in� satisfactory manner. Hutchinson Utilities (�1 s e r 'CIj\ By ' - -- — D - R I. She