03-01-1954 HUCM236 016) March 1, 1954. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppardts office on March 1, 1954. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young, Attorney Reyerson and Attorney Jensen. Motion was made and seconded to purchase two new ten column Burroughs adding machines. One used Sunstrand to be traded in for an allowance of $150.00. Net price $525.50. Motion was made and secdnd to purchase lockers for plant and line crews. Motion was made and seconded to return one certified check to Larson Implement Company. Motion was made and seconded to contribute $51,028.56 to the Cityrof Hutchinson, making a total of $75,000.00 contributed to the General Fund during this fiscal ,year. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Dahl that necessary funds be voted to sponsor a cooking school. The Civic and Commerce Association of Hutchinson has informed the Commission that they will assist in any way possible. Motion was made and seconded to give away one range each evening. Total of two stoves. Ranges to be purchased and paid for by the Municipal Electric Plant. Motion was made and seconded to take bids from dealers on two AA's Delux stoves to be given at the school. Numbers will be drawn for display spaces and a charge of $10.00 to $15.00 will be made to each merchant displaying. Following bills were alloweds R. E. Young 4uadeIs The Garlock Packing Citizens Bank Leef Bros., Inc American Linen Supply Co. Reinhard Brothers Co. The Merc oid Corp. PI C 734.1 #6 15.00 730.3 9.90 730.3 77.81 793.2 11.33 730.5 730.5 96.66 2.25 730.3 31.98 734.4 21.27 (217) 231 Hutch. Sheet Metal Works 734.4 1.60 Stearns Lumber Co 730.3 3.30 Albrecht Oil Company 730.3 99.75 Square Clothing.Compa ny 412.7 13.17 Hoel's Direct Service 759.2 12.74 Standard Oil Company 730.3 13.93 Wallner Printing Company 781.3 30.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 44.35 Cities Service Statioxi 759.1 771 62.57 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 41.70 Automotive Supply of Hutch 730.3 759.2 27.70 Parsons Welding Supply Company 730.3 12.31 Elmer W. Howe 787.4 15.00 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 34.40 Thompson Yards 771 4.99 Burroughs Corp. 781.5 56.35 Ruth Hakel 412.7 5.63 - 20.89 Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.1 #6 734.1 #6 1634.50 Robert Kaping 787.4 15.00 Granville Bentz 787.4 15.00 Dave Bieber 787.4 15.00 Stanley Martin 787.4 15 00 R. F. Sturgess 787.4 12.15 Minn. Western Ry Co. 729 2979.23 Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 5801.88 Postmaster 793.1 15.00 Minnesota Western Ry Co. 2.14 1.00 Q. S. Specialty Co. 730.3 6.40 Midwest Machine Tool Supply 734.4 2.50 Zila Hardware 730.3 14.34 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 3303.13 Minnesota Western Railway Co. 729 1694.36 Larson Farm Equip 207 2125.00 Schneider Electric Co. 202.7 5.10 4530.00 Leonard Schnickels 730.4 4.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 21.06 Carl Larson 787.4 15.00 Park Machine Inc 734.1 #6 230.90 Allis - Chalmers -Manf. Co. 113.2 12,458.00 Commercial Welding & Machine 734.4 26.25 Electric Supply Co. 113.2 10.94 Minn. -Wise. Truck Line 734.1 #6 74.48 Pink Supply Company 730.3 26.62 Panama Carbon Company 793.4 .9.40 Service Parts Company 734.4 3.30 Adeco Products Inc 734.1 #5 #6 22.11 Minnesota Western Ry Cc 729 792.89 Cooper Petroleum Co 729 1577.14 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 2.23 238 .(218) Miller -Davis Co 781.3 19.91 Nordberg Manf. Co 113.1 #6 734.1 #6 65.00 The Commission, after some discussion, decided that the 1$- 11 ton truck was too large for our line use. Larson Implement Company has been asked to exchange this truck for a 1 ton truck under bid proposal #1. .There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. . i". a , Secretary* __? - ATTEST: 1 eppar , Pr6'sident. April 5, 1954. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppard's office on April 5, 1954. All Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Bids were opened on electric ranges to be given away at the "All Electric" Cooking School. The bids from Lodes hardware and Quade's Inc. were found to be the same. $250.00 for two ranges. Motion was made and seconded to draw to find Yh ich one would furnish the ranges. On contacting Mrs Lodes, she withdrew her bid in favor of Quade's Inc. ( We have a letter on file to that effect.) Other bids attached. Motion was made and seconded to hire Al Tedesco as Master of Ceremonies for two days at a price of 75.00. I t was also agreed to purchase time on the air(KDUZ) (one -half hour period each day.) for $55.00. The date for the Cooking School has been set for May 6 and May 7th.. Motion was made and seconded to accept proposal #1 of Larson Implement Company for a one ton International truck in ex- change for the la -1l ton truck. The following bills were allowedt Hutchinson Oil CompanIT 730.2 1,525.50 Graybar Electric.Co Inc 771 4 4.10 Hutchinson Telephone Company 202.7 61.43