12-07-1953 HUCM230 (208) December 7, 1953. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of-the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. Sheppardts office on December 7, 1953 at 700 p.m. The minutes of the last, monthly meeting were read and approved as read. All-Commissioners were present; also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to grant each employee a Christmas Bonus of 25.00 net. The following bills were allowed: William Marquardt Salary 84.84 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 31.11 Carl Corson 787.4 15.00 Gust Krueger 787.4 15.00 LeRoy Meyers 787.4 30.00 Sterling Electric Co 113.2 124.76 Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul 2.14 3.00 Parsons Welding Supply Co 730.3 6.32 Am. Linen Supply Co 730.5 2.25 M J Higgins 114 57.56 R E Burmeister Electric Co 113.2 772 177.48 Stearns Lumber Company 730.3 11.88 Citizens Bank 793.2 10.96 0 A Bretzke 730.3 9.90 G F Nemit ;1 Sons 730.3 1.85 Albin & Carlsen 730.3 1.05 Thompson Yards 202.5 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 ,,94.01 1.57 Automotive Supply of Hutch 734.4 2.40 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 32.85 Leef Bros., Inc 730.5 73.80 Wallner Printing Co 793.4 35.50 Nels Simonson 730.3 1.24 Fitzloff Bros. 759.1 54.61 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 46.40 Pink Supply Company 730.3 28.60 McLeod Co -op. Power Asstn. 205 130.38 Hoel's Direct Service 759.2 10.95 Minnesota Western Railway 729 39220.25 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 6,869.75 August Schmieg 787.4 30.00 R. E. Young 801 18.50 E. A. Pedersen Co., Inc. 202.5 13,700.00 Westinghouse Electric Supply 113.2 661.90 Northwestern National Ins. 114 8.00 William Marquardt Salary 84.84 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 26.02 Minnesota Western Ry Co. 729 3,325.53 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 5,403.14 1 1 1 1 D 1 Nordberg Manufacturing Co Westinghouse Electric Supply Q,uade's Inc C. Emery Nelson, Inc Sterling Electric Co Pink Supply Company Parsons Welding Supply Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Standard Oil Company Zila Hardware Dan Danielson H. G. Felepe & Co Breuer Electric Manf. Co. The Hilliard Corp Addressograph- Multigraph Ellsworth Schleeter Electric Supply Co. Co. Automotive Supply of Hutch M,1 X, Higgins Agency Rockite Silo Company (209) 113.1 #5 #6 207.19 113.2 x39.76 5.10 730.3 8.84 730.3 95.20 113.2 730.3 335.64 730.3 29.48 730.3 6.45 Q50 *5 795 500.00 730.3 13.93 730.3 41.34 787.4 30.00 734.4 3.00 734.4 3.88 730.3 310.10 781.4 1.66 730.4 5.00 113.2 205 26.65 730.3 12.10 114 119.62 202.5 5.10 221.63 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ATTESTS . eppard , i res d ent . ( "1 1. � a , ecre ary- 227