03-02-1953 HUCM204 (,88) Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 1,2S9.10- Thies Playman Pontiac Co. 759.2 17.80 - Minn. Western Rwy. 729 733.22, Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 26.65- Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 10.00 - August Luthens Salary 71.36 - John Metcalf Salary 92.16 - Kenneth Krantz Salary 90.92 Henry C. Boller Salary 107.52 - Martin Briggs Salary 95.40- Harold Laatsch Salary 86.20 There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ATTEST• R.I.Weppard., esi.den March 2, 1953. Monthly Meeting. The regular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on the evening of March 2, 1953 at 7:30• The meeting was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to hire an extra man as helper on relief shift in order that there will always be two men on duty at the same time. Motion was made and seconded to purchase a new billing machine providing the old one can be sold for a suitable price. Motion was made and seconded to contribute to the City of Hutchinson $20.9348.493 $4,348.49 of this amount to be contributed in the form of Street Light Extension and 616,000.00 in cash. The following bills were allowed:. (189) 205 W.A.Ostrom 730.3 2.19• Citizen B ank 393:2 6.35, Lodes Hardware & App.Store 730.3 3.55 American Linen Supply Peterson Truck Service 730.5 759.2 4.00• 19.00• Nordberg Manf. Co. 113.1 - #5,734.1 - #536 10,542.63 Alricks Clothing ,730;:5 1044' Wallner Printing Co. 793.4 1.9(x• Leef Bros Inc. 730.5 83.56 Hutchinson Telephone Co. 793.3 32 :25• Red & White Store 730.3 4.58• Hutchinson Dry Clearners 730.5 109.35' Citizens Bank ^ 793.2 7.71• R.E.Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2,772 523.M Sterling Electric Co 113.2,203,730.3,734.31771,801 263.52• Square Clothing Co. 730.3,730.5 9.51. Lodes Hardware & App. Store 801 1.54 St. Cloud,,,Pa r & supply co. 730.3 74.40• 1iinn. %tiscl amuck Line 202,113.2, 730.2, 73093, 734-1-# 5, 6 :79"38 Pink Supply Co. 730.3 34.84• Duro -Test Corp. 730.3 39.12 Reinhard Bros.Co. 734.1 -# 4 15.00• Sangamo Electric Co. 113.2 3,054.00 General Electric Supply 772 2.83• Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 5.10 97.74. The Garlock Packing �'o 730.3 70.28- ",lbrecht Oil Co. 730.33 759.1 145.16• IAA. Dobratz Co. 730.3 3.25 • Automotive Supply Co. of Hutch. 730.3 31.67. Imperial "upply Co 793.4 4.09' William Jorgenson 730.3 12.05• John E. Miller 787.4 15.00" Williams Motor Sales Inc. 759.1 25.76' W.A. Korngiebel 209A 58.85• Granite City Iron Works Co. 734.145 15000• Treas. Minn. Western Rwy. 2.14 1.00• Direct Service oil Uo. 759.2 15.45• Addressograph Multigraph Co. 781.4 2.41% Miller Davis Co. 208, 209A 824.44. Heilman Electric Co. 209A 2.34 - Minn. Electric Supply Co. 5.10 514.90- Hutchinson Iron & 1"etal Co. 734.1 -# 6 40a B en D.Jerabek 734.4 16.41• Nels Simonson 209A 21.24• Minn. Wisc. Truck Line 209A 5.683 Kemske Paper Co. 7934 2.29• Allis Chalmers Manf. Co. 113.2 18.00. Minn. Electric ►supply Co. 209A 41.29, August Luthens Salary 70.65, John Metcalf Hilary 91.66. Kenneth Krantz Salary 78.82 Henry C. Boller Salary 92.62 . Martin Briggs Salary 89.00 • Harold Laatsch Salary 80.60 ' Richard Slyter : rilary 41.47 • Stearns Lumber Co. gA 11.26 Electric Supply Co 113.2 26.64. Parsons Welding Supply Co. 730.3 12.31 X06 (190) Nordberg Hanf. Co. 734.1- #5,6 44.09 - Q-S- Specialty Co. 730.3 3.00. Rockite Silo Co 209A 3.75 - Minn. Western Rwy. 729 1,630.30 - Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 2,799.51 - Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 18.31• Postmaster Hutchinson Minn. 781.2,781.3 350.40• M.J. Higgins Agency 114 53.55• Leona Nielsen 402 15.78. August '''uthens Salary 65.19- John Metcalf Salary- 84.48. Kenneth Krantz Salary 83.86' Henry C. Boller Salary 92.16', Martin Briggs Salary 75.80• Harold Laatsch Salary 69.00" Richard Slyter Salary 82.94- Ed. Hoerner 402,5.63 18.75• Peter & Eldred Miller 209A :,860.7 Minn. 'Wi.sc. Truck Line 734.1,44,5,6 109.29• Graybar' Electric Co. 209A,5.10, 113.2 101.98' R. E. Burmeister ElectricCo. 206 19799.35' Line Material Co. 113.2 2oo.00' Electric Supply Co. 209- 18.98 Thaapson Yards Inc. 209A Sterling Electric Co 329.3 37.73' Square Clothing Co 730.5 40.73' Burroughs Adding Machine Co 781.5 51.25• Carl O.F. Christensen 209A 63.54 Skarshaug Testing Lab. 771 5.83 Norberg Manf. Co. 113.1 # 516 1,260.68• Phil Graf 734.1 # 5,759.1 4.65• Hugo C. Prieve Cabinet Shop 734.4 7.80 Am. Radiator Standard Sanitary Corp 202 230.87. Granite City Iron Works 734.1 -# 5 17.82• Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 5,696.97' Star Surplus Store 730.5 8.95' H.A. Dobratz Sons 730.3 5.00• General Electric Supply Co 712 14.83: . W.N. Korngaibel 209A 69.35•• Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00• Citizens Fund Mutual Fire Ins. 44 46.27 Max Krueger 787.4 30.00• Minn. Western Rwy. 729 3,317.62• Westinghouse Electric Supply Co U3.2,209A 1;pU.67- Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 20.57• There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. R*W.Dahl.,Sec retary Attest 21 R.T. eppar , esi nt u D J