04-10-1952 HUCMJ Sterling Electric Addressograph Multigraph Corp. Minnesota Western Ry Co. Cooper Petroleum Co. Ruth Hakel Carr Flowers George Bach G. F. NemitzI Sons Automotive Supply of Hutch Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Hutchinson Telephone Co. Citizens Bank Cities Servicz Station Albrecht Oil ompany Citizdns Ins. Agency Wallner Printing Co. Quadefs, Inc. There being no further business 183 (167) 771 1 13.o6 781.4 2.03 ' 729 1939.50, 729 2818.53 - Petty Cash 19.09 10,12 .7 11.14 759.1 40081 730.3 6.10 730.3 10.94 730.3 9029 793.3 30.20 801- 2.40, 759.1 2051 730.3 32.10, 114 97.60 793.4 20.50 203 205 421.03 the meeting was adjourned. Lz�- 4o'u Tiv* Dahl, Secretary ATT SST : R. I. Sheppard, President. April 10, 1952. Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Light & Bower Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppard's office on April 10, 1952 at 7:30 P. m. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young and attorney, W. E. Reyerson. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl and Seconded by Commissioner Thompson to increase the monthly salary of Robert Schulte $15.00, making his monthly salary $225.00. Member A. J. Thompson moved the adoption of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION wrhereas the McLeod Cooperative Power Association did, on March 17, 1952 request the release of a certain area wherein said Association now distributes electric energy generated by the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, and which writtenxequest is on file with the Commission, and attached to said request is a copy of a Resolution reading as follows: Resolution 48 As per resolution #1000 adopted 11 -29 -06 Numbering resolutions from 1936 — 2006 For search purposes only 184 (168) "WHEREAS., the total maximum energy requirements at the generating plant at the.City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, have reached a point where a dangerously small excess of generating capacity remains over load re- quirements, and for the pmrpose of increasing the safety factor of generating capacity over demend, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Board of Directors of McLeod Cooperative Power Association that the City of Hutchinson be requested to release the area hereinafter described, from the area to which said City shall furnish electrical energy to this Association under the contract between said City and this Association, dated August 29, 19509 the area to be released being described as follows: Beginning at the North Quarter corner of Section 36, in Township. 116, Range 32, Renville County, Minnesota, and thence northeasterly to the Northwest corner of Section 29, Township 116, Range 31; thence Southeasterly to the South Quarter corner of Section 280 in Town- ship 11.6, Range 31; thence Southwesterly to the Southwest corner of Section 33, Township 116, Range 31; thence Southeasterly to the South Quarter corner of Section 14, Township 115, Range 31; thence South to Trunk Highway 212; thence West along the right of way of Trunk Highway 212 to a point on said highway one- fourth mile east of the West line of Section 25, Township 115' Range 32 thence Northeasterly to the North Quarter corner of Section g, Township 116, Range 32; and thence North to the paint of beginnings And Whereas he Light and Power Commission of the city of Hutchinson has considered std request and believes the same to be just and reasonable under the circumstances now existing., BE IT RESOLVED: That the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson does hereby approve said request, dated March 17, 1952, for the release of the area therein described and which is described in this resolution; and that the release be effective at once. Member R. W. Dahl seconded the adoption f. ofthe foregoing Resolution, and upon vote being taken all members voted in favor of said Resolution and no member voted against the same, and it was unanimously adopted. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl to accept the bid of Miller & Nj1ler, in the amount of $39,620.00, for the General Contract on the purposed new Electric Warehouse Building. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Tshompson. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson to accept the bid.of Quadess, Inc., in the amount of $6,918.00, for plumbing and heating on the purposed new Electric Warehouse Building. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Dahl. Notion was made by Commissioner Dahl to accept the bid of Bust. Lagerquist, in the amount of $4,747.00, for the Elevator contract. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thompson. Notion was made by Commissioner Dahl and seconded by Commissioner Thompson to return all certified checks when all three bonds are received. 185 (169) There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: R. I. Sheppard, President; May 5, 1952. Regular Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppardls office on May 5, 1952 at 7;30 p.m. All commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to enclose the top part of the East windows in the plant with glass brick instead of regular brick. Motion was made and seconded to change the present temporary 2" pipe line from the outside tanks to 3" pipe line and bring it in thru the new garage basement. Motion was made and seconded to purchase a new DeLaval centrifuge and to install it in the Northeast corner of the basement. Motion was made and seconded to cut a new door large enough to accommodate a truck into the plant from the garage. Motion was made and seconded to allow a paid three weeks' vacation with fifteen ,years service and a paid four week vacation with twenty years service. Motion was made and seconded to hire Chris Christensen from May 7, 1952 thru July 15, 1952. His hourly pay to be $.90. 730.5 305.86 - 838.50- 5.20• 2.80- 12.00 2.50- 21.25 44.3'T 5.91 10.72• 30.OG 41.27 5.00' 2.00 - 45.10- 4777 .30' The following bills were allowed% M. J. Higgins Agency 114 Citizens Ins. Agency 114 E ?A Ralph Young 759.2 Peterson Truck Service 403 Ed Hoffman 730.3 Hoel's Direct Service 759.2 Zila Hardware 403 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 403 Citizens Bank 403 Herman Engleman Otto Oelfke 787.4 787.4 H. M. Schmidt 113.2, Wrr. Jorgenson 734.4 Am. Linen Supply Co. 403 Leef Bros. Inc. 403 Nordberg Manf . Co. 403 730.5 305.86 - 838.50- 5.20• 2.80- 12.00 2.50- 21.25 44.3'T 5.91 10.72• 30.OG 41.27 5.00' 2.00 - 45.10- 4777 .30'