10-01-1951 HUCM170 (154 ) October 1, 1951 Regular. Meeting. The re ular meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held at R. I. heppard's office at 700 on the evening of October 1, 1951. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Ypung. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to replace the sidewalk in front of the Light Plant and to shingle the present garage. Motion was made and seconded to increase the hourly rate of Elmer White $.06, making his `present hourly rate $1.20 per hour or $250.00 per month. This is toh effective as of October 1, 1951. Motion was made and seconded to allow Robert Schulte a bonus of $10.00 per month, effective as of October 1, 1951. The following bills were allowed4 Ruth Betker Petty Cash .50.34 Wm. Jorgenson Blacksmith 734.4 23.50' Citizens Bank 793.2 6.65 - Zila Hardware 730.3 29.82• Direct Service Oil Co 759.2 1.85- Leader Printing Co., Inc 787.2 793.4 525,.40 - Henry J. Sanken 205 25.00 - Thompson Yards 202 312.09 - Hutch Sheet Metal Works 205 1.50• Coast to Coast Store 730.3 1.50 Parsons Melding Supply Co 730.3 13.12' wm D Wixcey 759.1 43.94 Hutch Telephone Co 793.3 28.75 Burroughs Adding Machine Co 781.5 59.95 - Wallner Printing Co 793.4 5.75 - Cecil Conquest 787.4 15.00 - Delwin Derifield 787.4 15.00 Jens J. Juul 113.2 33.84 Citizens Bank 801 7.20 Quadels, Inc. 771 6.00 H Channon Company 730.3 24.81 The Hilliard Corporation 734.4 82.20 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 60.60 Leef Bros., Inc 730.5 41.52• Hutchinson Oil Company 730.2 1719.36• John Fisher Salary 39.17 - Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 2.14, Moberg Auto Company 759.2 30.00 - Certified Electric Corporation 730.3 91.70 - Sterling Electric Company 113.2 29.27 - Graybar Electric Uo Inc 113:2 109.56 - L J Larson & Co Inc 206 333.50- American Locomotive Co 113.1 #192,3. 80.00' Nordberg Manufacturing Co 113.1 734.1 1452.00' Standard Oil Company 730.3 12.85 Minn wise Truck Line 730.3 734.4 5.84 - Am Linen Supply Company 730.5 2.00, Minn Western Ry Co 729 2182.13" Cooper Petroleum Co 729 4596.49" John Fisher Salary 78.36' Clarence Holman 787.4 22.50' Graybar Electric Co., Inc 113.2 30.58' R E Burmiester Electric Co 772 40.43• Sterling Electric Co 771 113.2 34.64' Certified Electric Co 730.3 40.45• Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 1.09- Gitizens Ins. Agency 798 60.70' Kems ke Paper Co 793.4 22.07 Varner Hardware Co 206 31.42' Miller & Miller, Inc 732 1758.91- U Emery Nelson Inc 734.4 54.00' Minn Western Ry Co 729 2005.56' Cooper Petroleum Co 729 3881.66' American Linen Supply Co 730.5 13.31' Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00' Peterson Truck Service 759.2 35.45, Hutch Iron & Metal Co 205 1.50` Ruth Betker Petty Cash 97.81' Clayton LeRoy 732 334.00' Elmer Jensen 796 100.00' W. -iE. Reyerson 796 100.00' Standard-Oil Co 730.3 12.85 Hutchinson Water Dept. 730.1 50.87' Minn Western Ry Co. 729 1271.03 - Cooper Petroleum Co 729 2301.72 Allis- Chalmers Manf. Co 113.2 900.68 Cities Service Station 759.2 2.00 - Zila Hardware 730.3 12.05 Hutch Dry Cleaners 739.5 52.90 Automotive Supply of Hutch 730.3 2.54` The Sharples Corporation 734.4 46.59 Irwin Burton 734.4 37.45' John Fisher Salary 13.60 - Mrs. Garfield Krasean 787.4 15.00• Addressograph- Multigraph Corp 781.5 9.25• G F Nemitz Sons 730.3 3.50 Hutch Telephone Co 793.3 28.00' Albrecht Oil Co 759.1 47.62• Wallner Printing %jo 793.4 8.50• Frank Motor Co 759.2 4.50' Stearns Lumber Co 734.4 1.25' Ruth Betker Petty Cash 44.37 1 There being no further business, the meeting wa ned. ATTEST s 0:1-11 V%.,. R. I. Sheppardp Pres d ent . ��rw-a Koa-lu Secretary. 171 (155 )