05-31-1950 HUCM132 (1,10) Motion was made and unanimously carried to accept the bid of Swanson Motor Company. There beiriF no further business the meetin[- adjourned. rc-'Uj, && R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: R . I. Sheppard , Pre id ent . SPECIAL P.FI:TIYr' OF TILE LI'''IIT AND POV,'ER C CPr:I ISSIC. OF THE CITY OF ?rU` Ci' IP'S ON IIELD AT T17E 0:�1;,IC E OF DR . R. I. SITE Pi"-.' D OT: 1-1AY 31, 1950 at 7:45 P. hi. A special meeting° of the LiEht and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson was called for May 31, 1950 at 7;45 P. M. at the office of the President, Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All members of the Commission were present and participated in the meeting. The President reported that the I +cLeod Cooperative Power Association had submitted a form of contract for the furnish- ing of electric ener €.y to McLeod Cooperative Power Association in a certain restricted area detailed in the proposed contract, and that the contract was based on the rate schedule adopted by the Commission at its meeting, on April 22, 1950. The President further reported that the contract had been considered by the attorneys for the Commission, that it had been re -drawn several times to conform to the understandinC, of the parties, and that in its present fore: the contract was satisfactory to McLeod Cooperative Power Association. The contract, in the form submitted, was ordered spread on the minutes of this meetin,°, and reads as follows; RL'A CONTRACT TIIIS A(TREFi =:ET;T, made and entered into this 31st day of May, 1950, by and between the Li,c-ht and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, a municipal corporation arency, first party, hereinafter call.e a t2 e "Producer ", and MIcLeod Cooperative Power Association, a cooperative corporation or-anized and existin'-; under, and by virtue of, the Laws of the State of I,1innesota , second party, hereinafter calle ? the "Consumer'. WITNESSE'TH THAT, WHEREAS, the Producer is an aEency of a municipal corporation, enraged in - eneratinE electric enemy; that Producer has a present Feneratin� capacity of 6570 11, which said capacit Producer shall 123 (111•) maintain for the term of this agreement; and that based upon present and anticipated future demands, for energy, from the persons supplied within the City of Hutchinson, and based upon a productive capacity of said plant, the Producer will have available, durinE, the term of this agreement, ant excess of electric ener -_.y over its local requirements, in the amount of 2200 KW, which said excess of ener €y Producer desires to sell, and, WHEREAS the Consumer is a cooperative under the Rural Electrif- ication -Act, engaE-ed in the distribution of electric enemy to its members in a rural area around and near the said City of Hutchinson, and which desires to purchase energy for such distribution from the Producer, NOW TFlERE1 ORE, In consideration of the premises and of the mutual covenants and acreements herein contained, the parties hereto contract and agree with each other as follows; 1. BASIS - That this contract and agreement is made and entered into between the parties based on the existing, production capacity of the producer at its Municipal Electric Plant in the City of Hutchinson, Mi ,.nesota, a rd i4 ich Plant has a total capacity as of the date hereof in the amount of 6570 IM. Producer shall not be required to increase the capacity of its plant, but Producer shall be required to maintain present plant capacity. 2. RE�UI'ZE,:FY 3 Producer a.,rees to sell and deliver to Consumer and Consumer aL,rees to purchase and take from Producer, all the electric enerr;y required bar Consumer and its members, to the amount of 2,200 kilowatts maximum demand, in the area served by that portion of Consumerts electric distribution system, lyinE- within the following boundary; BeEinninf- at the North. Quarter corner of Section 1, Town- ship 117, Range 28; thence South to the South Quarter corner of Section 25, Township 117, RanE-e 28; thence East to the North- east corner of Section 36, Township 117, Range 28; thence South to the Southeast corner of said-Section 36; thence '.Nest on the South line of said Section 36, three - fourths mile; thence South to the South line of Section 1, Township 116, Range 26; thence Southeast to the center of Section 12, Township 116, Range 28; , thence Southwest to a point one - fourth male east of the South- west corner of said Section 12; thence South to the North line of Section 24, Township 116, Range 28; thence 'Nest one -half mile to a point one - fourth mile west of the Northeast corner of Section 23, Township 116, Ran € -e 28; thence South to the East- 'Nest quarter line of Section 35, Township 116, Ran,--e 28; thence East to the center of Section 36, Township 116, Rage 28; thence South to the center of Section 24, Township 115, Range 28; thence Southwesterly to the center of the North Line of Section 26, Township 115, Range 28; thence South to the center of Sec- tion 35, Township 115, Range 28; thence West to the center of Section 31, Tornship 115, Range 28; thence South to the Center of the South line of Section 31, Township 115, Range 28; thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Section 33, Township 115, RanE:e 29, thence West along. Truck Highvaay 212 to a point on said Hi ghway one - fourth mile east of the West line of Section 124 ( 112 ) 25, Township 115, Range 32; thence Northeasterly to the North ,:quarter corner of Section 24, Township 115, Range 32; thence Tdorth to the center of Section 12, Township 115, Range 32; thence East to the Easterly Quarter corner of Section 70 Town- ship 116, Range 31; thence North one mile to the West Quarter corner of Section 5, Township 116, Ran7,e 31; thence East to the center of Section 6, Township 116, Ranf,e 30; thence North 61 miles to the McLeod County Line; and thence Easterly to the point of beginning, all sub Jett to the conditions and limitations hereafter set forth.. 3. VAR- TkTIO^', Or TFRRITOPY; It is agreed that the t@rritory described above may hereafter be varied from time to time at the request of either party and with the consent of the other, all in order to provide for the most efficient operation of the facilities of both parties hereto. 4. SER7TICE; The electric energy to be supplied by Producer hereunder shall be what is corrmonlIT known as alternating current of approximately 60 cycles per second, three phase, and shall be delivered in the first instance to Consumer's substation, as now locate] in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, at approximately 2,400 volts. 5. DELIVERY; (a) Producer agrees to deliver said electric energy in the first instance at Consumer's present substation in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, by means of two 2400 volt, 750,000 cm. primary circuits leadinF.� from Producer's switchboard buss to primary -side of Consumer's v-- ststion.Said circuits to be protected by all necessary oil switches, protective overload relays and necessary appurtenances, all of which devices and circuits shall be provided, maintained and owned by Producer. (b) Producer agrees to deliver said electric energy in the second instance at two points to Consumer's distribution system, at approximately the Southwest corner of Section 6, in Township 116, Range 29, west of the 5th P. M. and approximately the Southwest corner of Section 32, Township 117, Rance 29, west of the 5th P. M., by means of two four -wire, three -phase 7,200/12,500 y transmission lines leadin€ from the secondary side of Consumer's said substation and thence to the two existing connections with the Consumer's distribution system mentioned last above. Said two transmission circuits to be provided, maintaned and owned by Producer. (c) That all of said circuits provided by Producer, as above, shall be maintaineA by Producer at its sole expense and shall be maintained free of all Cround and tree contacts and in such manner so as to give Consumer e�'ficient and uninterrupted service, exceptinT only interruptions due to causes beyound Producer's control. Producer shall immediately repair any faults or breaks in any of these circuits, as such faults or breaks occur. 125 ( 113 ) (d) Producer covenants and at-rees to hold and save Consumer harmless from any and all claims for d amat.°es, of every sort whatsoever, resultinE, from the presence of said electrical energy on any of said four circuits described in this section, excepting, only where such loss or damage shall be established to have been occasioned by ne €°licence of Consumer or its a_ents or employees. 6. SUBSTkTTON; Consumer shall own and maintain the necessary substation, to -ether with switchinE and protective equip=ment which may be reasonably necessary to enable Consumer to take and use the enr €y here - under and to protect the facilities of Producer. Producer shall own and maintain the necessary meters and metering equipment, which shall be located at the switchboard of Producer in its generating plant. Demand Charge; $1.25 per Kilowatt of "3illing Demand" per month. Enerf °y Cha.rr;e; $.0076 per Kilowatt hour. Delayed Payment Pro7, ision, A chart-e of 5% will be added to the bill at the rate sche:3ule above, which shall constitute a discount for pay- ment of bill within period re- quired under para� -raph 10 hereof. 8. DETER'7TNATIO14 OF BILhIIvr DEI,D4I1'D; The "Billing; Demand" shall be the maximum d emand for the current month. The maximum demand in kilowatts shall be determined as the hi`hest average rate at wraith energy is used f_ or any period of f if teen consecutive minutes durin[: the month. 9. F,,TEL CLAT73L; The within contract price shall be based on fuel oil satisfactory to the Producer delivered in the Producer's storage tanks at a cost of not less than w5.00, nor more than X6.00 per 100 gallons. ST ould the cost of such fuel rise above $6.00 per 100 gallons or decline to below ;?5.00 per 100 - allons, as an avera`-e for an), billing period, then the price per kilowatt -hour shall be adjusted in accordance with such rise or decline by 1/110th of one mill ($.0001) for each twenty -five cents (25�) rise above 16.00 per 100 �- ;allons or decline below $5.00 per 100 gallons. 10. PAYIYEPTT OF ;?ILLS; Meters shall be read by a representative of Producer at noon on the fifteenth day of each. calendar month. Bills for energy .furnished hereunder shall be rendered by Producer to Consumer, monthly, and shall be payable at the office of Producer in Hutchinson, Minnesota, or such other place as Producer may designate in writing,, on or before the last business day of the month during which said energy is .furnished. 11. 1X1E LER ADJUST!,al TI TS: Each meter used in determininEr the demand for, or amount of electric ene.rE -y supplied hereunder, shall, by comparison with accurate standards, be tested and calibrated by Producer at intervals of not to exceed twelve months. If a meter shall be found inaccurate, it shall be restored to an accurate condition or a new meter or a new meter substituted. 12Fj (114 ) Consumer shall have the r iF-ht to request that a special meter test be made at any time. If any test made at Consumer's request diselcEes that the meter tested is registerin- within 2% of normal, Consumer shall bear the expense of such test. The expense of all other tests shall be borne by Producer. The results of all such tests and calibrations shall be open to examination by Consumer and a report of every test shall be furnished immediately to Consumer. Any meter tested and found to be not more than 20 above or below normal shall be considered to be accurate. If, as a result of any test, any meter is found to re-ister in excess of 2%, either above or below normal, then the readini -s of such meter previously taken for billing purposes�shall be corrected according to the percentage of inaccuracy so found, but no such correction shall extend beyond ninety days previous to the day on which inaccuracy is discovered by such test. For any period that a meter has failed to ret °ister either the deirard established or the amount of electric energy delivered, the bill shall be based on a previous period of operation selected by the pasties hereto and adjusted to reflect any changes in operating conditions. 12. RIq:T OF ACCESS;• The parties hereto will give the authorized aE-ents of one another the right to enter upon the premises of each at all reasonable times, for the purpose of readinc, or checkinL meters, for constructing, testing_, repair - ing, renewing or exchanging any or all of its equipment which may be located on the property of the other, or performing any other work incident to rendering the service hereby contracted for. 13. C0 TIN7JITY OF SE'�''ICE; In the event that Producer is prevented from delivering or Consumer is prevented from receiving the electric energy herein contracted for, in whole or in part, by any cause beyond its control, including, without limiting the generality of the forec °oink°, injunction, strike, riot, invasion, fire, flood, explosion, break -down, Act of God, or the public enemy, or for the purpose of making repairs, neither party hereto shall be liable to the other by reason thereof/except to the extent of a reduction in the demand charge as provided for in this agreement in the ratio that the period covered by the interruption bears to the period of one month, it being the intention of each party to relieve the other of the oblir--ation to supply energy or to receive and pay for energy when, as a result of any of such causes, either party may be unable to deliver or use, in whole or in part, the electric energy herein contracted to be delivered or received. Both parties shall be prompt and diliz Ent in removinc- and overcoming the cause or causes of any interruption: but nothing herein con - taine:j shall be construed as permittini- Producer to refuse to deliver, or Consumer to refuse to receive, electric energy after the cause of interruption has been removed. Producer reserves the right to disconnect service in the event service to Consumer results in unreasonable trouble on Producer's system such as interruptions, (_rounds, radio or telephone interference, unreasonable surpjes, or objectionable voltage fluctuations, where such trouble is caused by negligence 1 1 127 ( 115 ) of consumer if, after f;ivinf- at least fifteen days' notice in writing to Consumer of such trouble, Consumer fails to remedy the causes thereof within a reasonable time. Producer does not guarantee that the supply of electric energy hereunder will be free from interruption, and it is aE�reed that interruption of Producer's service, occasioned by any of the causes mentioned in the fore €oing paraCraphs, shall not constitute -a breach of this ag,7reement on the part of Producer, and Producer shall not be liable to Consumer for d amaEes resultinE, therefrom. In the event of interruption to service, Producer will restore the service and main- tain its present, total generating- capacity as soon as it can reasonably do so, and will at all times exert itself toward the end of supplyin as nearly constant service as is reasonably practicable. In case of impaired or defective sevvic e, Consumer small immediately give notice to the office of Producer by telephone, confirming such notice in writing within 24 hours. Neither party shall be liable for delays not reasonably within its control, including delays caused by inability to secure or replace materials, or supplies necessary to perform the work contemplated herein, nor shall any such delay be deemed a breach of any oblication hereunder. 14. LIABILITY; The electric energy furnished under this ag :reement is supplied upon the express condition that during the time it is present in the substation of Consumer and after it passes the designated secondary point of delivery, as set forth in paragraph 5 above, it becomes the property of Consumer, and Producer shall not be liable for loss or dama,-e to any person or property whatsoever, resulting directly or indirectly from the use, misuse, or presence of said electric ener[_-,y on Consumer's premises or facilities, except where such loss or damac -e shall be shown to have been occasioned by negligence of Producer, its agents or employees. 15. LIMITATIONS: In consideration of the rate herein contained and of the provisions of this agreement, it is understood and agreed that the electric energy supplied hereunder shall be used only by Consumer and its members as ultimate consumers, and that no part thereof shall be resold at wholesale, or used by Consumer directly or indirectly as auxiliary or breakdown service to any other source of power supply. lo. DISC014TINIJANCE OF SERVICE: If either party violates any of the material terms of this agreement, the other party may dis- continue performance of this agreement upon its part, provided at least fifteen days' written notice has been given of intention to discontinue hereunder and unless the other party shall correct such violation before the expiration of said fifteen days' notice. Failure to make necessary correction by defaulting party shall not relieve the defauling party of any of its oblications hereunder, or for any claim for damges to the other party. 128 ( 116 ) Consumer reserves the right to purchase electric energy elsewhere if Producer fails to furnish all the electrical energy required by Consumer hereunder for any consecutive fifteen -day period. In the event of exercise of this right by Consumer, Consumer shall have a right and option of terminating; this contract, subject to any claim for d amaE-es that Consumer may have against Producer by reason of Producerls failure to .furnish energy hereunder, or for breach of this agreement. 17. TERM OF AGREEDFNT: This agreement shall be in force for a period of five years commencing; on September 2, 1950, provided it is executed by the parties hereto and approved by the Administrator of Rural Electrical Administration within a reasonable time hereafter. This agreement is also subject to approval of any regulatory body having jurisdiction hereof. At the expiration of the five !year term of this agreement, this agreement shall continue in full force and effect from year to year thereafter, unless prior to the expiration of said five -,year term either party gives to the other a written notice of its intention to terminate this contract at the end of said five - year period, which said written notice of termination must be given at least one year prior to the expiration of the agreement. After the termination of said five -,year period, either party hereto may cancel this agreement by giving to the other a written notice that,this agree- ment shall terminate one year from the date of delivery of said written notice. 18. TERIViTNATION OF PRIOR AGREEP,FNTS•, It is mutually agreed that, on the effective date hereof, this agreement terminates any and all prior agreements covering the service furnished hereunder and any under - standing.s, liabilities and undertakin €;s of each party unto the other arising; therefrom, excepting, only unpaid bills for electric service owing by Consumer to Producer. IN 1,1VITNESS 1,71fl-ILEOF, the respective parties hereto have caused this agreement to to executed in triplicate by their proper officers therunto duly authorized, and their respective seals to be hereunto affixed, and the same shall be egaally binding upon the respective parties, and each of their successors and assigns. In Presence of; R. E. Young Orlou G. Luthens R. A. Fischer y'J,�alt er C. Juc lau s LT'"IiT AJ'4 POs�t —, C 01,11,�ISSION OF THE CITE: OF JIU70 IMON, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION AGENCY BY: R. I. Sheppard. President BY: R. W. Dahl _ Secretary McLEOD COOPERk= -E P0� "IER AS50C IATI0 BY: Lynn Wl-ilkan President BY: Ed Boyle _ _ Secretary U 129 (117) Member Dahl moved that the Light and Power Commission of the City of nutchinson execute the fore €,oink, contract, and which contract is subject to approval by the Rural Electrification Administration, 'VashinL'ton, D. C. as to the A,cLeod Cooperative Power Association, and that the President and Secretary be authorized to sign said contract on behalf of this Commission. Member Thompson seconded the foregoing motion, and upon vote being ta'_cen all members voted in favor of the motion and no member voted against the motion, and the motion was declared unanimouslIT auopted. Supt. Ralph Yount; was instructed to transmit the si €'ned contract to the McLeod Cooperative Power Association, with instructions that upon approval by the REA, 9Vashington, D. C., a signed duplicate ori�_inal be returned to this Commission for its files and records. There being, no further business the meetinC adjourned. c: R. 'N. Dahl, Secretary. f` ATTEST; _ A I. Sheppard, President. Juno _,, 1950. Yonthly Meet ink; . l ,e ret,_ l.ar monthl,, meet .n- of the LI(-ht and Power Co.rsr.ission was held at R. I. Sheppard +s office at 7;30 P. m. on June 5, 1950. All C ommiS, :_ions were prFS e t , also Supt. Yount.. The minutes of t?lle Last moiithly meetiriC' and special meetinE °s were read and ap_provcd. Motion was made and seconjed to issue a check to Dr. `Nrbitzky in the amount of 0 "'50.00 in part payment of his underground system. motion vss ma:it1 a.,::d seconded to order (one to five) inserts to be maJe for the Macintosh- Seymour enCines. T;.otion was made and 'seconde.:' to order extra distri' "Jtion irven,tory materials now Ji.)e tr, an expected incre <ase in materi.a.l costs. Yotion was also made and seconded to incroese t'Ic mart. -,ly w�a -•e o� t',e '_'oll�v�in, erpl��;, =ees: Ross 1-1-e-.112-nn r� ` • 00 Elmer White ;10.00 •15.(70 l . JunCblut 10. 00 X15 .00 n . Youn[; X15.00 10.00 R. Betker 10.00 10.00 D. Klin�er 5.00 5.00 ; . Da',ar sl 5 . nn x,10.00 R. Schulte w 5 .00 Leif Lars on F. Ahrens R. Hakel S elI ,Ilt z D. 'iiese1oh r� ` • 00 Elmer White ;10.00 •15.(70 l . JunCblut 10. 00 X15 .00 n . Youn[; X15.00 10.00 R. Betker 10.00 10.00 D. Klin�er 5.00 5.00 ; . Da',ar sl 5 . nn x,10.00 R. Schulte w 5 .00