05-01-1950 HUCMMember R. W. Dahl seconded the motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution, and upon vote being, taken all members voted in favor of the resolution and no one voted against the resolution, and the resolution was declared unanimously adopted. There being no further business the meeting; adjourned. C2�-� Laa R. W. Dahl,, Secretary. ATTEST: . R. I. Sheppard, resident. Monthly Ilay- 1, 1950 The regular monthly meetinE of the Lit -;ht and Power Commission met at 7;30 P. Y. or. I,ay 1, 1950, at R. I. Sheppard's office. All commissioners were present, as well. as Supt. YRung;. Mr. F. B. Fink, of the F Ac E Check Protector Company, offered to sell to the Commission a rebuilt check protector for $95.00. He would allow $30.00 on the old machine. It was unanimously voted to issue a voucl-_er in the amount of $65.00 in full payment for the rebuilt check protector. Motion was made and seconded to send the following, Notice to all automobile dealers in Hutchinson: NOTICE Sealed bids will be received by the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson, IxLeod County, Yinnesota, on Wednesday, May 10, 1950, at 7;45 o'clock p.m., at the billinE.; � office of said LiEbt and Power Commission in the Laatsch Building in the City of Hutchinson, Minnesota, for the purchase of a new tudor coach automobile. The Li,,-ht and Power Commission has a 1939 Plymouth Coach to be traded in on the nelw car. The new car is to be equippea with air conditioned heater, directional signal lig)�its, radio, color of car to 'ne yellow, althouC -h, alternate bids will be accepted on a stock color. Delivery date must be specified. Bids shall be accornpanied by certified check in the sum of, at least, 10% of the bid. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved to the Commission. LI "HT AYD POVi'�ER C ON":TS,7IOT �- Hutchinson It •"Sfiepparc , reside 120 The following; bills were allowed; Troy Launderers & Cleaners Inc Square Clothing Co John A Clark Electric Co C_ =raybar Electric Co. Inc Hutch Oil Co Cooper Petroleum Co Yinnesota 'v extern Ry Co C IT Stocking Pacific Grain Co Quade's Citizens Bank Automotive Supply Rockite Silo Company Leef Bros Inc Ruth Betker L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Harvey Daharsh Datlof 'rreseloh John Fisher Hutchinson Oil Co Hutch Dry Cleaners Hann -'disc Truck Lines Citizens Bank Nord bert b1anf Co Honan -Crane Corp Hartwig & Schmidt Hdwe Nordberc-. ..Zanf Co L L Bipe s Norwood Reynold s Hary ev Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Harvey Daharsh Dat lof Vdeseloh John Fisher Graybar Electric Co Sterling Electric Co Imperial Supply Co Pink Supply Co The Hilliard Corp C Emery Nelson Inc Thomas & Grayston Co Reinhard Brothers Co Richterts Stationery Store Addresso €;raph- Multigraph Corp Herman Schmidt Line material Co The Hilliard Corporation Irwin Bernhagen 403 403 113.2 403 730.2 729 729 403 730.3 403 801 403 5.10 403 Petty Cash Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Sala ry 730.2 403 403 734.1 793.2 113.1 #6 734.4 730.3 403 113.1 Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary 113.2 M #6 111 113.2 793.4 730.3 730.3 730.3 793.4 734.1 #5 #6 793.4 781.4 730.3 113.2. -1542 730.3 113.2 23.61 14.65 168.33 225.91 93.93 6512-37 3521.71 234.41 5.75 28.2.9 2.40 2.35 73.32 39.05 15.52 83.86 33.15 90.40 85.04 80.91 99.84 101.86 87.41 1690.20 55.55 59.96 11.50 316.20 294.24 2.33 4570.20 89.11 38.40 84.65 84.31 80.54 92.16 90.62 87.41 11.72 182.26 4.65 19.07 146.65 179.20 3.94 126.50 6.20 4.97 63.80 77.96 88.00 10.00 13.1 ( 109 ) Minn %Visc Truck Lines Cooper Petroleum: Co Cletus Huhn Ruth Betker TTinn Western Railway Co 730.3 23.87 720 3904.75 730.4 5.00 Petty Cash 17.59 729 2112.54 There being no further business ATTEST :� !• • I.�Sieppard, President . the meeting; adjourned. R. W. a l ,`Secretary. Special Meeting May 10, 1950 A special meetinE, of the Light and Power Commission was calle J1 for Ma,; 10, 1950 at ° :00 p.m. at the li-ht plant billing office. All members of the Commission were present . Also present were Ralph Youn7 , Superintendent, and attorr_el'Ts El1Ner C. Jensen, and W. E. Reyerson. The meetin`, was call.ec for the p,.zr ose of openi. LPG bids or a car. The,, ere t«o r, ids subnlittel 1. r1� 117.a1i1S i4'l , ?i' Sales, Inc • 1950 Mercury 6 pass. Cpe. Model 72B Tudor 2160.00 Fresh Air Heater (Air Conditioner) 78.00 Radio- -Btube 97.50 2335-50 Trade -in: 1939 Ply. Tudor 255.50 O -00 2. Swanson Motor Company Deluxe Plymouth Club Coupe 1624.00 Windshield Wiper 10.55 Signal Lights 13.50 Heater 75.35 Radio 78.55 Paint 20.00 1821.95 Less Federal Tax 84.00 Less used car allowance 235.00 319.00 Delivery to be made on or about June 10, 1950.