04-03-1950 HUCMRegular Meeting. April 3, 1950. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission met on April 3, 1950, at R. I. Sheppard's office. All Commissioners and Supt. Youn €, wer4resent, also attorneys Jensen and RetTerson. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. A discussion was held regarding a new REA contract. Mr. Reyerson and Mr. Youn €r were appointed by the Commission to draw up an extension to the present REA contract with a few minor changes to bring same contract up to date. A request was received by Don Rasmussen for release from his position at the Light Plant so that he may work for the City. Request was granted and a motion was made to allow his vacation and that it start April 15, 1950. His duties for the City of Hutchinson w111 start May 1, 1950. The following bills were allowed Socony- Vacuum Oil Co Standard Oil Co Rockite Silo Co Cities Service Station Hutch Telephone Co Hutch Dry Cleaners The Continental Chemical Sterling; Electric Co Carr. Flowers Albin & Carlsen Drugs Wm. Meinz Hutch Oil Co Larson Farm Equip Zila Hardware R. E. Young Ruth Betker Citizens Bank Cooper Petroleum Co Leef Bros., Inc Burroughs Adding Machine Socony- Vacuum Oil Co Minn.= "Jestern Railway Co Ruth Betker L L Bipe s Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Harvey Daharsh DatLof 'Neseloh John Fisher Citizens Bank L. L. Bipes Norwood "eynolds 730.3 12.69, 730.3 12.53' 5.10 255.00' 759.1, 759.2 52.28' 793.3 31.80• 730.5 51.60' Co 730.3 27.00• &dse, 730.3 50.54• 801 15.00• 730.3 1.08• 402, 5.63 56.00 734.1(6) 4.92 759.2 29.85' 720.3 10.93• 792.2 25.00- - Petty Cash 30.36' 793.2 8.25' 729 525 •26' 730.5 34.69' Co 781.5 49.95, 730.3 12-69' 729 612.64' Petty Cash 20.60' Salary 90.24 Salary 25.47 Salary 92.00 Salary 88.03' Salary 82.65' Sala ry 99.84' Salary 101.86' Salary 87.41' 401.3, 5.61. 10,050.00 Salary 101.88 Salary 26.88' 113 (103 ) 114 ( 104) Harvey Schlaltz Salary 96.80' Don Rasmussen Salary 96.28 ' Elmer White Salary 100.36 ' Harvey Daharsh Salary 107.52" Datlof Neselob. Salary 108.47 John Fisher Salary 92.34 Kemske Paper Co 208 19.10' Peterson Truck Service 759.2 41.65' Hutch Water Dept 730.1 72.98 Francis Ahrens 772 57.40' Socony- Vacuum Oil Co 730.3 13.25' Citizens Fund Mutual Fire Ins Co 798 46.27' Ruth Betker Petty Cash 38.98' Parsons 14elding Supply Co 730.3 10.30 John A Clark Electric Co 113.2 226.01' Nordberg hlanf Co 113.1 (5) 68.00' Adeco Products Inc 734.1 (JA6) 28.89' Sterling Electric Co 730.3 7.52' Graybar Electric Co Inc; 205, 113.2 8.58• Addressograph- Multigraph Corp 781.4 .85• Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 113.1(5),734.1 (6) 185.82• Troy Launderers & Cleaners Inc 730.5 31.45' August Laatsch1m> -* 803 70.00 Cletus Huhn 730.4 5.00' Wallace Reyerson 796 200.00' Elmer Jensen 796 100.00• Minn Aestern Ry Co 729 561.24' Minn`Nestern Ry Co 729 1,200.92' Layne- Minnesota kdompany 5.10 11,960.00• Y. J. HijriE,ins A €.envy 798 285.26• Cooper Petroleum Co 729 3,259.57' Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 30.65' Leader PrtinE;. Co Inc 787.2, 793.4 259.95 Larson Farm Equipment 759.2 27.20' Ruth Setker Petty Cash 11.59' W D Wixc ey 759.1 43-09' Albrecht Oil Co 759.1 20.90 Mitchell Chevrolet Co 759.2 22.50' There being no further business the meeting adjourned. R. W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: R• I. Sheppare, rresident. 1