02-09-1950 HUCMElmer White Harvey Daharsh Datlof Weseloh John Fisher Minn.-Wisc. l'ruck Line 1-09 (99) Salary 89.49 Salary 107.52 ' Salary 103.39' Salary 87-41' 113.2 1.39• There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: I . eppard , 7�res3�en� R. mar 1, 7-6c rretary. Special Meeting February 9, 1950 A special meeting of the Liirht and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson was held on the 9th day of February, 1950, and all members were present in person. resident R. I. Sheppard stated that Mr. Robert Melcher of Layne- Minnesota Co. had requested an opportunity to discuss with the Commission the matter of the completion of the well being drilled by Layne- Minnesota Co. under contract with the Commission. He also stated that he had requested the presence at the meeting of Mayor Sahr and Alderman Larson of the City Council, together with the attorney for the Commission and the manager of the Municipal Light Plant. A full discussion was had regarding the drilling operations of Layne- Minnesota Co. of the well in the South Park in the City of Hutchinson, with explanations by Mr. Melcher and Mr. Ralph Young of the soil formations as shown bsr the tests taken in the drilling. It was explained to the Commission that water - bearing sand was of such formation that in the event a Johnson F.verdur screen was placed in the well and later had to be pulled that such operation could not be done without destroying the screen. It was further stated that it appeared from the water - bearing sand formation that the screen would become corroded, or become encrusted, and would require acidizing, and that the production of the well would become limited. After the discussion Mr. Melcher submitted a proposal for a gravel- packed well, with a guarantee for twelve consecutive months of a production of 800 U. S. gallons of water per minute. The Commission obtained an expression of opinion from Mayor Sahr and Alderman Larson, and from the plant manager, Ralph Young,;. After consideration of all factors involved the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, voted to accept the proposal of Layne- Minnesota Co. to complete a gravel - packed well, guaranteed to produce 800 gallons of water per minute, for the sum of $4,065.00, upon the following terms; 14-0 ( 100) WELL CONSTRI?CTION The 12" casing shall be pulled back to an elevation 3201 below surface. At this point, the cable tool machine will be moved off the job, and a rotsry hydraulic rig will replace it. The 121* hole will be underreamed mechanically to a diameter of 26" from 3201 to 3701 Following this, a string, of Layne Everdur Shutter screen, 8" I.D. weighing 22 lbs, per foot and 8" I.D. Everdur blank pipe shall be set concentrically in the underreamed portion of the hole. The length of the screen shall be 401p and it shall be welded to 301 of blank Everdur pipe and overlapped 201 into the 12" pipe. The 26" diameter annulus surroundinr the screen shall be pumped full of gravel. The material fvlt mi_n7 this gravel wall shall be well rounded, selected gravel between 1/8" and 1/4" in diameter. Graveling shall be continued to the top of the 8't Everdur overlap. GUARANTEED CAPACITY; The Driller guarantees the work for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months from the date the completed well is used in producing water into the city mains of the City of Hutchinson, against faulty materials, workmanship and in conformity with these specifications and the specifications of the original agreement applicable to the well as finally completed under this addendum contract. The Driller guarantees production of 800 U. S. gallons of water, free from sand, per minute for a period of twelve (12) consecutive months, from the date of use thereof by the City of Hutchinson. Should the well fail to deliver the above quantity of water during such period of twelve (12) consecutive months, the Purchaser (Commission) shall notify the Driller in writing at their offices: in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The Driller will investigate the reported failure, and in the event this investigation shows the well is not producing, the minimum capacity of 800 gallons per minute, free from sand, the Driller shall have 60 days from date of receipt of notice of failure to restore the guaranteed production. If within said 60 day period the Driller fails to restore the said guaranteed production, the Driller shall repay to the Purchaser all sums of money paid to the Driller in excess of that amount specified in the original contract dated the 7th day of November, 1949. In the event, during; said 60 day period, the Driller does restore production then Driller guarantees production of 800 U. S. gallons of water per minute for twelve(12) consecutive months from the date of restoration of the guaranteed minimum production, this guarantee to be on the same terms as the original guarantee. It was moved, seconded and unanimously carried that Purchaser (Commission) enter into a written contract on the above terms as an addendum contract to the original contract dated November 7th, 1949, and agree to pay to said Layne- Minnesota Co. the sum of Four thousand Sixty -five Dollars ($4065.00) in addition to the original contract amount of $7895.00, or a total of 011,960.00 for a guaranteed well; and that Layne- Minnesota Co. furnish to the ill (101) There being no further business the ATTEST; _ President. ecretary. Regular Meeting. March 6, 1950. d j ourned . The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission met on March 6, 1950, at R. I. Sheppardfs office. All Commissioners and Supt Young were present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to send Hugo Mahs and Francis Ahrens to meterments school, Center for Continuation Study, University of Minnesota, from March 20th thru March 24th. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to Layne - Minnesota Co. as soon as the well was accepted by the Council and Commission. The following bills were allowed; Parsons 'n "geld ing; Supply Co Purchaser the usual contract performance bond under the Statutes of the State of Minnesota in not less than the sum of $4065.00 to cover the in addendum contract amount, said addendum behalf of the Light and Power Commission contract to be executed of the City of Hutchinson 730.3 by the President and Secretary. 734.1 There being no further business the ATTEST; _ President. ecretary. Regular Meeting. March 6, 1950. d j ourned . The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission met on March 6, 1950, at R. I. Sheppardfs office. All Commissioners and Supt Young were present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to send Hugo Mahs and Francis Ahrens to meterments school, Center for Continuation Study, University of Minnesota, from March 20th thru March 24th. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to Layne - Minnesota Co. as soon as the well was accepted by the Council and Commission. The following bills were allowed; Parsons 'n "geld ing; Supply Co 730.4 1.24 ' Hutch Telephone Co 793.3 24.65 ' quade's 203.2, 730.3 167.62 Hutch Oil Co 734.1 (#6) 5.00 ' Leef Bros Inc 730.5 51.11' Hutch Dry Cleaners 730.5 65.90, Adeco Products 734.1 (6) 28-94, John A. Clark Electric Co 113.2 226.01' Zila Hardware 730.3, 113.2 22.65' Automotive Supply 730.3 11.55' J F west Foundry Co 734.1 (5) 72.50 G. F. Nemitz' Sons 732 3.00' Alrick1s Clothing 787.2 71.25' Mitchell Chevrolet Co 759.2 21.05' W A Ostrom 730.3 6.15• Grace -Lee Products Inc 730.3 2.89• Felska Garage & Auto Co 759.1 49.46 Hutch. Sheet Metal Works 113.2 2.25' Albin &.Carlsen Drugs 730.3 1.10' Citizens Bank 793.2 10.36' Minn. -Wise. Truck Lines 734.1 (5) 30.17' Imperial Supply Compnay 793.4 4.56 Cletus Huhn 730.4, -; 5.00 '