11-04-1957 HUCM1 1 fl ( x.20 -} November 4, 1957. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on November 4, 1957. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. 129 Minutes of the last monthly i�ieetyng were read and approved as read. Dr. Sheppard received correspondence from Boulay, Anderson, Waldo & Co. regarding; sinking, fund requirements and a schedule of payments, this correspondence was read to the Commission and is attached to the November 4, 1957 minutes. The following bills were allowed; Bea Pollard Salary Ruth Hakel Petty Cash Leef Bros, Inc. 730.5 Hutchinson Water Dept. 730.1 Citizens Bank 793.4 The Texas C ompany 730.2 E. A. Pedersen Company 205 734.4 The Satterlee Company 206 Standard Oil Company 730.3 Miller Davis Company 793.4 Sterling Electric Company 802.3 Nordberg Manf. Company 113.1 730.3 734.1 #2 John Portele 113.2 Crown Signals Inc. Mdse Irv. Lindenberg 730.5 C• F. Nemit,7 ,Sons 730.3 Westinghouse Electric Supplyll3.2 734.4 Adeco Products Inc 734.1 #5, #6 Petroleum Trading & Trasp. 729 Standard Oil Company 729 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 R. E. Burmeister Electric 113.2 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 802.3 Diesel Parts & Service 113.1 #3. Bea Pollard Salary Minnesota Fence & Iron Works 202.5 Hutchinson Insurance Agency 114 Addressograph 1,11ultigraph 781.4 R. E. Young 792 Fuel Injection & Electric 734.1 #4 St. Cloud Paper &. Supply Co.730.3 Burroughs Corporation 208 Sterling Electric Company 802.3 Joseph H. Julig 114 Thompson Yards 771 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 113.1 #4 Plowman Motors 759.2 Wm. W. Nugent Co., Inc 730,3 771 49.50 25.57 111.46 33.42 72.50 1'8921.54 120.00 14.42 7.01 2.55 1,301.50 18.83 6.73 17.^ 8.27 740.35 54.85 4,897.84 2,383.28 1,932.54 55.86 106.10 13.73 36.30 688.00 505.58 25.07 20.00 134.70 16.78 290.00 36.67 70.50 2.04 161.02 13.36 51.60 130 c0 0(o 00 0 N N vo M o� 0 E cu 2 >, o — c oco0 0 C oon. t :3 C4 = L Q c5o� O N 2 0. E i XQZU- ( 121) R. E. Burmeister Electric Co. 113.2 460.60 Westinghouse Electric Supply 771 43.80 Standard Oil Company 729 4,136.76 Socony Mobil Oil Co, Inc 729 9,484.21 Motion was made and seconded to pay the car insurance belonging to Gordon Fratzke, retroactive as of April, 1957, this being the time he started to patrol and take night duty. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. R i. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: - I. Sheppard, President. December 2, 1957. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on December 2, 1957. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following; increases were allowed, Edward Krantz Elmer White Fred Jungblut William Marquardt Kenneth Krantz Henry Koch Wallace Davis effective Dece�tber 1, 1957; Old New 315.00 300 340.00 350.00 335.00 345.00 300.00 310.00 300.00 310.00 280.00 300.00 250.00 300.00 Motion was made and seconded to grant each employee a $25.00 Christmas Bonus. Member A. J. Thompson moved the adoption of the following Resolution; "RESOLVED: That Hutchinson Utilities Commission borrow the sum of $45,000.00 from Citizens Bank, Hutchinson, Minn. upon its promissory note, for ninety days with interest at the rate of five (5) per cent per annum, and that the President and Secretary of Hutchinson Utilities Commission be, and they hereby are, authorized to execute said promissory note on behalf of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission." 1