06-03-1957 HUCM104 (99) June 3, 1957. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light and Power Commission was held on June 3, 1957. The meeting was held at the office of Commissioner Sheppard. R. I. Sheppard, President, and R. W. Dahl, Secretary were present. Minutes of the last monthly meeting and special meetings were read and approved as read. Following raises were granted; (Effective as of June 1, 1957. i I I I rl 1 �I Old Salary New Salary Ralph Hakel 345.00 355.00 Gordon Fratzke 270.00 280.00 Henry Knacke by the hr. 225.00 The following bills were allowed; C. H. Stocking 730.3 4.98 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #51 #6. 60.69 The Hilliard Corporation 730.3 650.50 American Linen supply Company 730.5 2.35 Sterling Electric Company 802.3 34.04 Ellsworth Sch.leeter 730.4 6.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 49.90 Imperial Supply Company 793.4 30.82 Zila Hardware 730.3 16.71 Westinghouse Electric Supply 206 113.2 245.18 Larson Farm Equipment 730.4 759.2 11.46 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 15.97 E. A. Pedersen Company 202.5 30,000.00 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 94.75 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 53.80 Marshallts Hi -Way Standard 759.1 8.75 Wallner Printing Company 793.4 1.65 Standard Printing Company 793.4 121.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 96.89 Carr Flowers 412.7 3.00 W. A. Ostrom Company 730.3 7.98 Elmer Nelson 730.4 759.1 52.20 Citizens Insurance Agency 114 76.61 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 20.57 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply 206 730.3 30.15 Stearns Lumber Company 730.3 2.74 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 18.11 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn 781.2 793.4 219.20 Automotive Supply of Hutch. 730.3 4.37 Minn. -Wise. Truck Line' 734.1 #2 21.91 Adeco Products, Inc. 734.1 #5 65.67 George Bach 759.1 13.28 Rockite Silo Company 202.5 239.75 Hoelts Direct Serice Station 759.2 2.39 Westinghouse Electric Company 771 12.26 Moehring Motors 759.2 3.00 i I I I rl 1 �I (l°°) 105 Red & While Store 730.3 7.85 Leef Bros Inc 730.5 68.64 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line 113.2 2.50 Q,uade's Inc 730.3 29.69 McLeod Co -op. Power Assn 205 113.2 83.10 Harold Odegaard 787.4 15.00 Gene Cox 78794 15.00 Stearns Lumber Company 787.4 15.00 Citizens Bank 793.2 4.75 The Satterlee Company 730.3 17.40 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 802.3 273.30 Westinghouse Electric Company 113.2 113.45 General Electric Company 113.2 156.86 Parsons Welding & Bolt Company 730.3 49.20 Cassens & Co Inc 771 3.50 Ray McGraw 202.5 100.38 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 74.51 L• A. Haubeck 402 5.43 Henry Knacke Salary 96.06 Standard Oil Company 729 6,319.63 Standard Oil Company 729 2,699.03 Fuel Injection & Electric Company 734.1 #2 24.68 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co 205 771 15.20 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 35.50 Miller & Miller 202.5 106.09 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 42.45 C. H. Stocking 730.3 1.20 Henry Knacke Salary 97.02 Martin Briggs Salary 32.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 41.57 E. A. Pedersen Company 202.8 1,750.00 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 2.90 Minn. -Widc. Truck Line 730.3 7.23 Graybar Electric Company 771 9.01 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 19050 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 113.2 118.47 Thompson Yards 730.3 6.60 Standard Oil Company 730.3 14.42 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 730.3 26.84 Socony Mobil Oil Company Inc 729 2,948.30 Elmer Nelson 787.4 15.00 John Miller 787.4 15.00 Ernest Hahn 787.4 15.00 Bacharach Indust. Inst. Company 734.4 11.81 Motion was made and seconded to send the following notice to all electrical contractors and dealers; At the regular May 6th meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission a resoluti6n was passed to discontinue electric range installations effective the allowance June 1, 1957. for wiring of HUTCHINSON UTILITIES COMMISSION• 106 Motion was made and seconded to pay Estimate #1 on our electrical contract for Unit #1 in the amount of 1,750.00. Motion was made and seconded to purchase a Ford Ranchero in the amount of 1,931.50 from Plowman Motor Company. There being no further business, the meets was adjourned. R. W. ah , Secretary- ATTEST: ! . R. I. Sheppard, resident . June 4, 1957. Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Hutchinson Utilities Commission was held on the aforesaid date at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. Commissioners Sheppard and Dahl were present, also Supt. Young. Motion was made and seconded to hire Charles Malmberg, a line- man, to begin work as of June 5, 1957, at the rate of $300.00 per month. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. W. Dahl, Secretary. r ATTEST: R. L. heppard, " residen .