02-04-1957 HUCMThe regular monthly held on February 4, Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners w, ( 73) 75 February 4, 1957. Monthly Meeting. meeting of the Light & Power Commission was 1957. The meeting was held at the office of -re present. Following increases were granted; (Effective as of Feb. 1.) Old New Henry Boller $10.00 280.00 290.00 Fred Mayer 10.00 280.00 290.00 Gordon Fratzke To be on monthly basis -- 260.00 per month. Motion was made and seconded to purchase a new centrifuge from The DeLaval Separator Company in the amount of 5,335.00. The f ollowing bills were allowed: Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc 729 6,345.3 7 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 63.25 Allis - Chalmers Manufacturing Co. 113.2 627.00 Irv. Lindenberg 730.5 787.2 38.40 Hutchinson Sheet Metal Works 734.1 #2 4.50 Westinghouse Electric Supply Mdse 113.2 95.72 Graybar Electric Company 205 113.2 61.46 R. E. Burmeister Electric Company 205 2.57 Skarshaug Testing Lab 771 4.32 Minn. -1isc. Truck Lines 113.2 734.4 9.09 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 6,262.70 Cecil Conquest 787.4 15.00 Dave Van de Vere 787.4 15.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 17.63 Citizens Bank 793.2 2.75 S. G. Frantz Co. Inc 734.1 #2 3.03 Hutchinson Wholesale 730.3 121.50 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 127.52 Pink Supply Company 730.3 60.14 Hutchinson Water Department 730.1 22.02 Automotive Supply Company 730.3 734.1 #2 35.85 Roy +s Pure Oil Station 759.1 83.79 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 6.00 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 43.75 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 110.00 Imperial Supply Company 793.4 16.78 Sterling Electric Company 771 23.28 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 113.2 205 206 368.12 Socony Mobil Oil Company, Inc 729 6,031.89 Victor Blind Products Ruth Hakel 730.3 Petty Cash 4.80 14.54 Fred Koenig 787.4 15.00 76 ( 74 ) Ben D. Jerabek Machine Shop Coast to Coast Store Harold R. Popp, Druggist Hoel's Direct Service Station Marshall's Hi -Way Standard McLeod Co- Operative Power G. F. Nemitz Sons Minn.-Wisc. Truck Line Sterling Electric Company Westinghouse Electric Supply Company Alvin Trautmann Gordon Fratzke Marshall's Hi -Way Standard Kemske Paper Company The Garland Company General Electric Supply Harvey Skorhiem Quade's Inc. Pheoll Manufacturing Co -, of Minnesota Socony Vacuum Oil Company Leef Bros. Inc. R. E. Burmeister Electric Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line American Linen Supply Socony Mobil Oil Company Inc Kenneth Zajicek Panama Carbon Company St. Cboud Paper & Supply Company Graybar Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line R. E. Burmeister Electric Company Sonony Mobil Oil Company Inc Mpls. & St. Louis Ry Co. C. H. Stocking Sterling Electric Company Citizens Ins. Agency Graybar Electric Company Inc Allis- Chalmers Manf. . Company Line Material Company The Fisher - Pierce Co. Alvin Trautmann Ruth Hake 1 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company Gordon Fratzke Henry Sanken Ellsworth Schleeter Wm. W. Nugent & Co., Inc. Rural Co -op. Power Ass'n. biesel Service Company Nels Simonson C. Emery Nelson Inc 203.2 205 730.3 732 730.3 801 113.2 730.3 113.2 113.2 113.2 Salary Salary 759.2 793.4 730.3 113.2 402 730.3 730.3 730.3 205 732 734.1 #2 771 5.63 734.1 #2 771 772 730.3 730.5 729 787.4 793.4 730.3 113.2 202.5 113.2 772 729 2.14 734.1 734.3 114 113.2 730.3 113.2 113.2 Salary Petty 113.2 Salary 787.4 730.4 730.3 113.2 734.1 730.3 734.4 113.2 730.3 #2 802.3 Cash 771 #5 #6 732 62.19 4.93 5.51 20.00 391.98 9.51 5.00 87.02 37.36 88.29 95.27 11.85 1.10 15.00 65.36 126.88 38.20 54.37 14.14 18.66 2.25 20.07 1,789.71 15.00 15.22 71.04 4.48 216.07 7.73 38.38 2,695.94 12:00 7.54 15.73 46.02 8.75 11.00 220.00 132.05 111.59 18.99 39.08 109.92 15.00 6.00 4.31 175.68 12.00 92.89 30.86 1 1 1 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Company .automotive Supply of Hutchinson Inc Graybar Electric Co. Inc. Adeco Products Inc Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. R. E. Burmeister Electric Company Sterling Electric Company Socony- Mobile Oil Company Standard Oil Company Socony - Vacuum Oil Company Minn. - Wisconsin Truck Lines Socony Mobil Oil Company (75) 77 730.3 6.10 206 730.3 38.91 203.2 113.2 730.3 763 200.56 Carr Flowers 734.1 #5 #6 33.13 3.00 205 6.70 772 802.3 113.2 174.36 793.4 730.3 32.02 Hutchinson Telephone Company 729 21806.88 31.75 730.3 14.42 729 22372.71 730.3 113.2 2.50 Kerr Oil Company 729 3,304.80 71.04 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. - -'Re W. -Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: S eppard, Pres The regular monthly me held on March 41 1957. Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were March 4, 1957. Monthly Meeting. eeing of the Light & Power Commission was The meeting was held at the office of present* FbIlowing bills were allowed Socony -Mobil Oil Company 729 3,218.22 G. F. Nemitz' Sons 203.2 732 11.15 Carr Flowers 412.7 3.00 Sterling Electric Company 734.4 772 802.3 30.35 Holbrooks 793.4 9.40 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 31.75 Standard Printing 793.4 37.55 Parsons Welding Supply 730.3 6.16 Kerr Oil Company 759.1 71.04 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 83.00 Stearns Lumber Company 730.3 6.59 Imperial Supply Company? 793.4 9943 Quade l s Inc 202.5 203.2 730.3 342.12 Am. Linen Supply Company 730.5 18.15 Graybar Electric Company, Inc 202.5 5.60 Minnesota - Wisconsin Truck Line 202.5 113.2 730.3 14.70 Ruth hakel Petty Cash 18.33 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 40.95 Ruth hakel Petty Cash 39.29 Nordberg MaN acturing Company 113.1 #204,5,6. 30369.58 Burroughs Corporation 781.5 79-30'