01-07-1957 HUCM72 (70) Lorenzo Burville 787.4 15.00 869.82 Edwin Schultz 787.4 15.00 6.00 Fred Pessek 787.6 15.00 1,754.69 Cecil Conquest 787.4 15.00 30.00 Cecil Conquest 787.4 15.00 9.30 Harold Schmandt 787.4 15.00 90.89 Standard Oil Company 729 32591.41 2,634.82 Alvin Trautmann Petty Cash 110.61 7.66 Gordon Fratzke Petty Cash 101.63 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 828.68 Minnesota Western Railway Co. "729 713.07 Standard Oil Company 729 916.54 Grams Insurance Agency 114 67.32 Mrs-Bessie Kirchner 402 4.09 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 18.79 There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. U ga4,--c R. Dahl., Secretary. ATTEST. 7?, I'. R. I. heppard, Presiders Monthly Meeting January 71 1957. The regular monthly meeting of held on January 7, 1957 at 7;30 office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. the Light & Power Commission was P. M. The meeting was held at the The following bills were allowed; Standard Oil Company Socony Mobil Oil Company Standard Oil Company Heil & lloublas Ellsworth Schleeter Standard Oil Company Socony Mobil Oil Company, Harold R. Popp, Druggist John Damlow A. L. Nusbaum Zila hardware Leef Bros -p Inc. Graybar Electric Co., Inc. Wallner Printing Company Socony Mobil Oil Company, Ruth Hakel Carr Flowers Standard Printing 729 1,798.14 729 869.82 729 1,797.37 730.4 6.00 729 1,621.40 Inc 729 1,754.69 730.3 5.28 787.4 30.00 787.4 15.00 730.3 9.30 730.5 82.96 113.2 90.89 793.4 3.00 Inc 729 2,634.82 Petty Cash 34.24 412.7 7.66 781.3 107.10 1 1 1 ( 71) R. E. Burmeister Electric Co., 113.2 52.80 Minn Wise Truck Line 113.2 113.1 17.84 Automotive Supply of Hutchinson 730.3 734.1 759.2 23.82 Quades Inc 203.2 730.3 734.1 78.82 Frank Motor Company 759.1 89.44 Marshall's Hi -way Standard Station 759.2 2.92 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 68.75 Heil & Douglas Drug Store 730.3 1.40 General Electric Company 734.3 192.50 Burroughs Corporation 781.3" 11.52 Minn. Municipal Utilities Assn 801 27.90 American Linen Supply 730.5 14.71 Sterling Electric Company 203.2 730.3 66.39 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company 113.2 205 206 634.29 Hutchins an Telephone Company 793.3 45.55 Kenneth Schaefer 787.4 15.00 Hoel's Direct Service Station 759.1 759.2 7.70 Hutchinson Wholesale Supply Company 730.3 6.48 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 21.15 Carl Langholz 730.3 3.50 The Fisher Pierce Company 113.2 219.99 Thompson Yards 732 770 772 7.34 Alvin Trautmann Salary 95.81 Gordon Fratzke Salary 98.71 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 34.37 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 876.11 Standard Oil Company 729 1,800.71 Standard Oil Company 730.3 13.88 Grams: Insurance Agency 114 73.82 Klitzke Auto Body Shop 759.2 222.00 Boulay, Anderson, 'Waldo & Company 796 592.50 E. A. Pedersen Company, Inc 204.5 1,433.20 Herbert Franzeen 787.4 15.00 Adolph Minks 787.4 30.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 19.39 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 734.1 #2 1,839.24 Bernard Stolpmann 402 5.63 8.43 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 781.5 15.23 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 10750.07 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 .2,625.07 Parsons Welding Supply & Bolt Company 730.3 6.75 KDUZ 787.2 84.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 21.67 McLeod Co -op Power Assn 205 8.60 Schneider Electric & Equip 802.3 140.00 Westinghouse Electric Supply 206 1132 293.92 Sterling Electric Company 771 22.56 Alvin Trautmann Salary 111011 Gordon Fratzke Salary 102.11 Grams Ins. Agency 114 766.80 Socony Mobil Oil Company 729 890.25 73 74 (72 ) There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. R.W. ahl, Secretary. ATTEST • V/ • /, C. R. I Sheppard, President. January 2, 1957. Special Meeting. A special meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on January 2, 1957 in the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present. Motion was made by Commissioner Dahl, seconded by Commissioner Thompson to accept the bid of Miller & Miller for the construction of the new switchgear building in the amount of $9,443.00• This bid being the lowest bid submitted. Motion was made and seconded to contribute $20,000.00 to the General Fund of the Cityof Hutchinson. Motion was made by Commissioner Thompson and seconded by Commissioner Dahl to pay Phil Graf $500.00 for overtime services. (Unit #2) There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. R. ....Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST ; R. I. eppard, President. 71 J 1