12-05-1955 HUCM40 (38) Duncan Company -- 730.3 13.30 Schneider Electric 113.2 198.94 The DeLaval Separator Company730.3 11.04 Electric Supply Company 113.2 37.00 L. M. Marcum Company 202.9 30980.91 James R. Kearney Corp 113.2 74.82 R. E. Young 801 10.00 H. Channon Company 730.3 16.96 Addressograph - Multigraph 781.4 3.23 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Alvin Trautmann Salary 110.18 David Young Salary 19.20 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. S. Dahl,, Secretary. ATTEST: R ident., December 52 1956. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held on December 5, 1956 at 7 :30 P. M. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. R. I. Sheppard. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. Minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. A motion was made and seconded to issue the following checks, these amounts representing part payment of contracts; L. M. Marcum $3,254.54 Cliff Betker & Henry - Lambert 500.00 E. A. Pedersen 407.25 Cliff Betker & Martin & Prestegaard 1,378.49 Nordberg Manf. Co 21,041.50 Motion was made and seconded to issue a cheek to Buell & Winter, Re: Gas survesT., in the amount of $551.25. Motion was made and seconded to issue a check to Cliff Betker in the amount of $80.00, this representing full payment on the pump house building. (39 ) 41 The following bills were allowed; Citizens Bank 793.2 11.76 Dewey Hennessey 402 2.76 Garage Supply Company 730.3 18.90 Ruth Hakel PettyCAsh 20.25 American Linen Supply Company 730.5 2.25 Houdaille-Hershey of Ind. 730.3 93.60 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 29.95 Parsons Welding Supply 730.3 1.45 Sinclair One -Stop Service (void) Carr Flowers 412.7 3.00 Swanson Motor Company 759.2 2.15 Quadels Inc 730.3 2.13 Nordberg Manufacturing Company 113.1 #4 64.80 Zila Hardware 730.3 23.46 Hutchinson Telephone Company 793.3 77.00 Minnesota Western Railway Co 2.14 4.00 Leef Bros.,, Inc 730.5 68.96 Myron Baysinger 787.4 30.00 Chicago - Milwaukee, St. Paul 2.14 3.00 Harold Odegaard 787.4 15.00 Electric Supply Company 113.2 33.53 Westinghouse Electric 109 5l 113.2 125.51 Hutchinson Dry Cleaners 730.5 102'.45 Alvin Trautmann Salary 102.37 David Young Salary 12.80 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 60.63 St. Cloud Paper & Supply 730.3 71.10 Pink Supply Company 730.3 58.81 Farnham Stationery 793.4 5.94 Stearns Lumber Company 730.3 8.76 Westinghouse Electric 113.2 771 61.80 Sterling Electric Company 730.3 21.61 Paper Calmenson & Company 203.2 21.91 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4 3.88 Electric Supply Company 113.2 3.78 Westinghouse Electric Supply Company Mdse 113.2 46.28 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 202.9 730.3 109.02 Minnesota Wisconsin Truck Line Mdse 113.2 730.3 109.05 H. R. Peterson Company 734.4 60.26 Standard Oil Company 730.3 13.39 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 113.2 183.84 Minnesota Western Ry Company 729 1764.03 Standard Oil Company 729 4338.99 Harold A. Grams Agency 114 320.68 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 30.95 Harry R. Jensen 787.4 .40.00 Alvin Trautmann Salary 106.27 David Young Salary 12.80 Harold Odegaard 787.4 15.00 Cecil Conquest 787.4 15.00 G- There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ) Lo"_9c', &?. R. W. Dahlp Secretary ATTEST; • eppard, President,.-