09-06-1955 HUCM(29) 31 September 61 1955. Monthly MeetinE . The regular meeting of the Lizht & Power Commission was held on the evenin`:; of September 6, 1955 at 7;30. The meeting, was held at Dr. R. I. Sheppardts office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly neetinC were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to increase the monthly salary of Henry Boller from tQ260.00 to 0270.00 and Fred Ma Ter from Q260.00 to ;;270.00. T hese increases to be effective as of September 11 19 55 . Motion was made and seconded to issue checks to L. M. Marcum in the amount of +P3,467.91 and E. A. Pedersen in the amount of 0"960.00. These amounts representing; part payment on contracts. The following bills were allowed: Ruth. Hakel Petty Cash 20.89 Albrecht Oil Company 759.1 43.31 Peterson Truck Service 759.2 20.60 Eagle Signal Corporation P,dse 21.04 Reinhard.Bros. Co. 730.3 4.32 Cass& & Co., Inc 759.2 21.00 R. E. Young 792.1 792.2 132.39 Alvin Trautmann Salary 79.04 Jerry Schoettmer Salary 90.50 Richard Knutson Salary 73.10 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 29.99 Semerau Oil Company 759.1 4.26 Zila Hardware 730.3 109.26 F. & S. Guaranteed Electric 730.3 155.25 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 39.00 Tels Simonson 771 15.30 Graybar Electric Co #pang 113.2 149.77 Hutchinson Dry Cleaneri 730.5 70.20 R. E. Burmesiter Electric 772 1.80 Automotive Supply 730.3 26.80 American Linen Supply 730.5 2.25 Leef Bros. Inc 730.5 99.24 Red & White Store 730.3 11.83 Harold Knutson 730.3 1.25 Minnesota Western Railway 729 1,719.92 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 5,210.15 Quades Inc. 203.1 730.3 58.94 Q. S Specialty Company 730.3 3.20 Ellsworth Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Standard Oil Company 730.3 13.39 Mrs. Martin Jorgens ' 402 5.63 42.00 Ruth Hakel Petty Cash 49.32 AddressoCraph -Ii ultigraph 781.4 2.38 Citizens Bank 793.2 10.28 Q. S. Specialty Company 730.3 400 32 ( 3a,} Luxor LiChting Products Ins 730.3 R. E. Burmeister Electric 772 St. Cloud Paper w Sup'%ly Co 730.3 Nev, Ulm Grocery Company 730.3 Popp Drub; Company 730.3 General Electric Company 734.3 C. H. Stockin. 734.4 Nels Simonson 759.1 James R. Kearney Corp 115.2 Eagle Iron Works 734.1 Hoels Direct Service Station 759.2 Pink Supply Company 730.3 Harold OdeCaard 787.4 Yrs. Chas. Miller 737.4 Adeco Products Inc 734.1 Brown Steel Tank Company 203.2 Parsons deldin Supply Cc 730.3 T innesota 'Iestern Railway 729 SterlinC Electric Company 113.2 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 NordberC Nianf C. Co. 113.1 Electric Supply Company 113.2 `WestinChouse Electric Supply 113.2 Yinnesota ','Jisconsin Truce 113.2 Fiartwi 730.5 Alvin Trautmann Ralery Jerry Schoettmer Salary R'chard Knutson Salary David Young Salary #4 #5 771 734.1 #4 TYTd s e 203.2 61.20 71.00 74.40 2.30 4.00 335.00 6.80 3.83 119.28 91.10 40.25 55.44 15.00 15.00 33.08 31.50 6.45 928.61 122.00 1,667.97 13.38 209.25 733.43 753.63 19.77. 39.86 92.52 8.00 57.70 16.00 The-^e being, no further business, the meeting; ,,ias adjourned. t�al R. 'J . il, Secre �a.ry. T: R. I. S111.EPPARD, Tres iC' ent 1 1