07-05-1955 HUCM(25) 27 July 50 1955. 14 o nt _11 I y .v:eeting. The regular meeting of the Light &-, Power Commission held on the evening 7 of July 5, 1955 at. 7:30. The meeting, was held at Dr. R. I. She-D-pard's office. All Commissioners were present, also Supt. Young. U The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. Betker Construction Company submitted a bid of 1';�1100 for a building over the new pump. The bid was accepted. Francis Ahrens, an employee of the .Municipal Electric Plant, appeared before the Commission to request a six month's leave of absence to begin Auk -;ust 11 1955. .Motion was made and seconded to U ii _, r ant him m U this leave of absence. Motion was made and seconded to incvease, the monthly salary of from to 347.50 and Datlof Ideseloh from �'300*00 X1uC,,o 111ahs, L m ��337-50 U 1 9 to ."310-00. The.se raises el'fective as of July 1, 1955. Ylotion was made and seconded to issue checks to D)etkcer Construction C ormaj-1 V in the amount of 11 1`9,153-00 and to L. T."'. i? Mjarcum in the - t amoun- of z,?5,142-32. These amounts representinE., pant pay.-,ient an contracts. The followin`, bills were allowed: Edward Stoeckman 801 15-90 Peterson Trucli Service 759.2 86.50 The Strupp Company 730.3 72.60 Automotive supply 730.3 6.36 Stocking; Electric 734-4 6.52 R. E. Bu rmesiter 205 12.75 Ellstijorth. Schleeter 730.4 5.00 Tile 7illiard Corporation 730.3 160-70 Hutchinson Telephone Co 793.3 35.15 Allis -Chalille-cs Man]". Co. 113.0- 309-00 Sem Becke r 734.4 22.70 Storlin,); Electric Co 771 17.19 Westinghouse Electric 5.10 113.2 11441o16 Ruth Hakel Pet 4-IT Cash L,y 49-03 Friden Calc�),lating+ 1,,iac'hine781.5 39-00 Thompson Yards 730-3 3.60 11 Hoel's Direct Service 759.2 1.94 The Strupp Company ri 30.3 46-67 1'�Tankato Tent 8, Awning 759.2 60-00 The DeLaval Separator Cc James A. Lindsey 734.4 205 4.29 22-10 Farnham Stationery 781-3 4.65 Reinhard -Brothers Co 734.4 6.05 Cities Service Station 759.1 67.43 Anic,-.i,ican Linen Suo-!Dly 730.5 2.25 Leef Bros. Inc 730.3 86.96 2S (25) Swanson IIot or Company Standard Printing R. E Burmeister < uade's Inc Grover Finney Minnes offs 'ryes t ern Railway Cooper Petroleum Company Hutchinson Dry Cleaners Clyde Hintz Minn.esota Wisconsin Truck Elec tric Supp17r Co Sterling; Elect: ic Co Hutch Iaanf & Sales Ted 'Vold Citizens Insurance Agency Citizens Bank . tchinson Telephone Co Alvin Trautmann Jerry Sch.oettmer Addressograph- YuItigraph Line Yaterial Company Victoria Larson Nordberg itianf. Co. Adeco Products, Inc Westin(--house Electric Hans lei. Peterson General Electric Supply Sterlin` Electric Cc Anderson Brass '�iorks Standard Oil Compan*�r Ivlinn- 'Nisc Truck Line The 1iilliard Corp I�:innesota ''Vlester. n Railway Cooper Petroleum Company Boulay, Anderson, Waldo tiViestinghouse Electric Elden Meyer Alvin Trauti - :ann Jerry Schoettrrer Richard Knutson Herman Schmidt 759.2 793.4 113.2 730.3 771 787.4 729 729 730.5 733 Mid se 113.2 113.2 1_13.2 802.3 771 110 114 El 1- 793.2, 205 Sal- i y Sal ary 781.4 781.5 113.2, 402 5.63 113.1 #5 734.1 #6 Edse 114 113.2 802.3 113.2 730.3 Idd s e `730.x, 729 729 796 1113.2 787.4 Salary Salary Salary IvM s e 730.3 730.3 3.25 32.9.: 112.82 14.87 30.00 1,169.53 2,127.83 69.25 35.00 24.43 43.23 2,201.10 1.50 5.43 21.64 8.69 117.19 92.52 105.00 20.23 7.80 5.01 137.20 65.67 28.00 570.85 245.74 4.51 97.16 13.39 27.19 155.25 1,172.47 2,133.16 540.00 2,210.78 15.00 85.94 83.90 103.60 61.49 There- being no .further b.;s_i_ness, the meeting_:; was adjourned. a?'b kUo- R. d +: Dah'1, Secretary TEST ; R . I • Sl:IEYPAPD, President . fl u