06-06-1955 HUCM25 (23) June 6, 1955. 11ont)-ily TMeetinCD g-. The regular meeting of the Light & Power. Commission was held on the evening of June 6, 1955 at 7:30• The meeting was held at R. I. Sheppard's office. All Coi=issioners were present, also Supt. Young. The minutes of the last monthly and special meetings were read and appr,-ved as read. Motion was made and seconded to Increase the monthly salary of Ruben. Sant.cen from `'220-00 to -8225.00. 7,'Iotion was made and seconded to accept a three week's period of delay in the delivery of the split phase motor for the new turbine pump. As a result, the 1-viunicipal Electric Plant will save 0,,w0-00 on the new starter. Yotion was made and seconded to purc'11ase, from Farnham Stationery &-, School Supply Company two files. These files will be fireproof. Yotion was made and seconded to insure the plant building ., for five years with Northern Insurance Company of 11ew York thru the Peterson Insurance A-ency- The amount of coverace being; '2650000-00, the first- year's premium '570.05 and each year the-reafter '445.26 and the policy number is OCY512664* 1,4,otion was made and seconded to enter a float in the Hutchinson Centennial Parade. The float to be rented from a Minneapolis Float C oirzipany f or t he amount of '150.00 Yotion was made and seconded to issue ch,ec!X,7-'s to E. A. Pedersen Co.,, in the amount of Betker Construction Company in the ai-,-i ount of 'MY120.10 and L. Marcum Company in the amount of %?21812-00• These amounts representing part pa,,,rment on contracts. The following bills were allowed: Rockite Silo Inc 771 American Linen S1_jppl1T 730.5 Burroughs Corporation 781.3 Southern Electric Corp 113.2 3 Specialty 7350-3 Quadels Inc 730.3 735 771 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Hutchinson Telephone Cc 793.3 Ellsworth. Schleeter 730*4 McLeod Co-op. Power Ass'n 205 Parson's 'Vleldinp. Supply Peterson Truck Service Stearns Lumber Company Albrecht Oil Company lNestinE-.1-louse Electric 11utcli-linson Dry Cl"aners 730.3 759.2 730.3 730.3 734.4 730.5 6-75 2.25 63*38 780-59 3-20 14-59 55-10 52-50 5.00 84.10 13-18 31-90 12 ..a 0 22-60 46.69 63*25 26 (24) Sterling Electric Co Leei Bros Inc Felska Garage Alvin Trautmann Cooper Petroleum Co Minn Western Railway Co AddressoCraph- Yultigraph EaEle Iron Works Co Art Jepsen Minn- Wisc Truck Line Cooper Petroleum Company A S Specialty Co Electric Supply Company Westinghouse Electric Citizens Bank Minn Western Railway Ruth Hakel R. E. Burmesiter Electric Alvin Trautmann Alvin Trautmann Q S Specialty Kems ke Paper Company Hutchinson Oil Company Standard Oil Company Ruth Hakel Reinhard Brothers Citizens Insurance Agency Harold A. Grams Agency R C Duncan Company Electric Supply Company Minnesota Western Railway Cooper Petroleum Company uVestinEhouse Electric Sterling Electric Company Dr. C. S. Jorgenson Carl 0. F. Christensen void 730.5 759.1 Salary 729 729 781.4 734.1 Q, 402 5.63 730.3 729 730.3 113.2 771 113.2 771 793.4 729 Petty Cash 113.2 Salary Salary 730.3 781.3 730.2 492 730.3 402 5.53 730.3 114001 114 730.3 #4 Ydse 113.2 771 729 729 5.10 113.2 771 002.3 205 787.4 205 126.20 58.66 113.16 2,337.49 1,214.00 2.22 738.75 4.61 2.25 780.23 3.20 33.79 204.50 13.60 405.20 24.58 93.24 89.54 92.52 3.20 36.60 232.20 13.23 25.03 2.70 93.26 175.53 86.56 0.37 805.33 1,550.66 1,510.38 21.92 40.00 30.00 There being no _further business, the meeting was adjourned. R. `N. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST: R. I. SKEPPARD, President.'-, 1 1