01-05-1950 HUCM115 (95) Harry R. Jensen 408, 5.61 36,100.00 ' Zila Hardware 730.3 23.29' Wegner & Gauger 759.1 17.12' Ruth Betker Petty Cash 37.83' Leef Bros., Ipc 730.5 69.28 Electric Supply Co 113.2 66.04' M. J Higgins Agency 798 52.40' Rochester Germidide Co 730.3 11.50• Nordberg Manf Co 734.1 #6 63.90' Horderts Inc 793.4 5.90' (�uadevs 730.3 4.55' Automotive Supply 730.3 2.81• C. Emery Nelson Inc 730.3 179.20 ' Am. Loco Co 734.1 #3 184.50 Minn. Western Railway Co. 729 1146.53• Western Oil & Fuel Co. 729 2010-06, Central Welding Supply Co. 730.4 1.22 ' G. & W. Electric Specialty Co 113.2 85-05' Line Material Co. 113.2 500.00' Peter & Eldred Miller 143.2 98.42' August Laatsch 803 70.00 Cletus Huhn 730.4 5.00 Standard Oil Co. 730.2 13;34 - Sterling Electric Co. Mdse. 730.3 13.98' There being no further business the meeti�nadjourned- i R. W. Ohl, ecretary. ATTEST R. I* Sheppard , President. Monthly rleeting. January 2, 1950. The regular monthly meetin`- of the Lipht & Power Commission met on January 2, 1950, at R. I. Sheppard is office. All Commissioners and Supt Youn€ were present. The minutes of the last monthly meeting were read and approved as read. The following bills were read and allowed; ..Minn Western Railway Co Western Oil & Fuel Co John Kennedy R E Young Standard Oil Company Semerau Oil Co Graybar Electric Co Allis - Chalmers Manf Co The Hilliard Corp. Leef Bros Inc Skelly Oil Company 729 1,932.52• 729 3,367.84- 759.3 4.00' 792.2 15.00• 730.3 13.34' 730.3 7.55' 113.2 153-30' 66. 6.0113.2 516.60' 730.3 88.00' 730.5 59.77 ' _ 730.3 12.33' U-6 (96) Line Material Co Electric Meter Service Co Boulay Anderson Waldo & Co Security Blank Book & Prtg Co Citizens Bank Nord berg Ma of Co Zila Hardware Parsons Welding Supply Cc Hoel's Direct Service Albin & Carlsen Drugs Wallner Printing Co Harvey Schultz Hutch Dry Cleaners Stearns Lumber Co Alrick's Clothing Hutch Oil Co 'N A Ostrom Co Thompson Yards Inc Automotive Supply Farmers Co -op C »eamery Q. S. Specialty Co Hutch Telephone Co Larson Farm Equip Addressograph- Multigraph Co Minn Wise Truck Lines Ben D Jerabek Troy Launderers & Cleaners. Inc McClain & Hedman Co L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Bernard Knutson Harvey Uaharsh Datlof 'Neseloh John Fisher Ruth Betker Postmaster, Hutchinson, Yinnesota L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer Wihite Bernard Knutson Harvey Daharsh Datlof Weseloh John Fisher C le' us Hu #n Ruth 1?etker Harry R. Jensen, Treasurer R E Young Cooper Petroleum Company 113.2 772 795 793.4 793.2 113.1 730.3 730.4 759.1 730.3 793.4 730.5 730.5 113.2 730.5 730.3 730.3 730.3 730.3 730.3 730.3 793.3 759.1 781.4 113.2 759.2 730.5 730.3 Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Petty 793.3 Salary S lary Salary Salary Sa lary Salary Salary Salary Salary 730.4 #6 730.3 734.1 #5 730.3 113.2 Cash Petty Cash 408 5.61 792.2 729 128.52- 75.00' 495.00- 5.51' 2.63 - 5.04- 9.60' 1.20' 41.18 - .80- 9.75- 8.73' 47.05- 4.68' 10-90- 12-33- 8 .45' 2.00' 5.11• 6.50' 1.50' 30.90- 4.40- 2.48' 36.66 77.82- 10-29- 1.45- 90.49- 25.72- 90 .40' 85.29- 76.56' 12.00' 99-84- 96-86' 87.41- 22 .23- 50.40- 101.08- 30.72. 99.35 - 96.28- 87.02- 12.00- 107.52- 112 .28' 92.34' 5.00> 12.91- 30,125-00- 7.00- 1,960.51' 1 1 Minn Western Railway Co Sterling Electric Co Lodes Hdwe & App Store M J Hi FEri ns Minn 4isc Truck Lines Graybar Electric Co Brau ns Peter & Eldred Miller 729 Mdse 205 730.3 113.2 798 734.1 #5 113.2 730.3 113.2 There being, no further business ATTEST: f 1i par resi ent. R• I. . � 107 (97) 1,149.98' 78.77 4.48 114.50 14.43 39.06 1.75 42.27 ' the meeting; adjourned. C��Oj / ah , ec re ary. February 6, 1950 Monthly Meeting The regular monthly meeting- of the Light 8-. Power Commission met on February 6, 1950, at R. I. Sheppard's office. All. Commissioners and Supt. Young were present. as read. The minutes of the last monthlynmeeting were read and approved The motion was Datlof Weseloh Fred Jungblut Elmer White The following Graybar Electric Co Inc Nordberg hManf Co Reinhard Brothers Co Crane Cc Cooper Petroleum Cc Hoel's Direct Service 0 A Bretzke & Son Inc City of Hutchinson Minn Wisc Truck Lines Leef Brothers, Inc Parsons Welding Sup ,,)1y Hutch Oil Co Hutch Telephone Co Sterling. Electric Co Hutch Water Dept Cities Service Station Hutch Dry Cleaners Larson Farm Equip Mitchell Chevrolet Co. made and seconded to Present Salary .85 ? hr. 200.00 .80 @ hr. ills were allowed; 113.2 113.1 734.1 734.1 729 759.2 730.3 798 Five the following raises: Raise New Salary .05 .90 n hr. 10.00 210.00 .05 .85 @ hr. 113.2, 730.3,734.1, 775 730.5 Co 730.3 730.3 793.3 113.2 730.1 759.2 730.5 759.2 759.2 5.70• 28.12 349.00 13.96, 2349-78' 7.35 ' 9.00' 41.94' 22 .52' 50.01 11.05' 12.33• 29.50' 38.08' 37.47, 2.25' 51.95' 6.55 ' 19-50' 108 (98) Hutch Sheet Metal Wks 730.4 Pink Supply Co 730.3 John A Clark Electric (,o 113.2 Certified Electric Corp 730.3 Stearns Lumber Co 730.3 Buell & Winter Eng 795 Rochester Germicide Co 730.3 Electric Supply Co Mdse. G F hemitz Sons 732 Minn Western Ry Co 729 L L Bipes Salary Norwood Reynolds Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Don Rasmussen Salary Elmer White Salary Harvey Daharsh Salary Datlof Weseloh Salary John Fisher Salary Minn Western Railway Co 113.2 Troy Launderers and Cleaners 730.5 G. B. Frederickson 734.1 Wallner Printing~ company 793.4 Citizens Bank 793.2 Hans Jorgenson 759.1 Sterling Electric Company 113.2 Automotive Supply 730.3 Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 Minn Western Ry Co 729 Cooper Petroleum Co. 729 Ruth Betker Petty Line l'iaterial Co 113.2 Postmaster, Hutchinson, Minn. 781.2 John A. Clark Electric Co. 113.2 Hutchinson Oil Co 730.2 Sterling Electric Co. 111, The Sharpies Corp 734.4 Graybar Electric Company 113.2 Socony- Vacuum Oil Co 730.3 Cooper Petroleum Company 729 Juul Contracting Co 113.2 Ben D Jerabek 730.3 Electric Meter Service Company 113.2 Nordberg Manufacturing Co. 113.1, Sem Becker 730.4 Addressograph- Multigraph 781.4, Pacific Grain Company 730.3 Minn Western Ry Go. 729 Ruth Betker Petty Citizens Bank 401.3, L. L Bipes Salary Norwood Reynolds Salary Harvey Schultz Salary Don Rasmussen Salary Cash 730.3 759.2 734.1 781.5 Cash 5,61 19.75 23-41' 53.94' 38.00, 4.74' 192.20 33.50• 13.55 2.26 1380.05 83-86' 67-71- 84.00• 79.06' 83.39• 96.00• 103.39• 90.02• 1.00• 7.41• 25.00• 18.75• 15.88• 36.19' 6.22• 1.89• 169!8.20' 2144.32' 1952.92' 15.59• 21.60 300.00- 149.64 1274.40' 51.61' 28.11° 23.32' 2,3.84' 2081.06• 112-40' 20.72• 7.00• 685.90 2.50' 23.41' 5.75' 1222.21 16.39' 10,016.67• 104.27' 30.72' 96.80' 96.28 Elmer White Harvey Daharsh Datlof Weseloh John Fisher Minn.-Wisc. l'ruck Line 1-09 (99) Salary 89.49 Salary 107.52 ' Salary 103.39' Salary 87-41' 113.2 1.39• There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: I . eppard , 7�res3�en� R. mar 1, 7-6c rretary. Special Meeting February 9, 1950 A special meeting of the Liirht and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson was held on the 9th day of February, 1950, and all members were present in person. resident R. I. Sheppard stated that Mr. Robert Melcher of Layne- Minnesota Co. had requested an opportunity to discuss with the Commission the matter of the completion of the well being drilled by Layne- Minnesota Co. under contract with the Commission. He also stated that he had requested the presence at the meeting of Mayor Sahr and Alderman Larson of the City Council, together with the attorney for the Commission and the manager of the Municipal Light Plant. A full discussion was had regarding the drilling operations of Layne- Minnesota Co. of the well in the South Park in the City of Hutchinson, with explanations by Mr. Melcher and Mr. Ralph Young of the soil formations as shown bsr the tests taken in the drilling. It was explained to the Commission that water - bearing sand was of such formation that in the event a Johnson F.verdur screen was placed in the well and later had to be pulled that such operation could not be done without destroying the screen. It was further stated that it appeared from the water - bearing sand formation that the screen would become corroded, or become encrusted, and would require acidizing, and that the production of the well would become limited. After the discussion Mr. Melcher submitted a proposal for a gravel- packed well, with a guarantee for twelve consecutive months of a production of 800 U. S. gallons of water per minute. The Commission obtained an expression of opinion from Mayor Sahr and Alderman Larson, and from the plant manager, Ralph Young,;. After consideration of all factors involved the Commission, upon motion duly made, seconded and unanimously carried, voted to accept the proposal of Layne- Minnesota Co. to complete a gravel - packed well, guaranteed to produce 800 gallons of water per minute, for the sum of $4,065.00, upon the following terms;