11-21-1949 HUCM1.04 Special Meeting November 21, 1949 A special meeting was held at R. I. Sheppard's office at 7:30 p.m. All Commissioners and Supt. Young were present. The calling of 1945 pledge orders was discussed and Commission er Dahl moved the adoption of the following resolution; "Whereas the Light and Power Commission of the City of Hutchinson issued a series of Pledge Orders in the total amount of $200,000.00 dated June 1, 1945 and C) known as Pledge Order of 1945 to Busch - Sulzer Bros. - o Diesel Engine Company, to evidence and provide for N N payment of the purchase price of machinery from said I Busch- Sulzer Bros. - Diesel Engine Company, and a0) Whereas it was provided that as to Pledge Orders num- a bered 126 to 200 inclusive the Commission reserved the M _0 >, right on or after January 1, 1950 to anticipate payments 0o N E due on June 1, 1950 and December 1, 1950, by giving o c notice thirty days in advance to the last known holders, � °N and 0 o Q 0 N C Whereas the Commission has considered the anticipation v C)- of payment of Pledge Orders numbered 126 to 200 inclusive o C;) in the amount of $75,000.00, ca o n BE IT RES'.LVED. That the Commission does exercise its N � o right to anticipate payment of Pledge Orders numbered W Q Z U 126 to 200 inclusive in the total principal amount of $75,000.00, and does hereby call for payment said Pledge Orders in the amount of $75,000.00, with interest to January 1, 1950, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Secretary of the Commission issue Notice of Call for payment of Pledge Orders numbered 126 and 200 inclusive, and mail said Notice of Call registered mail to Busch - Sulzer Bros. - Diesel Engine Company, St. Louis, Missouri, and to Central National wank and Trust Company, 312 -316 Fifth Avenue, Des Moines, 4, Iowa, the last known holder of said Pledge Orders." Member A. J. Thompson seconded the adoption of the foregoing resolution, and upon vote taken all Commissioners voted in favor and no one voted against and the resolution was declared unanimously adopted. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ]Jahl, edreta y. ATTEST: J ! `J R. I. eppard, President.