08-01-1949 HUCM90 (80) Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmusen Richard Knutson Arlen Erickson Harvey Daharsh Datlof vleseloh John Fisher Hugo Mahs Great Stuff Products, Inc Salary 97.60 Salary 76.99 Salary 87.30 Salary 74.50 Salary 62.62 Salary 96.00 Salary 94.26 Salary 87.41 Uniforms 4.79 Station Supplies 16.00 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. _ W. Dahl, Secretary. ATTEST, eppar , re en . August 1, 1949. Monthly Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the Light & Power Commission was held in R. I. Sheppard's office at 7,30. Commissioners Sheppard and Thompson were present, also Superintendent Young. The minutes of the last monthly meeting, July 5, were read and approved as read. Motion was made and seconded to have the transmitter repaired by Line Material Company at a cost of $500.00. The following bills Postmaster Minnesota Western Ry Co John Bahr Leader printing Co Automotive Supply Thompson Yds Inc Addressograph- Multigranh The Hilliard Corp Hogan -Crane dorp Quadets Hutch Tel Co Duro Test Corp G F Nemitz Sons Leef Bros. Inc Graybar Electric Co Inc Sterling Electric Co Citizens Ins'Agencl Minn Wise Truck Line were read and allowed; Postage 300.00 Freight on Fuel Oil 1528.13 Int on Dep 3.23 Adv 5.00 Station Supplies 1.12 Main Building 20.75 Address Plates 1.95 Mize Power Plt Equip 170.75 Station Supplies 283.12 Cont Station Supp 65.99 Tel & Tel 36.10 Station Supplies 34.00 Main Building 72.07 Uniforms Laundering 14.19 Cont Tools Dist Inv 376.34 Cont Dist Inv Station Supp 581.01 Ins 31.55 Station Supplies 1.39 1 1 1 1 1 1 W. A. Ostrom Co. Q. S Specialty Co General Supply Co Hutch Water Dept Ruth Betker Hutch Co -op Creamery A Ke nne dy f s Nels Simonson George Bach Hoel +s Direct Service Hutch Dry Cleaners Zila Hardware Alricks +s Clothing Citizens Bank Metalock Rep. Sery Inc Western Union Troy Launderers & Ciea L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Richard Knutson Arlen Erickson Harvey Daharsh Datlof Weseloh John Fisher Standard Oil Co R. E Young Western Oil & Fuel Co Minn Wes #ern Ry Cc L L Bipes Norwood Reynolds Harvey Schultz Don Rasmussen Elmer White Richard Knutson Harvey Daharsh Datlof Weseloh John Fisher Graybar Electric Co I John A Clark Electric R. B Whitacre & Co Inc The Hilliard Corp Nordberg Manf Co. R. B. Whitacre & Co I Slaw-Wise. Truck Line Railway Express Agency H. M. Schmidt R E Young Pt rli lectric Co Station Supp & Station Supp (Void) Water Petty Cash ss'n Bldg Main Uniforms Tools Gas & Oil Station Rep. & Main Laundering Station Supp Uniforms Exbha nge Unit #5, #6. Station Supp ners Laundry Salary Sa lary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Statft►n Supplie Exp of Gen Off Engine Fuel Engine Fuel Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary Salary In Mdse Dist Inv Co Dist Inv D4*4 *3 Station Eng Inv #5 ,R Station Supp l' In Station Supp Dist Inv Cont Eng Inv Eng Inv Mime Exp of Gen Cont Peter Nfe men Station Exp There being no further business th AN Exp Bldg Main Truck Bldg Main s Emp Supp Station Supp ; m Off Emp e meeting adjourned. (L� " R. W. ahl, Secretary*-- 4� L (81) 6.04 3.00 58.38 28.37 3.20 19.46 11.35 56.45 10.50 50.90 29.79 18.14 10.57 600.00 1.05 16.42 90.49 98.42 92.65 85.29 76.77 77.60 55.90 101.76 103.39 87.31 12.53 7.00 7238.44 2411.77 95.49 61.44 90.40 90.29 81.77 83.90 99.84 103.39 92.34 11.86 290.69 4.97 88.00 52.00 2.72 1947 91.45 58.67 '� 20.500 55.00